The new student

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Narutos POV

Ugh... what time is it? I think while looking over at my blaring alarm clock that I've been letting ring on my nightstand for about 10 minutes now. I see the clock with the numbers 7:58 on it. The first thing I think is it's too early more sleep. As I hit the off button on my alarm clock. 

Wait. Did the time say 7:58. Damn school starts at 8:05. Damnit. WHAT THE HELL! I ONLY HAVE 7 MINUTES. I jump up from the bed. It's my first day at some new prestigious academy of kohona and I'm going to be late. 

I run to the bathroom, quickly jump in the shower and wash myself faster than ever before. When I get out it's been 4 minutes. Damn I took longer than I wanted. So I run to the sink brush my teeth, I forget to do my hair even though I didn't really do anything to it on regular school days anyways. 

Then I put on this uniform that was mandatory by the school. Gud, I hate school uniforms. They always make my complextion look well.. like a god might I say. Like I'm glowing. Other people hate my complextion I no they only hate it because they wish their skin could be as sun kissed as mines. I would give anything to have pale skin. Maybe then people would stop bulling me. No I was just dreaming, people had lots of reasons for hating me, I am the juuri-(DONT know how to spell it) for the nine tails after all. I look at the time. Damn I wasted to much time thinking about everything and now it's 8:04. I gotta get to school NOW. I ran to my car. 

I made it to school at 8:07. Damn I'm late. I looked at the time table I received from the principal yesterday after our early meeting because she said registering the day before school starts was more beneficial to the learning environment of the student.. what ever that means. I see my first class labeled math. Mr.Hatake. 4D. I ran up the stairs , down the hall way till I saw a class labeled 4B. I ran a little father to find 4C. Then I ran even faster knowing the Next door would be the one I ran into. I stopped just to check and saw the door labeled 4D. I slammed the door open by accident. And I almost tripped, and fell when I caught myself. I was gasping for air. Oblivious of all the silence and stares I was getting from the students and the teacher. 

"Um... well. You must be the new student. Mr.Naruto Uzumaki." A man with gray hair and mask covering his nose and mouth said. "I am Kakashi Hatake. Why don't you introduce yourself.. Mr. TardyPants." 

I hear light chuckles and giggles erupt from the classroom. I was still gasping. Hands on my knees, as I realized I was I front of the whole class. I immediately stood up straight. But it got uncomfortable so I slouched a little bit. That when I realized that everyone started laughing again. What were they laughing at? All I'm doing is finding a comfortable way to stand. 

That's when I noticed a dark hair raven staring at me. He was the only one not laughing. The boy looked at me with such hatred and intensity. I was gonna ask what his problem was when-

"...ruto.. NARUTO!" I hear kakashi yell. I looked at him and realized I failed at introducing my self. And started again. 

" oh.. well hi. I'm naruto uzumaki. As you can tell I don't like mornings. I am easily distracted and I love RAMEN! I mean come on who doesn't. I hope we could be good classma-" Then I heard someone slam the door open. And there I saw a sight I never thought I'd see again. A boy with brown hair and red marks on his face. 

"KIBA" I ran up to my best friend that I haven't seen in almost 2 years and jumped on him. 

" NARUTO! How are you here? I missed you so much." Kiba exclaimed hugging me back as my legs wrapped themselves around his waist. 

He hugged me tighter and I never wanted to let go. But I remember I was still in front of my class. And jumped off of him. He released me. I looked at him and smiled a big goofy grin and he did the same. "Meet me by your locker after class." He looked over my shoulder. That's when I looked back to see kakashi staring at a porno book. What the-? Not even gonna ask. " sorry mr. hatake, didn't mean to interrupt. It's just I heard naruto would be here, in this class so I bolted out of class to see my long time friend." That made my heart warm. I looked back at kakashi who just shrugged. Then I looked at my class mates who had watched my scene. "Sorry." That's all I could manage before I felt a massive amount of heat run to the cheeks. I looked back at kiba, who was now chuckling. Then he kissed me on the cheek and said "don't forget. Locker after class. 

Kiba was the only person who new I was gay. I didn't mind his kisses because they were more brotherly to me than anything in the entire world. Since my brother died along with my parents in a hit and run. Basically some guys wanted to rob them. And kyuubi thought he was bad, and got all of them shot. I learned to forgive him. I had hated him even though he was dead. But it wasn't his fault he just wanted to save my parents. I was in the house with my babysitter Asuma because I was 4 and couldn't go to watch movies in the theatre yet with them. 

"Naruto. You may sit next to Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke raised your hand" then the same raven hairedboy With the mean look raised his hand. I looked at Kiba once more before he left the room and the door shut. I sighed as I made my way to the back of the class room to sit next to the boy. The boy hadn't looked at me at all when I sat next to him and I thought that was  RUDE. But I didn't say anything. The kakashi put his dirty book down and went to the board. 

"So today we will be learning how to crossing multiply with fractions. To do this BLAH BLAH BLAH.." kakashi was teaching. 

I glances over at the boy sitting next to me. Sasuke Uchiha, huh? The boy had the palest skin, now that I see it I'd much rather prefer my complextion over his although it did suit him well I might say. If I didn't already know the boy hated me, I would say he is quite hot. His dark onyx colored eyes, his dark black hair, and his uniform on that body, should be damn near criminal. 

I'm guessing the boy caught my stare and looked over to me. " what are you looking at dobe?" Then he smirked "like what you see?" He said

My cheeks flushed "Teme! Never. No way in hell." I looked away, and focused in on the lesson for real this time. I took out my notebook to take notes, even though I already learned this last year at a better school. Iruka my guardian/boss (you'll find out later) who now lives me and is my father figure, well dad suggested the bullying at my old school was getting out of hand and said I should go to his boyfriends school. Of course I new kakashi before I got here. But he didn't  no me. Iruka didn't want him to know he said because he doesn't want to trust to fast. But I believe it's because he didn't want his relationship to end when his boyfriend was taking care of the carrier of the nine tails, so we never met. Until today. And he still doesn't know. 

Then the raven pulled me out of my thoughts when his forehead was on thigh. And it looked like his arm was reaching to the floor. I couldn't help but over react. I pulled him up and he staggered, shocked. I had on a hot blush but it quickly turned to anger as I whisper yelled "what the hell do you think your doing? Teme!" I spoke

The boy was still dumbfounded by what I had done. What all I did was pick him up? Then all emotion left his face and he pointed to the floor. "My pencil dropped. Idiot." I looked at the floor to his pencil. And when I looked back up he had on a smirk. "What? Why you smiling?" 

He leaned close to ear, and whispered ever so gently in my ear." What did you think I was gonna do, naruto? All fun happens after class, not in class." Then he bent down again and quickly came up with his pencil. Still smirking. I blushed. Hard. And turned away holding my ear. The heat of his breathe like a ghost still there. I Knew this year was going to be interesting, and disastrous . I wasn't going to stand by and let the raven play this game , so I moved to the boys ear and whispered "fine by me!" Then I licked his ear. And moved away to starting notes for class again. I glanced at sasuke who was staring at me, shock written all over his face. A dark blush crawling into place, even on his ears. I lighting giggled to myself, and continued writing. This year is gonna be fun. 

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