best revenge

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2 months passed has type and tharn thought through with there revenge plan. To the kitchen table, tharn kept his eyes to type. He kept his head hung to consume the food.
"Type........are you really sure of this plan?"
Type gulped to look up to lean back in his seat.
"Not.......really but......after all she has done. This needs to happen."
Tharn then stood to go to type to place a hand under his chin to turn to have him look up. There eyes darted.
"After, this. I will never do anything to piss you off."
Type smiled to stand wrapping his arms around.
"Better not. This comes from all the hurt i have had over the years.....all the pain."
Tharn looked to him with sullen eyes.
"Because.....of me....right?"
Type shrugged.
"A bit......but not all. After we do'll just be the two of us."
Tharn nodded.
"I love you type."
He breathed in.
"I love you too."
The both shared in a breathe taking kiss.
The next day, runta was to her apartment, brushing her hair in anger.
There has to be something i can do, i need money.....I'm going to be evicted. What haven't i tried? Been sending pictures then getting new phone numbers, can't get in there home, but spray paint there door, texting tharn telling him I'm sorry and it will never work with that guy.....what else can i be....
Peering her eyes to the side, her phone pinged.
Retrieving it, a wide smile crossed her face, it was from tharn.
Tharn: runta. I can not express how apologetic i am for the way i have been. I am still so much in love with you and can't anymore with him. You are my soul mate. Please meet me at my office. I want to make love to you.
Runta chuckled darkly.
Knew you would come back.
Runta: it is okay love. I shall be there soon.
Up, she went to her closet, to get dressed. To the office she walked innocently in to see tharn leaned against the desk. Opening the door she stepped in to go to the middle.
Tharn came to her to wrap his arms around.
"You have no idea how sorry i am runta. I gave my heart to him for type to crumble it into pieces."
Tharn leaned back head hung.
Runta took a hand to his cheek to stroke.
"Shhhhh, what happened?"
"Caught him.....with his my bed. I am so stupid......I'm so tired runta. My heart hurts......i can't do this anymore."
Tharn wrapped his arms around her. She Did the same.
"Its alright now tharn....i am here. It'll be all okay now."
"I am so......relieved runta........i am so happy that 2 months ago you came into my home and did what you did."
They parted to look at another.
"Mmm......i only destroyed his things.....could never do anything to yours....."
"How.....did you......get in though?"
Runta smiled.
"Made the guard go to sleep."
Tharn nodded. He then took his hands to her face. There eyes darted.
"For us to start over.......i need to know. Your not taking any more money from my parents.....are you?"
Runta shook her head.
"Im here for you tharn. I won't take any more money from them. I want to be with you. Only you. I love you tharn."
Tharn smiled.
"Oh runta.......i wish i could say the same."
Tharn then looked up to nod. Runta looked around has tharn dropped his hands to see two police officers. Her eyes widen, looking back she saw type come out from under the desk to smile darkly at her to stand next to tharn to hold his hand.
She breathed heavily has type played the tape. The two officers stepped forward to place her under arrest.
"Runta tamaki, you are under arrest for breaking an entry, larceny, extortion and stalker charges."
Runta looked to tharn then type.
"I can't believe....."
Type smiled.
"Mmm, tharn didn't do any of this. All me."
Type stepped forward to go right in front of her face.
"Now you listen to me! Tharn does not want nor love you. I do not believe for a second you are capable of it. He is my man! You lost him! Have a fun time in jail! Bye."
The two officers then dragged runta out, kicking and screaming.
Type turned to look at tharn.
Tharn brought his hands to either side of his body to pull him in close.
Type wrapped his arms around his neck.
"Mmm, i think you need to go into acting tharn. You were really something."
"Maybe......i love you type. I do not lo...."
Type place his hand over his mouth to shake his head.
"The past is the past.....let's not dwell. I love you tharn. Now.....we can start planning for our future."
Type then pushed tharn back to be leaned to the desk.
Tharns eyes widen.
"Now.....i wish to make love to my fiance."
Type removed his hand to then go to his knees, keeping eye contact, to unbuckle, to unbutton to unzip taking out his member.
Tharn looked around gripping the desk edge.
"Don't worry tharn....we are all alone."
Type then started to lick his head to take down his pants and boxers.
Tharn moaned.
"Mmm......i am so in love with you."
Type got up to push tharn to the desk to raise his legs to wrap them around his waist to pull out his member to lube with his saliva going inch and inch in.
Tharn lifted his head back.
"Aaaaah type! fucking good! Aaaaah harder! Harder!"
Type leaned over to place his hands to either side of his head. They looked to one another.
"Mmm i love you one will come between us again. You are all mine now.....only mine......i love you...."
Tharn took his hands from his back to bring them up to his neck to pull him down for a passionate kiss.
Type then thrusted harder to empty his seed into tharn.
After, they moved about, for tharn to lean type over the table to thrust his hardest into him.
Type kept his hands palm down to the desk feeling it moved with the thrusting.
Tharn then pulled his body to his, wrap a hand around his neck to turn it to the side to lay his tongue in his mouth.
Type then placed both his hands to his member.
Taking them back, they flopped to the couch, tharn had his back to it and type sat to grind with the thrusts, head hung.
"Aaaaaah tharn! You feel too amazing inside of me! Mmmn feel me up.....i want it.....want it's all mine....."
Tharn placed his forehead to his back to wrap his arms around to really thrust in full.
"Nothing......but yours type.....i am nothing but are only mine.....aaaah god i love you! Mmmm cumming!"
After, the two laid too the couch in a close embrace looking to another.
"I.....think we need to get another couch before Monday tharn. The interns sit here." Type laughed.
Tharn laughed back.
"I'll make a call. Type?"
"You know i did not mean one word that i said to...."
Type placed his forehead to tharns.
"I know love me......want to marry me........i no longer think other wise. I love you we can be together and plan for our future."
Tharn nodded.
"Together forever my love. My heart. My real soul mate. I can not thank you enough for being you and coming back to me. Also helping me take care of her. I do not wish to ever let you go. We are one now type. I love you."
Type smiled wide.
"Mmm......i love you tharn. We were idiots for so's not be. I want to go home. To make love all over again, with our home."
Tharn smiled to lay his lips to his.
"Our home.....let's go."

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