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Naruto's POV

Me and James took of to my agency.

I saw my boss------------------iruka. Always beating us here, i still hsvent figured out how. "Well what's the job?" I didn't want to waste any time. I wanted to get the job done already. 

"Go get dressed detective heart and detective stone; detective diamond and detective sand are on there way" Master said

"Wait, is it that much, we need the whole team what's the job?" I asked

"Detective heart Please..." Ugh! Was he going to tell me or not!? I knew I shouldn't be pressing buttons, I knew his temper. But he knew mines was worse, though he still was my boss. I went to the locker rooms with detective stone or one of my closest friends James. 

I begin stripping to my underwear and open my locker to reveal my all black outfit with my small yellow heart on it. And my katana, that was navy blue, and black. 

I saw James already done waiting for me along with------------------ gaara (detective sand) and itachi Uchiha (detective diamond). Ita must have picked up gaaea from his class , more humanly though.  They already had there outfits on and everything and there special weapons as well. Every do you had their own special weapon, everyone on the team has there own skill set, although I know I am stronger than all of them combined I would never acknowledge this out loud. Because I would never feel the need to go against them ,unless In training.  After my first day of school, I found out that itachi had a brother, I would question his on why he never told me, I mean we talk all the time and I had been to his house a few times. I only ever asked about his parents though, I never knew he had a brother. Sasuke? I would find out more about that later. Right now I have to complete my mission. 

The boss gives me, the leader of the squad the file on the mission. He have to eliminate some guy who broke into the agency head quarters, and stole a file on something important. So important the file he took was classified. I tell the team, and we head out. Itachi our hacker, logs into the cities security to find where the target is right now. Gaara, our get away man and sand specialists (why is our sand specialist because he can manipulate sand), he was driving to now known location, and James put his pistol in his holster, getting his kunai ready, because he and I were going to take the building down while gaara goes in to take file back. Once everyone's out the building we'll let the building fall and itachi will set it on fire. Don't ask he wanted too. And the guy will be locked in a box to burn, which was James idea. I wanted to kill the guy fast but no-, "slow and steady patience is everything, young naruto" James says. Yeah because the whole block wants to see a burnt building. But the building his his Corp/business. He most likely told everyone already. So we gotta get there fast. 

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip (brought to you by my lazy ass)~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"UGH!" I grabbed the alarm and smashed in on the table. Pieces broke and fell from my hand when I dropped it. 

I got up and got ready for school. Then I remembered I'd see Sasuke today and got a bit more excited. Then I remembered his sexy smirk, my heart fluttered. And I just couldn't think about those soft lips, how they would feel against my mouth or better yet my d—! Woah, I need to calm down I can't get hard before school. I got ready, and today I was going to play super hard to get but make it hard for him to concentrate On anything other than me. So I put on some uniform pants I bought a while ago but figured out they were a bit to small and they made my ass pop out. Then I put on my white button up, but left the first 3 buttons undone, and lastly I tied my black sweater around my waist. I looked in the mirror and might I say I looked.. BAD. ASS.

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