Playing hard to get

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Narutos POV 

After being tugged in through the lunch site to the school building the girls walked me upstairs. I then saw my home room class, and the girls somehow knew I had to go there. We went inside girls clinging to me like they might die otherwise. I already pissed, they took me away from SASUKE‼️ 

But all at once the bell rang, some stoped yelling, some poked sad and walked out and I knew I was saved at least for now!? Then some walked in, mostly boys since almost all the girl were already in this class it was hard for people to enter. They looked really annoyed too, I wanted to say sorry to them but it's not like I could make them stop. 

Then I saw a certain raven walk next to me, and he looked upset, but he wasn't looking directly at me but at someone next to me, then I realized that Sakura the one I knocked out and tried to hit me was clinging on my arm. The fuck!? 

She was also sitting in sasukes seat next to me! Maybe that's why he was grilling her, were she sits. I looked back at him and he was now looking at me. A softer look in his eyes than before. I looked at Sakura again, whispered in her ear "I'll see you later shortcake". I just hope that was enough for her to blush and walk away, I wanted sasuke to be jealous. But she had a tiny blush, not big enough I thought. Then I grabbed her chin pushed it to the side and kissed her on the cheek. Then she turned into tomato. I smirked at my progress, and she quickly got up looked back at me a shyly waved as she walked away. I kept my eyes on her pretending to check her out, still smirking but her body was so flat I think I chose the wrong girl to make sasuke jealous with. 

Then sasuke walked up to his desk, Blocking my view of Sakura, and I was thankful but didn't let it show. He was throwing Daggers at me with his eyes. I made an innocent face "what?" He continued to glare at he took his seat. "You like her or something?" "Why do you care Teme?" I was smirking internally but my face showed pure innocence, and curiosity. He looked even more pissed. Then Sai walked in the class, and I had the best idea. I looked back at sasuke who had the coldest aura around him. I then moved to his ear and whispered "plus sakuras not as sexy as Sai, wouldn't you agree?" Then I saw him glance over at Sai, who was now looking over at us. I moved back to sit back and now Sai, Sakura, and sasuke had eyes on me. I looked over at Sakura, and smirked, she blushed and looked away, then I looked over at Sai, and he smiled back. I creepy crooked smile, but I couldn't let that show so I winked at him. Then I pulled out my math homework, still glancing at Sai to make sasuke more and more upset. And I can feel the fury pouring out of him. I pulled out the math I got done yesterday at lunch, and placed it on the table in the center of me and sasuke and he placed his on top, his hand was now on mines. I looked over at him because my glance was still on Sai, and he was pissed as far as I can tell. 

He looked at me like he could both smack me and eat me. I was very confused. I stared at him back, then I smirked "you got a problem?" He looked shocked at first then as quickly as it came it disappeared as he had on his emotion mask, "yea your hitting on my slut!" I was shocked. And I couldn't keep the shock off my face. He got up and walked to Sakura, she looked shocked that he walked over to her, he then bent got down to her chair level, and kissed her, on the lips. I was furious. Then I realized the game would come with other players. So I got up too, and sasuke now stopped kissing Sakura smirk evident on his face, blush on sakuras. I smirked too, walking over to Sai, then looked down and he held his smile "Naru-Chan, to what do I owe the pleasure." I pulled him up to my level, he almost lost balance until I grabbed his waist and pulled him up short. He looked dazed, but nonetheless looked in my eyes and smiled a genuine pretty smile, the first I had seen on his creepy face. Now that was cute, wish sasuke could smile like that! Then I kissed him, gentle but rough. He was dumbfounded at first and frozen but didn't take to long to respond. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I politely granted him entrance, and we fought for dominance, I won. I almost forgot we were in class when I heard the door open and kakashi walked in "okay, enough lip locking and in your seats, Now!" I pulled away. I smirked at sai, who still had his eyes closed. I appreciated the site, must mean I'm a good kisser. I realized his hand was I'm my hair, — when the hell? I pulled away now from his grasp, and he now opened his eyes and smiled crookedly. "I know what your doing Naru-Chan, and I'm gonna do the same to get ino, wink when you get to seat if you get what I'm saying" Sai whispered in my ear. I held my smirk and walked back to my seat where sasuke was now sitting glaring forward at the board. I guess he doesn't want to let me know how much that kiss got to him, but I can See it written all over his face. 

