Waking up/period 4

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Narutos POV 

I groaned as felt the pain in my head. I felt a warmth cover my body a snuggled closer to it. I might have imagined it but I felt the warmth pull me closer too. Then I heard a groan, and my eyes popped open, I saw a white button up uniform that I was wrapped around. I looked up. My eyes met with obsidian black ones, they looked tired. I wasn't comprehending my surrounding. Then I understood. I'm in bed wrapped in sasukes embrace. I think sasuke understood the same time I did cause I saw realization enter his eyes and we both both sat up fast. But his arms wrapped around me pulled me into his lap. I felt light heat travel to my cheeks and turned away with a very light blush. 

Sasukes POV 

I felt a warM aura Around me and it felt like it was coming closer, so I pulled it to me even more. That was until I realized I heard a groan from the warmth and groaned in return because of the pain in my head. Wait something groaned? I opened my eyes as I did I looked down to see blond hair snuggling up to my chest. The blonde peered up and I notice the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. I didn't understand what was happening then I did. Wait Naruto! Against me? In bed? Huh? I jump up to a sitting position, and didn't realize I had my arms wrapped around him, so I pulled him into my lap. I turned away the slightest blush's on his face and on mines.

I was frozen and I think he was too because he was still in my lap that when I heard giggling.

The nurse stood there the whole time watching us as we woke. 

"I'm sorry guys" she said when she finished her giggle, then continued. "When you both passed out I remembered I only had one bed so you two had to share, you guys got comfortable fast while sleeping, but when you woke up.." she stated laughing like someone wouldn't stop tickling her. "You *laugh* guys were *laugh* so *laugh* so *laugh* panicked *drops to the floor in laughter*" I was annoyed when naruto who had moved his eyes from the nurse to me, looked annoyed and pissed too. His look spoke "can I kill her now?" I smirked and gave him a look of "if I can help!" He smirked too. We got up and immediately the nurse got up and paced her breathing, we were still smirking. She looked nervous "um.. sorry guys! Wait what are y-" She stopped looking at naruto then me, we approached her slowly as she backed up and  fell to the floor, she crawled on the floor moving backwards as we descended. She got to a corner and put her knees up to her face, her head down and Arms wrapped around her knees, hyperventilating. Me and Naruto stopped moving. She noticed the quiet and stopped panting and gasping. Naruto and I were laughing our asses off. Now we were the ones on the floor I felt tears coming to my eyes from all the laughter. Then me and naru calmed down. He looked at me knew as I did him, I remembered everything that's when I remembered that the nurse said we both passed out, wait why'd he? "Dobe, How'd  you pass out too?" 

"Same reason you did!" I was confused, he didn't know why I passed out, right? Did he think I passed out to get out of class? Or because there was too much noise? The stress? Why did he think I passed out? 

"What reason would that be dobe?" 

"Memories Teme!" He shocked me. He remembered too. No way! Why!? 

"Your book!" He read my mind.

 "Why were you going through my stuff." 

"Got bored sitting making sure you were good, I was hoping whatever you were reading was good." 

"Since when do you read moron,"

 "I love to read, mangas, comics, I study too idiot. I read quite a lot believe it or not." 

"I choose not dobe, your too dumb to study." 

"I have the highest GPA in the school." 

"No you don't dumass I do." I stated.

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