bad day

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Tharn kept his eyes to runta, she kept hers to him. Types darted between the two, his face fell.
He tried to take his hand back but tharn let go to wrap his arm around to pull him closer.
Type signed.
Runta's eyes widen.
"Is there something you want runta? My boyfriend and i were just about too..."
Type brought up his hand to push himself away giving tharn a glare.
Runta raised her eye brow.
Type looked to her.
"Uuum.....we were about to get some work done. However, if you are here, does that mean you would like to talk to him?"
Tharn looked to type with furrowed brows.
" two should talk."
Type turned for tharn to grab his wrist going to his ear.
"What are you doing?" He whispered.
Type turned his head. There eyes darted.
"You need to talk. Let.....go."
Tharns face smoothed, his lips parted to let go.
Type signed to look back at runta.
He nodded to part, to then call a taxi.
Tharn turned to question himself.
You were about to get laid, that is why you didn't want to let go.
Taking a deep breathe he turned to eye runta.
"How are you here?"
She made a face.
"The security guard remembered me."
He signed.
"What do you want?"
"To talk. Please can i come in?"
Tharn gulped to nod.
Inside, he took off his shoes to go to the kitchen to get two glasses of water, runta went inside too look about,cluching her purse that was to the front of her.
Coming to the living room,he offered her a cup.
They both stood a foot away.
Tharn placed his cup to the table to eye runta.
She made a face to place her cup down.
"First.....can i ask? Why didn't you move? I can see everything is the same.....even the bed.....have you told type that is the bed where we..."
Tharn made angery expression.
"Runta! Stop! Now tell me, why are you here? Is it to say your sorry for leading me on, are you here to get on your knees to apologize for taking my parents money!"
Runta jumped a bit at his angery tone.
Tharn shook his head. He didn't like to see her afraid of him.
"Why are you here runta? Where did you go?"
Runta hung her head.
"Australia........i......had to get dont understand tharn....i..."
Tharn gritted his teeth to step to her. Her head lifted.
"Then make me understand! I loved you runta then you left without a trace! I looked everywhere for you! Even there! How could i not find you! You broke my heart runta!"
Tharn breathed heavily to turn.
Runta then had tears falling down.
She brought up a hand to his shoulder.
"I.....made an alias.....the money i received was because....."
She signed.
"Tharn i know your mad but...."
Tharn turned to grab her by the wrist. There eyes darted.
"You have no idea how pissed i am runta! You lead me on! Acted like you loved me! I didn't think for one second you only wanted my family money! Then you left me! You are a nothing but a despicable, manipulative, succubus from hell!"
He tossed her hand to her side. Runta stepped back to let more tears fall.
"Did you know......i took sleeping pills, just so i could sleep! I spent a week trying to find you to no avail! It took me months just to not think of you everyday, without pain in my chest! Did you even care!"
Runta's eyes darted.
"Tharn i do care but......i left because....."
Tharn scoffed.
"You left because you are a greedy little bitch!"
Runta's eyes widen to slap tharn across his face.
Darting his eyes, he grabbed her by the wrist too lead her out.
Pushing her out,
"Don't come back!"
Tharn then slammed the door in her surprised face.
Runta placed her hand over her mouth, to cry harder.
She left.
Tharn went to the living room to grab her glass to throw it to the wall, sitting to the couch, he placed his head in his hands.
A few hours later, type tried, for the 7th time too call tharn to not get him.
Sighing, he placed his phone to the other side of his bed.
Type laid to his back looking to his ceiling.
What is going on over there? Are they still.talking? Could they be....
Type sat up, eyes darted, bringing up his hand he placed it to his heart becoming sad at the thought of tharn and Runta.....
Taking a deep breathe, type got quickly up.
Reasons unknown to him, he wished to go check.
Paying the driver, type got out to look up at tharns place.
He was a bit nervous.
Taking a deep breathe, type went to go to his door to knock not knowing who was going you answer.
After a bit, tharn opened the door, a bit disheveled, with a beer in his hand. He looked type over.
"Why......are you here?"
Type chewed his inner cheek.
I've been asking my self the same for the last hour.
He looked to the beer bottle.
"Uuum.... how many of those have you've had."
Tharn straightened up to lean himself on the door.
He brought it up to eye.
"Mmm enough."
Tharn then brought it to his lips to consume.
"Tharn? Um.....can i come in?"
He made a face,tharn took the beer down to open the door further, to turn going to the living room.
Type took a deep breathe in.
In, he closed the door,to lock then took off his shoes.
To the living room.he saw to the wall a cup shattered. Peering his eyes down he counted 6 bottles of beer to the floor. Type signed to sit next to tharn.
They both sat to the edge, type eyed tharn who kept his bottle to his lips too consume. Types eyes went up and down.
"I.....see it was bad."
Tharn took the bottle down to look forward.
"Mmm that it was......"
Bringing it back he downed a bit.
"Tharn.....i think you've had enough."
Type tried to take the bottle but tharn gave him a glare.
He looked to him with soft eyes.
Tharn took the bottle down, to look forward.
"You have no.....idea what I'm feeling type.....don't try to take away my liquor......a faggot like you could never understand......i was going to marry this women.....have kids.....and....."
Then tharns eye widen.
Fuck! What did i just let slip?
Looking slowly to type, his brows furrowed in anger.
"I may not be able to have children tharn and Maybe it didn't last.more then a year! But i had deep feelings for beo! I do understand your feelings! There was no need to.say what you did! Drunk or not! I came all the way over here to make sure you were okay and you say that to me! Fuck you!"
Type stood, tharn eyed him.
"Where.......where you going?"
Type stopped to breathe heavily.
"I told you what i would do if you ever said that word to me again! This is done! Over! I'm telling your parents!"
Widening his eyes, tharn dropped his bottle, to go to type, wrapping his arms around, holding tight.
Type thrashed about.
"No! Let go! I'm done with this! You can't just...."
Types eye widen to turn his head to.the side.
Tharn had his forehead to the top of his shoulder, tears fell, he sobbed uncontrollably. Types heart sank to bring up his hands to tharns.
"I''t leave heart..... aches..... Please.....I'm sorry...."
Types face fell.
Turning, the two embraced tightly.
Type knew of tharns pain all to well.
He brought up his hand to his back the other to the back of his head to pat.
"Okay.....tharn.....okay.....i.....won't leave.....just.....let it all out."
That tharn did.
"Type......i have never let anyone see me look so....... pathetic......runta.....never even saw me has be such with you......thank you.....for being here.....I' sorry for what i said......truly......your....a good friend..." Tharn weeped.
Type took a deep breathe, to grit his teeth.
"Mmm....that.....i am"
Types heart sunk but he continued to be there for tharn in his darkest hour, even though being called a friend hurt him, type didn't really know why, his heart was starting to hurt. He still would not admit to himself that he was growing strong deep feelings for him.
Type signed.

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