Locker secrets

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Narutos POV 

After class, I looked at the raven haired bastard, and I couldn't help but grin as I noticed he was looking at me from the corner of his eye. I got up to take my leave after packing all my stuff in my bookbag. I remembered Kiba's word to meet him after class. Now the only thing was that I did t know where my locker was, it wasn't on my time table. Somehow I'm guessing Kiba new. I only had 7 minutes to find him and talk before 2nd period starts and I didn't want to waste anytime but how am I supposed to find my locker in a building with over 8 floors. The raven named sasuke was walking passed me, we took a slight glance at my panicked face, and stopped in from of me. 

Sasukes POV

I stand in from of Naruto Uzumaki, who know longer has a triumph look on his face but a look more of panic. What is wrong? What's doing through that head of blond hair? Then I remembered kibas words at the beginning of class. Could the blond idiot be looking for his locker. The blond was just looking at me. Now confusion in his eyes, probably wondering what has me standing in front of him. So I took this as my opportunity. I walked closer to the boy. Slowly.

Narutos POV

Sasuke was watching me intently and started walking toward me slowly as I walked backwards, only to have something  hard stop me. I looked behind me to see the wall. In no time at all the raven was inches from my face. I felt his breath on my forehead. Oh btw sasukes taller by a good 5 inches. He looked down at me and I looked up, panic started to swell in my chest but not only that. It was another feeling, a warming feeling, but I didn't let it get far as I rushed that feeling far behind me. The raven put both his hands on the wall beside my head keeping me trapped there. The hallway was empty, so I was really frightened now. What was he gonna do to me? 

Sasukes POV

I watched as mixed emotions crossed the boys face. So many emotions there and he lets it all show, one emotion crossed his face and I couldn't catch it i time as he pushed it out only showing how frightened he was. I moved to his ear. "So taking me up on my offer are we? Not a smart move, you see it'll hurt dobe, and I won't go easy on you. 

Then I heard a soft moan escape the blond, and all I could do was think about how many more moans I wanted as I through him down in my bed and messaged his ass his my coc-! Woah! Hold on, what?! Slow down sasuke I told myself. Then I listened in on the blond, who was breathing rather hard. And as he was breathing hard and harder, my pants felt tighter and tighter.

Narutos POV

He's to close, he's too close! I'm gonna have to say something to stop him, right? But do I want him to stop! Damn! I'm conflicted!! I look toward a clock in the hallway, and we've already been standing hear 2 minutes, I need to find Kiba. I push the raven away. My heart beat all to fast that I had touched his chest. And I started down the hallway when sasuke grabbed my wrist. "Do you even know where your locker is dobe?" I looked at him for a second. Did he know? I didn't say anything must have been enough of an answer for him because suddenly he was pulling me toward his chest and reaching for something  behind me? I let him maybe he was gonna lead me to my locker. But then...

He touched as ass! Reaching in my back pocket! What the hell?! Next thing I know he was smirking probably at the blush that was filling my face. His hand still on my wrist made my whole body warm to the touch. I closed my eyes suddenly.

Sasukes POV 

I reached in his back pocket and noticed a blush at his neck. Then he closed his eyes. I already missed his pools of blue eyes that put the sky to shame. He looked comfortable. After realizing my hand was still on the pocket on his ass, I grabbed the paper that was there and squeezed his butt one good time as I took my hand out along with the paper. Not failing to missing to miss the moan of pleasure that came from the boy and how he now bit his lip. He was turning me on greatly. I distracted my self by letting go of his wrist to unfold the paper that I knew was his time table, and there at the bottom of the paper in tiny cursive letters was his locker number and his code. The blond now opened his eyes, and looked at me confused as to why I had his paper. I started walking down the hallway toward his locker looking that the time I realized he now only had 3 minutes to meet Kiba. Good I don't want them getting closer than they already are.. the blond was walking behind me, probably realized I was taking him to his locker. We walked down the hall way and made a turn at the end of the hallway was Kiba leaning against the boys locker. Naruto looked at up and over my shoulder and saw his friend. The boy took off in a sprint. He was fast he could almost be as fast as me!     Almost!     

I noticed naruto jump on Kiba once again and slowly I walked down the hall, to make my way to them.

Narutos POV

"Kiba!" I jumped on him. He smiled when he realized it was me "what the hell took you so long, you had me worried that you didn't want to see me." "Why in the hell would I not want to see you" I asked jumping down "I just couldn't find my locker" I continued looking down because of the embarrassment. 

"Makes sense I guess, most of us don't on our first day. Should have told you that the principal writes small, and at the bottom." "Yeah! You should have! But don't worry the Uchiha bastard helped with that!"I said looking up. Kiba Then looked up "Sasuke Uch-" He stopped. Looking over my shoulder 

"Yeah! What of it?" I heard someone say. I knew that voice all to well for my first day at this school. 

"Oh, nothing. It's just- we'll I mean you don't really ever help anyone. Let alone some new kid" Kiba exclaimed as I turned to look at him

"Why the hell not?" I said looking back at sasuke who was now smirking uncontrollably. "I don't get along with most people, you interest me dumb blond." 

My face flushed for 2 reasons. Number 1) he's interested in me. But the second made me angry 😤 HE CALLED ME A DUMB BLOND! 


Sasuke only seemed only more pleased. I am gonna wreck his ass later. Just you wait till lunch. 

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