my disappointing surprise

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After type and tharn came back once he proposed, they both saw sunti run after it looked like bok. The two looked to another to shrug.
Within 2 weeks later, they were in utter bliss with a few exceptions. Once there parents from both sides heard the news they stopped all contact. Type was a bit in shock his parents would stop talking to him drove him to become a bit depressed.
Tharn accepted has much but didn't care. There brother and sister were over joyed they were engaged and came over often. That made type very happy to have a bit of family to his side.
Seeing type depressed though, tharn started to think. By the end of the 2nd week, he came up with a few surprises for him. Leaving early he went home to set it up.
Once he came back he saw sunti storming out, tears flowing down his face. He looked to him confused then made his way to the bathroom.
Seeing bok leave also he looked to type confused.
He shurgged.
To the car, tharn held types hand has he drove them off.
Type looked to the window.
Tharns eyes darted from the front to look to type.
"Are you okay type?"
He signed.
"I.....think they broke up because of me....."
Tharn rolled his eyes to take his hand away to place it over his shoulder to pull him close. Type looked to him eyes darted.
"Type......i do not believe that for one mintue. I think something is just going on with those two. You see how that bok is protective over sunti......just let it go. Tonight please for me my love. Just don't think of anything. I have a our place filled with surprises.
Type smiled to lean up to kiss tharns cheek to place his head to his chest.
"Thank you tharn."
Tharn smiled driving them off.
Parked, the two got out for type to meet tharn before his car to push him , to wrap his arms around his neck to place his lips to his. Tharn them wrapped his arms around his body.
Parting there eyes darted.
"I love you so much tharn.......i know why you are doing this and thank you."
Tharn raised his hands to place them to either side of his face.
"They will come around type. I am sorry. This is...."
Type brought up his hands to place them over his hands.
"It is not your fault. I took part in this contract too. Now look at us.....deeply in love......and one day......will be married in a church."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
" know i am not that religious...."
Type smiled to step back to pull tharn Along.
"Remember.....happy wife happy life tharn..... or are you the wife since i...."
Tharn wrapped his arms around type to shuffle with him to the door, going to his ear.
"You are still the wife type......"
They both laughed to stop,they froze looking down.
The two then parted.
Tharn went First to look at type.
"Stay here!"
Types eyes darted to nod.
Tharn went to his broken door that was in pieces. To go over types things that was scattered to the ground.
Inside tharns face fell and his brows furrowed in anger.
Only type things were scattered, ripped, broken and everything tharn had set up, the 3 bouquet of his favorite flowers were all over ripped and stepped on.
Tharn gulped to go to his kitchen to look down. The favorite meal he made for type was all over the ground and thrown to the wall.
Turning, tharn went to the bedroom.
The bed was torn, all the chocolates and long stemmed roses were to the floor, stepped on and teared to pieces.
Tharn started to breathe heavily to fume. Looking up, he saw graffiti across the wall. It read, "faggots."
Tharns eyes narrowed to turn his head to go to the bathroom.
The water was all over the floor, the flower petals scattered everywhere.
All the new oils and massage things he had bought was broken. Tharn stood in the door way, eyes darted.
"What the hell!"
Then his head turned to see type, looking around, to look to the wall. Tears fell down his face.
Tharn signed to go right to type to wrap his arms around.
"Dont look type......"
An hour later, they had gone to foe and kata's house.
Foe had done exactly what he said, with the help of his parents, he was becoming a claim adjuster and he was very good at it. Money for them started to come.
Type sat to the edge of the couch, kata sat there has well, hand over his, to look to him in sorrow and worry.
Tharn and foe were to the kitchen going over everything.
Tharn was on the phone, talking in anger to the guards and security, he was quite confused has to why and how that happened.
Seeing what he saw, whoever did that, it was aimed at type. All his things were left untouched.
"Yes i would like you to go over every camera and get back to me! Yes i plan to move and sue your security company for your negligence!"
Tharn slammed the phone down to the kitchen counter, eyes darted.
Foe went to him.
"So......what all was broken? Any thing missing?"
Tharn turned to lean his back to wrap his arms around to look down.
"Every romantic surprise i had for your brother, the word, "faggots." Is on the wall, don't know if anything is missing. It...."
He looked to foe.
"Whoever did was aimed at type. All my things were remained untouched."
Foe took a deep breathe in.
"Do you have any clues who could have done this?"
Tharns eyes darted.
"Well........runta is on the top of my list. Could be bok an intern from our company. He left quite angery. Don't think sunti our other intern. Maybe either of our parents......"
Foe nodded..
"Well, it's late. You two can have the guest room. I can see my brother is shaken up by this. Please take care of him."
Tharn moved away to look really at foe with. Sullen face.
"Foe.....i am so sorry......i"
Foe took a hand to tharns shoulder to shake his head.
"Please tharn. Go take care of type. Well i go over the damages."
Tharn nodded to part.
To the living room, he went to type, who didnt even look up,to gather him to part. Kata looked them over to sign.
Up, she wobbled to the kitchen to go to foe. They looked to another.
"Who could have done this?"
Foe went to kata to hold.
"We will figure it out and make them pay this, it is not over."
Kata brought her hands up to grip his back.
To the room, the two were in a close embrace,in there boxers, to there sides.
Type kept playing with his ring, looking sullenly to it.
Tharn was prompt up on his elbow, head to his hand, to run his index finger to types ear lobe to trace, eyes to him.
"Type.......your silence is killing me.......please....."
Tharns eyes widen has type turned to bury his face in tharns chest to wrap his arms around to weep.
"Tharn.....please......tomorrow.....for now......please just hold me...."
Tharn took a deep breathe to do just that.
"Type.......i love you so much. We will figure out who did this......don't tell me you......don't want with me.... or....mar....."
Type squeezed tighter.
"Tharn! Please......just tomorrow! I love you......not going anywhere........okay just....."
Tharn nodded.
"Hold you..... whatever my wifey wants.......i love you type."
"I.....(sniff) you too.....tharn.....never leave me...."
Tharn signed.
"I never will type.....never will.....i love you."
Tharn looked to the wall in anger.
Whoever you are who did this.......your days are numbered!no one hurts my heart and gets away with it......nobody!

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