Home room/Period 1

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A/n: hey guys thanks to all my readers, I know I'm not a good author and I make lots of spelling, and grammar mistakes, this is my very first book and I'm trying my best. I just wanted to let you guys know that the next few chapter will be all one day. These chapters will Show each period of school today. Naruto feels like this is the slowest day of his life, so I'm going to really slow it down, but explaining every class 1 chapter at a time. I'm school we have 8 periods but only 6 blocks. Home room, block 1, 2,3, lunch, block 4,5,6, advisory/ home room again, then home. Let's get started.


We were going to home room now. I spot sasuke sitting with Sakura and as soon as a i noticed this he kissed her, I felt a strong pang in my heart but ignored it as I went to take my regular seat. I sit directly in from of them, sasukes seat was next to me but I'm guessing he decided to move seats now. Ino sat next to me, "morning sunshine." "Oh, Hey, Goddess"

I noticed from behind that Sakura and sasuke were now watching us but pretend not to notice. Ino grabs my hand, and squeezes it, she's asking me a question with her eyes. I look there in her blue eyes, she's asking me if we were still on for talking later. I squeeze back also giving her an answer with mines. Sakura breaks the quiet. "So, are you to dating now? What happened to Sai, naruto?" I looked at Sakura annoyed.

"Ok there are many things I want to say right now so let's go in order shall we!" I said she looked at me confused. 

"1. If we did start dating, it's none of your business, your mans right there.                                2. Stay out of my love life, and get more involved with your own, considering that fact you've been watching all the other couples and still haven't told sasuke what you want.

3. Ino here, is my bestie, not my girlfriend, nor my side chick, if holding my besties hand is a problem for you, have one of two problems, either your jealous because you want sasuke to treat you the same, or jealous because you have no friends to do that with.

4. Me and man did not break up, but again it's not your concern , and lastly but very much not least 5. Shut your big ass fucking mouth and keep it either shut on down your boyfriends length." I finished with a glare. She looked pissed now.

"Well then why'd she call you sunshine, and why'd you call her Goddess, those are cute nicknames that couples give each other."

"Oh really?" I said. "Friends can't give each other nicknames now huh? Only couples? Then what's your cute nickname, billboard brow? Man body? Yoda without the wisdom? Banshee? Tie-die bitch? Burnt bubblegum?" By the time I named the first few nicknames that came to my head when thinking of her, I realized the whole class was listening to our conversation, and started laughing, even the teacher. She looked around and was now even more pissed. She stood up and walked around her table still she was standing right in front of me, I noticed she was gonna hit me, so ino went to let my hand go to defend myself, but I squeezed it, reassuring her I would be fine. And smirked at Sakura awaiting her attempt at violence. She tried to swing faster this time so I couldn't dodge remember my reflexes probably from the last time, but I'm too good, I grabbed her wrist right before she touched my face, and twisted it making it seem like I was going to break it. That's when the whole class gasped. "Ow, ow, ow! Stop your going to break it!" She yelled. I then let go of both her wrist and ino's hand. "Sit down, burnt bubblegum, I'm too much for you to handle, next time I won't be so forgiving." I gave her a hard and cold sinister glare. She trembled and couldn't move. She then backed up into someone sitting behind her, the person pushed her forward, and she landed on the desk in front of ino. Who was shocked by the events that were unfolding. Now the whole class was silent watching the scene play out. The teacher sitting in his chair, reading his porno book for the whole period as always, it's a good thing home room and 1st period are in the same class. 

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