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Five years later

"You may kiss the bride."

Scorpius sniffed as he watched the couple kiss, both of them pulling back with grins on their faces, gazing at each other with utter adoration. He had always known, ever since they had started getting along, the two of them would be good together. He could have only hoped they would end up having a happy ending the way they did now. He reached up, wiped a tear away from his face as he turned to the person next to him.

"I always get emotional in weddings. It's just so nice."

Albus sent him a look, yet the smile on his lips betrayed his true feelings on the matter. "As if you didn't know it would happen. Ramona and Louis have been talking about getting married for years now. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner."

"They had their reasons," he assured him as he stood up along with every other guest as the wedded couple walked away. Jane was following after them, looking ethereal in Albus's eyes with her dark red dress elegantly hugging her body, flattering her figure. Ramona had chosen well. As she passed by them, Jane sent them a wink. Both men chuckled.

"Ramona grew worried," he told Albus as they followed the couple to the reception where the party would take place. "Jane has been rather busy, so busy in fact there have been times we learn of her achievements through the Daily Prophet and not her. With the trip for work she had to make in the last minute, she thought she might not make it to the wedding in time."

"She arrived in the early hours of the morning," Albus revealed. "She scared me half to death as she got inside, too, I thought we were being robbed."

Scorpius snorted, "Of course that's the first thing you thought of."

Albus only sent him a look in return, yet he didn't say another word as Jane chose at that moment to walk over to them and instantly found her way to his side, hand interwining with his. She beamed at both of them.

"I thought I saw you cry, Scorpius."

He scowled at once and Albus chuckled as he turned his head to the side, let his lips graze against her forehead.

"One of my best friends is getting married, was I supposed to not cry?"

"The last time we talked-"

"A month ago-"

"You had promised me you wouldn't cry in the wedding."

"Things change," he huffed, having every intention to argue with her when he noticed movement on the front of the room, where Ramona and Louis was. People were gathering in the middle, Ramona was standing, her bouquet at hand. "What is she doing?"

"Throwing her bouquet," Jane replied, "some of Louis's cousins need to leave early and she decided to do it now so they wouldn't miss it."

"And what are you doing here?" he exclaimed just as Ramona seemed ready to throw the bouquet. "Ramona wait!"

They were rather far away, but Ramona, having had Scorpius in her life for many years now, was familiar with his voice and could recognize it in most places. She stopped just before she were to throw it, turned back around, expression one of confusion.

"What is it? You can take part in this if you want to, you don't have to ask."

Scorpius flushed, "I didn't mean me!"

The guests didn't seem to know what they were talking about but Ramona's eyes widened in recognition. The next second, she had turned her gaze on Jane. "You promised you'd take part in this!"

Jane sent Scorpius a glare for throwing her under the bus as she reluctantly moved to the crowd of women. Ramona, pleased, turned back around. The moment she had turned, Jane changed her position, not trusting her to not throw the bouquet at her on purpose. As Ramona prepared herself to throw the flowers, Scorpius spoke to Albus.

"You haven't asked her to be your girlfriend yet, have you?"

The joke had yet to die out five years later. Albus sent him a look, "We live together."

Scorpius sighed, "Romance really is dead."

It was at that moment that Ramona threw the bouquet. Albus and Scorpius followed its route with their eyes, as it passed over most of the women in the crowd. A few grazed their hands over it, sending it to a completely different direction, having it head straight for the ground. Jane didn't think. Instinctively, she reached for the bouquet. It wasn't until she was holding it that she realised what she had done.

Her eyes widened comically as she met Ramona's eyes. Of course, Ramona was overjoyed as she let out a small cheer, bringing a couple of guests to laugh. A few ways away, Louis was finding it hard to breathe in between his laughter. Scorpius turned to Albus with a smug smile.

"It looks like you'll have to ask her to be your girlfriend soon. You won't have much time."

"How about I do something better?" Albus mused as he met his gaze with a smirk. "How about asking her to be my wife?"

Scorpius gaped at him. "You can't expect me to keep a secret like this from her or Ramona. Albus, why-"

"Give me a week," he cut him off with a soft chuckle. "You better not cry in my wedding. You'll be my best man, everyone will see."

Scorpius blinked. "Is it your goal to make me cry a few months sooner?"

Albus only sent him a smirk before his attention was turned elsewhere. The movement caught his eyes at once, and he outstretched an arm, pulling Jane to him as she got near.

"She did it on purpose," she mumbled as he chuckled.

"It's just a bouquet, love. I'm sure you'll find a way to make it up to her."

Jane hummed in response as Albus trailed his eyes over to Ramona sitting beside her husband. She looked from him to the bouquet and back, a brow raised. Albus sent her a wink. Ramona's face lit up.

Jane in Albus's arms was none the wiser about the exchange. She didn't have to wait for long, though. The next morning, she was woken up by an assortment of kisses along her neck and her jaw, small declarations of love whispered in between each kiss, a question of companionship uttered in a sigh, an engagement ring on her nightstand, beside Ramona's bouquet.

She never would have wanted to refuse him.


Thank you to everyone who read this book, who enjoyed it and left feedback. Your votes and comments were appreciated and I'm glad some of you seemed to like the story.

This story in particular was written when I had lost something I hadn't thought I would, much like Jane lost her ability to play Quidditch the way she used to, so this served as some kind of healing for me, I'd say. As many writers say, we put pieces of ourselves into our characters and stories and Jane was one of that pieces.

Thank you for being here! I hope I'll see you again in my notifications.

Love, Olga.

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