parents betrayal leads to a thought

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Tharn sat in a chair, in his father's office, arms wrapped around his chest, peering his eyes down.
Yuri had his body leaned to the desk looking down at his son.
"I.....cant believe you and mother did this too your Own son."
Yuri took a deep breathe in.
"Tharn....she only wanted you for your money. I gave her a choice either stay here to be with you or take this 500,000 baht and start a new life. That is exactly what she did."
Peering his eyes up in anger, tharn shook his head to part.
His father took in a deep breathe in.
To his apartment, tharn laid on his futon too drink himself under the table.
This all didnt seem right. Tharn knew runta in and out, she would never do such a thing.
Drinking the bottle til the last drop, things started to get blurry. Arm going limp, it fell to the side. Tharn starred at the ceiling watching it spin.
"Runta.......runta....." He then closed his eyes.
Tharn just turned 20 and he had to invite type qiero to his house for the party.
Has he exited the bathroom, he saw a man maybe 26 or 27, talk to type. He looked very uncomfortable. Peering his eyes down, tharn knew why.
Sighing, he stepped too them to talk to the man who apperently owned a business.
Has they talked type secretly walked away.
Tharn peered his eyes to the side to see type then talk to someone who looked about there age grabbing there hand to then part.
He rolled his eyes.
Should have just left you alone type.
However, the two started too talk heavily into business and tharn made a new contact.
Nodding, the older man looked around to not see type, moving along he went to the buffet table.
Glancing over, tharns eyes widen.
He saw a very beautiful woman, her black hair was up in a perfect bun, flowers in her hair, wearing a long flowing blue dress, didn't look expensive, maybe she made it.
Staring at her, she seemed to flow whimsically. Watching, she seemed different then the other women at his party.
Taking a deep inhale, he stepped too her.
"Hello my name is tharn vamineo and you are?"
She smiled.
"I'm runta klareto. Happy birthday."
Tharn nodded.
"Who are you here with?"
She made a face then looked around.
"My brother. He is over there."
Tharn turned to see a man he knew very well and he didn't have a sister. Looking back, she had parted.
Narrowing his eyes, tharn followed.
Meeting up with her, he grabbed her by the arm.
The two looked at one another. Tharn was taken aback from her beauty.
Bringing up a hand he couldn't help but stroke her cheek.
They went to her small studio apartment after.
Has days passed, tharn Learned she was an orphan, going to fashion school. She had spent all her money on school and she had no more left for food for a week. Runta never asked tharn for any money however.
Days turned to months.
Has he went to the university, tharn started to always wear a smile, passing by type on occasion, type was over joyed he wasent picking on him.
Watching him go, he smiled to see why.
Type saw tharn walk to a very pretty Woman who had a picnic basket.
Hanging his head, type was envious of tharn for finding happiness.
Smiling he nodded to turn to part.
"Think its time to find a one night stand."
After that day, months then turned into a full year.
The two had multiple things in common, runta never asked tharn for any money, she was happy, adventurous, peaceful and calm. She was everything tharn needed at that time.
By there first year anniversary, tharn got a ring. When he went to her place, everything was gone.
Opening his eyes tharn spun a bit, heaving himself up to stumble run to the bathroom to place his head into the toliet.
After, he laid his back to the floor Looking up with a scowl.
"Can't....believe i.... dreamt of her! W early....20s on that...."
Feeling more puke start to come up he went straight back into the toliet.
After, he went to that house and didn't see her, tharn spent 2 years trying to find her to no avail.
He also then started to treat type like crap, sometimes it was very unwarranted. Seeing him smile and type even be a little happy pissed him off.
By 23 his parents started him off on his blind dates. Tharn wasent impressed with Any of them and in those 2 years of searching for runta, tharn had 5 one night stands to kill his loneliness. So by the time the blind dates started he couldn't take it anymore. He retreated into himself and became celibate.
Waking up the next morning, he got up to go to his sink downing the water.
Straightened up, he eyed himself in the mirror.
"I.....can't believe my parents....could do this....i....can't...believe she would...."
Hanging his head, tharn was fuming mad, wearing a frown.
Other then that first week they had gotten together, runta never asked him for money, she even paid every time.
Tharns eyes darted. He was very confused.
"Why runta! Why would you do this!"
All Sunday, tharn stayed in his room, working and taking care of his hang over.
By Monday at work, tharn started to think in a bad way. He wanted to get revenge on his parents for what they have done. They didn't talk to tharn about it, they did this all be hind his back.
Sitting at a board meeting table, tharn sat looking forward, to the side of him he was clicking his pen trying to think on what he should do.
Type peered his eyes up, he started to get annoyed With the noise.
Looking to tharn, he eyed him up and down. He could tell tharn was deep in thought over something but the clicking was pure annoyance.
"Tharn? Would you knock it off!"
He stopped to look to type with his brows furrowed in anger.
Type leaned his body up and then shuffled a bit, feeling uncomfortable. He took his eyes back down to the task at hand.
"Look i don't know what is pissing you off but we are at work."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
He scoffed.
"So the childish, never professional faggot has something to say with my job performance."
Type peered his eyes up, to look at tharn with a hatred expression.
"You are such a mean spirted prick! No wonder why women stay the hell away from you."
Type scoffed to turn his head to his work.
"I feel sorry for your parents, wasting there time getting women to go on blind dates with you. No one in there right mind would ever commit to a relationship with you."
Grabbing his papers, type left in a rush.
Tharn watched him go to narrow his eyes, then he cocked his head to the side, they began to widen.
He knew his parents were desperate to get him into a relationship so he could give them grandchildren.
Darting his eyes, an idea went through his mind.
" piss them off....maybe....i should get into a relationship with a boy..."
Peering his eyes up he raised an eye brow.
Tharn didn't want to get into a real relationship with a boy, he just wanted to stick it to his parents for what they did.
Then Type went through his mind.
"Mmmm." He thought.

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