When I sat down I glanced over at Sai who was looking at me and winked. He smiled again and looked forward as I did. Sasuke caught my wink I think and made a fist on his lap. I couldn't help but smirk at that and now try to pay attention to the lesson, I failed. Ended up falling asleep. 

Sasukes POV 

That SAI! 

He is gonna PAY! 


I glance over to naruto to see him fully asleep. With his eyes open? Wow this guys a pro!

Then I got the best idea. Sakura was throwing a party tomorrow, I'll invite him, and we can hang out at the party, maybe me throwing Sakura in his face and still hanging out with him, will make him jealous. The bell rings and kakashi endS the lesson everyone starts packing up, and soon I poke Naruto in the stomach. He immediately jumps up. Wow, light sleeper huh? He notices the classroom half empty and realization enters his eyes. Idiot! He packs up fast. I wanted to ask if naruto wanted to walk to class with me, then Sai walked up to naruto and my blood boiled. I noticed Sakura do the same as Sai and walk up to me. Then Sai grabbed narutos hand and I couldn't help but glare at there joined hands. "You know if you wanted to hold hands you could just ask me silly!" Sakura mentioned out loud. I looked over at her a smiled, not a smirk not a grin a smile. No one has ever seen me smile and I knew it would bring attention, that was all I wanted attention but not from the class, from a certain blond. He noticed my smile, and I could have swore I felt sadness burn in his aura but it went away as quickly as it came, was I just hoping it was there!? 

Then Naruto pecked Sai on the lips as the walked out the class. I stand there hand in hand now with Sakura and she started pulling me out the classroom as well. "Hey guys, wait up let's all walk to class together!" Sakura yelled. Naruto and Sai looked back at us and both smiled. Then ino came out the class looking down. Naruto let go of Sai's hand and walked up to ino. Me, Sakura and Sai just watched with no word as we wanted to see what he was going to do?! 

Narutos POV

As I let go of Sai's hand, I walk up to ino. She looked up at me. I see the sadness bursting in her heart. "Oh hey, Naruto? I heard about you and Sai, congrats."

I understand her sadness now and lean in to her ear, "Ino, come to my house after school ok, please? You will be with Sai, I put that on my life" as I backed up I saw her with a shocked expression. She looked in my eyes, my guess is looking to see if I was lying. I took my phone out my back pocket. I gave her my phone, "I'll need your phone number, and I'll put in a good word!" She looked at me even more shocked than before if that's possible, "but why would you do this for me? He's yours." I looked at her, and smiled, "all will be explained tonight." She smiled a beautiful happy smile, then she put her number in my phone and gave me hers, I did the same, and she kissed me on the cheek, "thank you, naruto" She whispered in my ear. I grabbed her waist and turned her towards Sai, she blushed, and I grabbed her hand. Then walked back up to Sai and grabbed his hand with my free hand. "Ino, I'm sorry but I got cut on this hand, and it kind of burns if you want to walk with us to our next class do you mind holding Sai's hand?" I asked completely innocent. She looked at me and understood. "Ok," then she let go of my hand and looked over at Sai, "do you mind?", he looked at me half shocked and half happy, "of course not, come" he put his hand out, which he happily excepted. 

Sakura and sasuke who I completely forgot about were now next to us. Sasuke had no expression on his face or as I call it his Darkmask. I hate not seeing the emotions that flow through his eyes and face. Sakura lifted my free hand, and noticed no injuries. As did sasuke. They both gave questioning faces. "I heal fast, but the pain is there" I lied, I was then Low high fived by sasuke, and realized I had to fake pain and fast. "Ow, what the fuck Teme!" I said clutching my 'injured' hand. He looked away guilty, did he really fall for such an act?

Sasukes POV 

Damn! I didn't know that would cause him actual pain, I thought he was lying! Shit! Do I say sorry? Do I continue not talking? What the hell do I do!? "Sorry" my mouth slipped and as soon as I said it everyone stoped and Sakura pulled me to a stop as well, since we were still hand in hand. Then the warning bell rang, and we realized we were all late, then we all ran, and fast. 

Ino's POV

Wow! I love naruto, he's so kind, but how the hell did he know about my crush on Sai? Am I that obvious? Does Sai know? Does he pity me? Is that why he let me hold his hand? But naruto said everything would be cleared up when I go to his house today! I'm going, me and naruto. I already have this amazing feeling that he'll be my best friend. And this is only his second day here. 

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