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Malfoy Manor was every bit as imposing as Jane remembered it being, with its vast gardens and flowery lanes, the grand gates and the high windows, a building that was a fine mixture of marble and wood that couldn't be described as anything less than beautiful. She had visited the Manor only one time before, during last year's ball, and she had made sure to commit every crevice of the house she had seen to memory. It was by far the most impressing household she had ever been to. She doubted that would change.

Beside her, Draco Malfoy noted her expression with slight amusement and the girl, too in awe with the sight in front of her, forgot to let go of his hand from the moment they had disapparated. He didn't say a word. Instead, he waited until she had stopped admiring his home or for Scorpius to shake her out of her trance. Whichever happened first. In the end, it was Scorpius's voice that made her return to reality and drop his hand.

"You're going to love your room, Jane! And the food here is as good as the one at Hogwarts. We'll have many days here, we have so much we can do!"

A smile formed on her lips almost at once as she looked over at Scorpius. "Are you going to make a schedule?"


"For your vacation?" Draco cut in as he started walking to the front entrance of the Manor, their suitcases rising beside him with a flick of his wand. She held Cleo tighter in her arms. Scorpius and Jane exchanged a look before they followed after him. "Just do whatever you end up wanting to do when you wake up."

"We'd rather we have things under control," Scorpius disagreed, "we're more at ease this way."

Draco sent an incredulous look at his son but it was Jane who spoke up with a small smile. "Once a Prefect always a Prefect, sir."

"I don't recall being that way when I was your age," he shook his head briefly as he got in the house, the two children following after him. "Your room is next to Scorpius's. I suppose you'd like him to escort you there."

With a wave of his wand, the suitcases zoomed down the corridor and before Jane could say another word—most likely to thank him—Scorpius had grabbed her arm and was leading her down the corridor.

"I'll show you to our rooms and then we're going to have dinner. We need to go to sleep early so we will be well-rested because Aunt Daphne will be coming tomorrow morning and we don't have time to spare, you know."

"I know, Scorpius," she couldn't help but chuckle as she looked around her in an effort to remember the way to her room. "This place is huge!"

"I'll be with you for most part of the day," he beamed at her, "you don't need to worry for your guide is here!"

"Stop being so excited it's weird."

He snorted but listened to her regardless and the rest of their way was mainly quiet, save for the few times he spoke up to let her know some trivia about his home. After a while, they came to a stop in front of two identical doors. Scorpius's belongings were in front of one and Jane's on the other and she didn't need to ask him to open the door her belongings were at. At once, as she got inside, her eyes widened.

Her room was the size of two dormitories back at Hogwarts. It had its own fireplace, its own door leading to the bathroom, a bed that could fit three people like Jane, and a large window. Moonlight entered the room through the glass and as Jane got inside, candles were lit all around the room, bringing her to gasp at the sight.

Scorpius watched her with a smile as she slowly let Cleo on the ground—the cat instantly headed to the bed and with a jump sat on the mattress—and took in the various emerald green banners around the room, the furniture made of dark wood and the silver embellishments on the bed and the chairs in front of the fireplace, the silver handle of the doors, the small chandelier hanging from the middle of the room that seemed to be made of silver as well. She had to remember to close her mouth before she turned to Scorpius, unable to hide her amazement.

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