Back to school/ suspicious Uchiha

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Sasukes POV 

I knew it was Naruto. But why did he look like that? And his voice, way girly!! I didn't no he could sing but I did notice that when he sang he used his regular voice. (he took off his voice coat but sasuke doesn't know he even had one) Why was he in a booth with some man who look like he wanted to tear the "girls" clothes off? What's going on here?! I started walking home because I was supposed to meet Sakura here she wouldn't stop hassling me about a dumb date, and if I wanted to fake be with her to make naruto jealous than I need to make her happy, even though she doesn't know I'm using her I have to treat her good and she'll break up with me. 

I mean I've done (yea banged) a lot of girls and a few boys too, and yea when I looked at naruto for the first time I just wanted his ass. But after getting to know the boy within the few days I've observed him, he's mysterious and unpredictable. I need a person like him in my life. He's also not afraid to tell me off which everyone else is. It's like I'm the one that backs down after seeing those beautiful blue eyes stare at me, I watch them sparkle and get lost in the colors that flash in eyes as his mind thinks. I could stare as his face for days, watching the reaction of the teases I do, or even my words. They seem to have an effect on him, I just hope that it's not because he's nice and let's me think I'm getting to Him when actually he really might love Sai, or even Kiba his best friend. 

I then realize all the naruto thoughts in my head. Am I in love with some Unpredictable knucklehead goofball blond that just walked into my life? Shit.

Naruto Uzumaki, huh? 

Narutos POV 

Omg I just sung in front of a bunch of people I don't even know, and SASUKE FUCKING UCHIHA. on the drive mom the team would tell me how good I did, and that my voice took them by suprise, only gaara who for the very first time was suprised had heard my voice before, and he wasn't suprised I could sing he knew my  voice wasn't terrible. But he was suprised that I decided to sing. He knows of my strange fright. I was surprised when I remembered my stage fright but I also remember not being scared out of my mind when I saw sasukes smirking face. The way he sat in his chair all cool, evidently amused by my presence on stage. 


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I blushed at the thought. I knew only one thing. 

I think I'm falling fAlong for Sasuke Uchiha.

That night after changing back into a boy at HQ, and getting a drive home from Itachi and waving ass he drove off, I went into my house, and Layed down getting ready for sleep to hit me like train. 

The last thing I remember thinking was... "Sasuke Uchiha..... huh?"


It was morning time, and time to see Sasuke... I mean go to school. I got ready and put my outfit different today, I put on a whit tank under my uniform, and put my button up uniform on but didn't button it up. Then I put on my uniform pants, and my Jordan 11s, and went downstairs to get my keys off the dinning room table. 

I open my front door and lock the door behind me before making my way to my garage. Which car should I take today? My Porsche. My Honda. Or..... 

my other car. 

(Hehe sorry guys not quite yet)

I decided, I'm going to take my other car. The car anyone has yet to see me in. I grabbed the car keys off the garage wall we're all the keys were hanging and drove away to school. What would sasuke think of this car? That's when it hit me.


As I made my way to school I was now in the parking lot of my school, I saw kids stare at my car, others were seen drooling, and some even took pictures but I didn't care. I got out the car still haven't buttoned up my uniform shirt, because I'm not going to, and the wind pushed my hair and shirt back. I once again noticed stares, nosebleeds, drools, heard giggles, but I still didn't care. I leaned against my car as I pulled out my phone.

Me: Goddess I'm so sorry. I never went to pick you up, I know. I'm a terrible person you can yell at me all you want today.

BlondGoddess(ino): 😂 oh my. You must be guilty I see it written all over your face, I can see you from my table in the lot btw. It's totally ok sunshine. I know you were busy and it might have went a little over your schedule. Do you want to talk today? 

Me: Your such an awesome friend you know. We can talk today that cool but me, you and Sai have a date we can't miss, so... later.

She text me back after a little pause.

BlondGoddess(ino): No way! A date? With Sai? 😩 Wait, won't I be the 3rd wheel? 

Me: definitely not.

Me: im really 3rd wheeling, so actually at lunch time meet me on the roof of the schoo, we can talk up there. 

BlondGoddess(ino): you? Third wheeling? I don't understand. 

BlondGoddess(ino) I'll see you at lunch then, maybe you can clear some stuff up. 🙃Bye then sunshine ☀️ 

Me: Bye Goddess😏

I then started texting Sai, when I noticed that Sai had texted me last night. 

Sai: So I'm gonna get to go on a date with ino? Did she really approve of this? I mean won't she feel like a third party? Naruto?

I then text him..

Me: Morning babe~. No she's coming. She really likes the idea. I told her she is definitely not a 3rd party invite. She is very confused but nonetheless very exited dates at 6 don't be late. 

Sai: ok thanks... baby~

I laugh. I don't like the pronouns but if anyone asks if we're really dating they need to see the things we call each other and the hearts and shit so I do what any good boyfriend would do.

Me: Ok bye❤️ Love you.

Sai: ily2❤️.

Sai knew this Was part of faking being a couple but the same thing that happened yesterday happened again. Someone took my phone out my hand but this time read what me and Sai were saying. He didn't get to far when I snatched it back. I looked at him pissed when inside I was excited. He saw what he said... now what?

Sasuke pov

Naruto to Sai: Ok bye❤️ Love you.

Sai to naruto: ily2❤️.

When I read those words, I was utterly pissed. Did MY NARUTO, say he loves that UGLY WANNABE ARTIST Sai. I'm gonna hurt Sai. I looked at Naruto who snatched his phone back and looked at me pissed. It hurt a little, does he really love Sai? 

Well, I don't care if he does, I will steal his heart. I want this blond for some reason. All I've had in my life were one night stands and relationships that last a few days. But this blond, he makes me want love. Why is that? 

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