I'm just putting post up everywhere

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Hey guys,

I know. You guys must hate me. I'm actually not continuations with any of my stories. I'm currently writing a new book called mafia. The book is going to my bets book hopefully. I actually already wrote out on paper 120 chapters. Yup. Now I'm typing up my story for you guys. I'm having a hard time because I actually ended up using 5 binders for my whole story and it's still under major editing. I'm trying to update as much as possible for you guys but this is currently the longest book I've ever written and by far the best book I've ever written. I'm hoping you guys will like it too I'm sorry that my other stories have to be put on hold until I'm done with this story but I'm going to write at least on chapter each day IM HOPING. Everything is getting a lil complicated as we head back into another school year but I'm going to do my best for you guys. I promise I'll do whatever I can to get all my stories back up as soon as possible.

Anyways, in the new book mafia you might recognize the reason the book is so long is because it takes time for sasuke and naruto to realize there feelings as I tried to make the book seem more realistic but still a fanfic. I'm hoping you guys love it or even just admire it, but you might notice some lines from famous movies and shows, you might come across a new ship and start shippping it. I'm hoping my book will be that good but you know a girl can really only dream. Anyways I want to say I'm sorry again. But I PROMISE, NO, I SWEAR, once I'm done with mafia I'll finish the seme and uke book then go back to my sequel book. I might write a short story along the way. Some people have been telling me to write one about a prince sasuke and slave naruto. Im going to start write that book as I type Mafia.

Again I'm sorry but please check out my new mafia and I'll keep you updated on the book progress, if you want me to edit something please leave a comment

Thank you for reading 😊

~Mickey Mouse 

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