Meeting Sai/unconscious Sakura

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It's lunch time. I found out all my classes are with the bastard Uchiha. He's super bi polar I tell you, one minute he's playfully flirting, although I can't seem to think it may not be playful- no naruto, your the one who's not playing, don't go getting your hopes that he could actually feel the same for you. 

Well, in this school you eat outside, they have tables and umbrellas set up, I feel like this is  more of a vacation house than a school, earlier today, I saw a indoor pool for gym class, or free period, I saw lounge area, with a pool table and some arcade games. I mean this place shouldn't be considered a school but as I noticed all these cool places I never saw sasuke, though we had free period the same time. I mean where is he when we are actually allowed to have fun. I pushed the thought of sasuke away. I was looking for Kiba when this tall kid about 2 inches taller than me maybe came up to me with a crooked smile in place.

"Damn! If I'd known the cute new kid had a fat ass too I would have called dibs before school started, no doubt you'll be claimed as mines soon but still!" The dark haired boy stated. I noticed his eyes where the same onyx color as sasukes, and his hair was the same color as well, but not the same style, sasukes style looked like a duckbutt, that was for sure while this kid had his hair done nicely down, although I didn't like it, it was to neat for my liking. I blushed at the boys words, and locked eyes with they formal looking boy. Then I turned away again "what are looking for cutie? Somewhere to sit." He lifted my chin with his index finger so I could face him, "you could sit on my lap if it makes you feel any better." I blushed darkly in his fingers. And once again turned away. I noticed Kiba walking up to me and started after me as well when the boy caught my hand. "Hey, listen we should hang out! What's your name?" "It's only common curtesy to give someone your name before asking someone else's!" I said I pulled my hand away and faced him "feisty blonds. Cute! Well I'm Sai." "Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki." "It's nice to meet you Naruto-kun" 

I blushed again, and slowly turned away, I needed to get away the look in his eyes looks like he's going to devour me where I stand. "Nice meeting you to Sai- sama" then right when I looked behind me Kiba was standing there. "Hey Uzumaki. You kept me waiting at the table," "I was looking for you but then I got distracted" 

Sai interrupted "nice! I'm the distraction" then he winked at me and walked away. I turned back to Kiba who was giving me a questioning look then I noticed some realization in his eyes. "Oh- wait! You and Sai! Naruto that guys just a fuckboy I'd stay away" I gave him a look of "what the fuck is wrong with you?" And sighed. "Never even crosses my mind to think of the pervert like that." Then from the corner of my eyes I saw a very angry looking Uchiha, it didn't seem like he was staring at me, but when my eyes traveled in the direction his were I saw Sai. I wonder? Then I looked back at sasuke, he caught my glance and looked at me, his expression changed so fast if I hadn't been looking at his face Before I would have seriously questioned if his face was ever angry looking. He now looked at me with analysis in his eyes. That's when Kiba grabbed my attention again. "Oi, I wouldn't go for that either. He's worse than Sai" I now looked Kiba, and all I could think about was sasukes smirk. How it warmed my heart, and all I wanted was to touch those gentle lips. My mouth went dry at the thought, and I bit my lip to stop my train of thought and getting backup to the task at hand. Enjoying lunch time! 

I looked at Kiba who had been staring at me. I grabbed his hand and started outside from that cafeteria, where we were supposed to grab our food. "So where do we sit" I asked him. "Over there" he pointed to a table with lots of people. 1 I had just met. Sai. When did he go sit down. I started to the table. When we reached the table I realized kibas hand was still in mines so I let go so he could sit as well.

At the table I saw many people:

A girl with pink hair and emerald colored eyes, she wasn't very attractive, in fact quite the opposite. Her uniform looked terrible. 

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