Mission 2

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After school today I was satisfied with my work. I had successfully had sasuke drooling every time he saw me or completely upset at me for being with Sai. 

I realized I wanted to clean over my house one good time since ino was coming today so I could tell her everything. I don't know but I have a great feeling that me and ino, we will be somewhat very close in the future, I can even see her as my girl bestie.  I pulled out my phone to text ino, she named herself the blond goddess in my contacts but in parentheses ino. I chuckled. 

Me: Hey ino, so I was thinking we could meet up at mines around 4:00, 4:30 

BlondGoddess(Ino): Lol, sure SexiestBlondEva(Naru).😂

I then remembered the contact name I put myself under 😰and laughed again while walking to the parking lot to my car. 

Me: yeah, yeah, BlondGoddess(Ino). 😉

BlondGoddess(Ino): oh.. yeah... I completely forgot. 😐

Me: No... Really? 😏

BlondGoddess(Ino): uhh.. no judgement naru.🤦🏽‍♀️

Me: whatever you say Godess.😂😂

BlondGoddess(ino): why call me that? ⁉️

Me: gotta  call you something for short. 🙃

BlondGoddess(ino): yeah, yeah, sunshine. 😅

I blushed at the nickname. The last time I was called sunshine was a long time ago, by my boss. I then noticed a very pissed off raven stomping his way over to my car. I texted ino one more time noting I wouldn't get another chance for the next few minutes.

Me: cute nickname , talk to you later Goddess, text you my adress soon. ✌🏽

Then my phone buzzes and I noticed the sign almost immediately. It wasn't a text message or a phone call but an alert, I had a mission, RIGHT NOW!? was all I could think, when my phone was yanked out my hand. I looked up to see the Uchiha with MY PHONE in HIS HAND! You see there are things that people might be ok with. 

1. Calling them names

2. Making fun of them

3. Maybe even abusing them

But all mercy flies out the window when you take someone's PHONE!

The alert was now beeping slowly and I knew once it beeped the fifth time the file would come to my phone. I had to get my phone back, and now! I grabbed the Uchiha's neck, and shoved his neck down, catching him off guard he bent like rubber. I then stuck one foot over his head, like I was a child he could carry on his neck, I put no weight on it though as I grabbed his wrist and took the phone fast.

I was the being lifted into the air, as I realized sasuke was trying to pull up. I shoved his head down again, this time so hard he fell to the ground, but I had to get out of here, my boss was calling and there was no time for distractions. I quickly ran to the drivers seat of my car when I heard sasuke call my name. "Naruto,— you DOBE!" I smirk as I get in the car and noticed him get up from the ground. He dusted his clothing and glanced over at me, then he sent daggers with his eyes through the windows, and I began to drive away. I had to go, or else I wouldn't be able to make it back by 4, or 4:30. I look over the file, because I knew I had An extra pair of my uniform in my car in the trunk. So I could change in the car. When A phone call popped up and it was my boss. I put the phone on speaker. 

Boss: Detective heart what do you think your doing? 

Me: I'm reading the file now to see what I have to do boss!

Boss: come To Hq now. 

Me: what do I need to go there I have my uniform, I can get the mission done fast. 

Boss: your going to need a different disguise for this mission.

I was confused.

Me: what do you mean? 

Boss: HQ NOW!

Me: A-Alright. Whatever you say. 

The boss hung up. I sped to hq and made it within 4 minutes. I run up the stairs to his office. I was out of breath considering his office is on the 24th floor. I could barely stand now in front of him. "S-so w—*gasp for air*what is this— *another gasp* about a—- a new disguise."

"You will dressing in this" the boss pulled out an outfit from the closet he was in front of. I looked at it and my eyes widen.

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