new rule

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The next morning was a bit awkward. Both didn't know what to say to another. Type left first to go take a shower while tharn sat to the edge, peering his eyes down.
An idea crossed his mind.
Has type showered he thought.
Why didn't i tell tharn the truth about what happened between me and beo? Why did i ask him to say that? They're is no merit to those words. That's all they were, just words. Tharn does not feel that for you......or...
Type shook his head.
Don't! Don't you fucking think that way! Tharn is straight! We are in a contract.....remember the rules. Do not feel! Don't do it!
Sighing, type hung his head to let the warm water hit his neck while he put his arms to the wall, palms face down.
Putting a pin in the tharn situation, what should you do about beo?
You acted like you were sick and left.
Do i believe it? Has he changed? Does sara think he is gay? Is he really? What could he be playing at? Maybe type....just maybe he is being very serious here....maybe he does love you.
Type opened his eyes to grit his teeth, eyes darted.
Why.....aren't you feeling anything?
He signed.
Type, he may actually finally really love you, and yet......why do i not seem to care?
Raising his head, he let the warm water hit his face.
What is wrong with me? I could be getting everything i have ever wanted by beo but why am i feeling nothing?
God damn it!
Type brought up his hands to rub his eyes.
Don't type! Do not feel for tharn! We might actually become friends after this, don't ruin it. You could just be getting over beo.....maybe after this is all said and done you could find another.
Types lips parted, heart sunk.!
After, type dried and dressed to look himself over in the mirror.
You like......tharn......
You really like tharn.....maybe even....
Type shook his head.
You are a moron!
God damn it!
Storming out, type went to the kitchen surprised tharn had made breakfest and he was sitting down.
Type gulp, feeling a bit nervous.
Slowly, tharn pushed a piece of paper to type has he sat.
Looking the paper over he saw a new rule.
His eyes widen, to look to tharn to shakily laugh.
" got to be....kidding with this....right Tharn...."
He raised an eye brow too shake his head looking to type in a serious way.
Types lips parted to look back down.
Oh god why!?
The whole breakfest was silent, has was the car ride. Type was over joyed to get to work, to his office however he was overly annoyed.
The new intern sat on his couch, on his phone, not doing he's work.
Type peered his eyes up a bit happy for the distraction from the beo, tharn and his new realized feeling, plus that new rule.
"Hey! get off your phone and actually work."
The intern smiled.
Type leaned back in his chair to look at the kid.
The intern leaned back too look at type, up and down.
"Your cuteness is distracting. Not my fault."
Type narrowed his eyes, everything came to a head.
Up, he went to the intern to stand before him with angry eyes.
"Listen here you entitled, spoiled little brat. Just because you are the bosses son does not mean shit. You can not get by in this world, sitting on your ass, on your phone not putting in the actual work. Now....daddy's boy! Pick up those files and fucking work or you leave me no other choice but to fire you! If you think i can't just fucking watch me!"
The intern widen his eyes to watch type leave in anger.
He scoffed. No one had Ever talked to him that way before. It turned him on.
To the bathroom, type went to the sink to wash his face.
Damn it! Should not have exploded on that kid. Shit!
Straightening up, types eyes Widen has tharn was too his side with a paper towel.
Types eyes darted.
Grabbing, he placed it on his face to dry.
"Why are you in here washing your face?"
Type turned, to throw the towel to the trash, back to tharn.
He signed.
"A bit frustrated."
Tharn raised an eye brow, to step forward to grab him by his wrist to lead him into a stall, he then locked the door. Type looked to him wide eyed has he pushed him to the wall, to then look down to unbuckle his belt to then un button to unzip.
"Tharn! What are you doing were at work?"
Tharn looked up to bring up a hand to raise his chin. There eyes darted.
"Want to help you de frustrate."
Types lips parted to look down to take his hands to his belt to unbuckle to go to his pants to unbutton to unzip.
Later, type had his arms and legs around tharn has he thrusted hard into type.
They both shut there mouths tightly to moan.
This was incredible.
Tharn went to his ear.
"I love you."
Type gritted his teeth to turn his head to the side.
"Hmmm mmm...."
Tharn then licked types ear.
"Remember the new rule type.....say it!"
Type moaned heavily into his mouth.
Opening his eyes, something came into his mind.
"Did.....did you lock the...."
Then Two work colleges came in, talking loud.
Tharn and type looked too another.
"Let me down! Let me...."he whispered.
Tharn brought a hand up to cover types mouth.
There eyes darted has tharn continued to thrust.
Type look to him in anger, but oddly this was turning him on.
The two washed there hands to keep talking.
Type took down his hands to wrap them around tharns wrist. He was close.
Tharn bit his lip. So was he.
Has the two left, type couldn't breathe, he took down tharns hand to lean his head up to Moan.
"Aaaah fuck I'm cummimg!"
They then both came.
Breathing heavily, tharn peered he's eyes up to look apologetically to widen his eyes.
Type was smiling
They both then shared in a laugh.
Tharn then pulled out, place him down, the two fixed themselves.
"Hahaha yes?"
They both had there heads down buckling there belts.
"You......never said it back. Remember the new rule."
Type stopped to gulp.
" never updated the contract for that.....also we never signed.."
Tharn brought up his hand to types chin to raise it. There eyes darted.
"Mmm better get on that then. I hope i helped with the frustration."
Leaning in he gave type a kiss to then part.
Type leaned back to look to the ceiling.
How can i say them.....when i may feel them.....
Type brought up a hand to his heart.
You promised yourself to never fall in love again. Don't type! This will only end in misery for you. Do not fall in love with tharn! Just don't.
New rule: during sex, say "i love you," however, don't feel it.

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