Chapter 1: Four Years Later

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(Perspective: Asriel)

A whole year had passed since I freed humans from the underground. Each of them were eager to go get new jobs and meet new people. I was sitting at the table with Chara and Henry at Human Mom's new house on the surface. She made us breakfast consisting of omelets and waffles. As I ate, I thought about how happy everyone was here. Kumatora got a job as a police officer, Human Mom worked as a teacher, and Lucas became one of the most popular humans in town. I'm really happy for all of them. However, there were some humans I wish could get more love and attention. Flint hasn't really been getting the red carpet like all of us have. People like Dr. Gaster always give him the evil eye. Dr. Gaster is the scientist that lives in Winters, Foggyland. I don't see him much, but I see him often enough to remember his creepy face. Today, he was going to be in town promoting his new invention, the Phase Distorter. He said that it can make you go back in time. I didn't really believe him, but you can't blame a guy for not trying.

"Human Mom?" I said, "I want to go see Gaster's presentation. Can I go? Please?"

"I suppose it's alright," Human Mom answered, "But be careful around that man. He gives me the creeps when he talks in hands."

"Okay," I said smiling.

"I'll go with him to make sure nothing bad happens," Henry stated.

"I'll go too," Chara added.

"Okay," Human Mom said with a smile, "Don't forget your coat and scarf."

"I won't," I replied. I forgot to mention that I got a new blue coat from Ness and a red scarf from Lucas. After I grabbed my coat and scarf, we left the house and headed for town square.

"I wonder if it's going to blow up again," Chara chuckled.

"It blew up last time," I added.

"And the time before that," Henry said. Then, we all just burst out laughing. While we continued walking down the street, I saw a little girl my age wearing purple crossing the street. Suddenly a came speeding toward her way. I jumped at her, pushing her out of the way. Chara used PSI Shield to protect us from the car.

"Are you alright?" I asked the girl. She looked into my eyes and I saw how pink they were.

"That was amazing!" she said, "Thank you so much for saving me. You're Asriel, right? Everyone's been talking about you. My name's Frisk."

"Nice to meet you," I said, "I don't think I've seen you around before."

"Maybe not in this timeline," she said, "But maybe in some worlds, we're a couple." Chara walked over to her and slapped her face.

"Don't talk to my boyfriend like that!" she snapped, "Asriel is mine! So don't you dare think about taking him away from me!" Frisk started sweating and took a step backward.

"Calm down," she said, "You must be Chara. You have the attitude like one." Chara clenched her fists and raised one to Frisk's face.

"What was that?!" she asked. It was at this point that Chara had gone full one rage over nothing. Eventually Henry had to get involved. Frisk felt strangely uneasy around him.

"Calm down everyone," he said, "Frisk, would you like to come with us to see one of Gaster's presentations?"

"Um, sure," Frisk answered nervously. We continued walking to town square. I could tell we arrived when we saw the crowd of humans and monsters watching a tall eerie skeleton on stage talking about an invention that would probably blow up in the next five seconds.

"Now, the way you turn it on is by pressing this button in my hand," Gaster explained. I had a hard time seeing what was going on behind the crowd of people. So I tugged on Henry's shorts.

"What?" he said, looking down at me.

"I want upsies," I said in the most adorable voice ever. Henry smiled and then put me on his shoulders. The view was much better up there. I had a clear sight of what was going on. Gaster pressed the button, probably hoping it would work. But as usual, it blew up. Fortunately, it was small enough that no one got hurt, but then Gaster was covered in ashes.

"Well," he said, trying to stay positive, "That's an example of what not to do." The audience howled with laughter, including me, Henry, and Chara. Frisk, however, didn't laugh one bit, not even a chuckle.

"Why aren't you laughing?" I asked her.

"It's not funny," she answered, "He must have spent a long time building that thing. You can't just laugh at something like that." Henry and Chara stopped laughing.

"I suppose she's right," Henry remarked, "Let's go talk to him. After all these people leave."

We didn't have to wait too long. Everyone seemed to have left in a hurry. Gaster began to pack his things and we walked over to him.

"Howdy!" I greeted, still on Henry's shoulders. Gaster turned to me and waved with a nervous smile.

"Hey Asriel," he said, "I see you've brought a few friends here."

"Yep," I said. Henry put me back on the ground.

"Rumors are going around that you hate humans," Henry told him, "Is that true?"

"Why would I?" Gaster asked, "Because they literally took my child away from me? I'm sure he's still alive. My little Sans was quite strong for a boy his age. But I do kind of have a grudge towards Flint. I overheard his policies, so I don't trust him one bit." Then, a little skeleton boy wearing an orange hoodie ran over to Gaster.

"Dad!" the little four year old said with joy.

"But regardless, I have more important things in my life than hating on humans," Gaster said as he hugged his son. There was an urge inside me to tell him that his son was killed by Flint, but he seemed so happy, so I decided not to.

"Thank goodness you take good care of him," Frisk said, "I'm so glad to see that he's happy to be with you. And it appears you've been feeding him well." Gaster seemed a bit intimidated by this and inched back slightly.

"Why do you care so much about my child?" he asked.

"No reason," Frisk answered, "No reason at all."

"Okay," Gaster responded, "I gotta go home soon. I think Papyrus is hungry. Gotta get started on dinner."

"Goot!" Papyrus said, pointing to me. I blushed slightly.

"I think you mean goat," I said, "I'm a goat, not a goot."

"Sorry," Gaster said, "He's still trying to learn some of his words. Come Papyrus. I'm going to make your favorite. Spaghetti!"

"Yay!" Papyrus said, jumping with joy, "Pissketti!" Chara covered her mouth and giggled as the two of them walked away.

"Don't laugh," I told Chara, "He tries very hard with his English."

"I know," Chara responded, "It's just funny." Henry looked at the watch he just got and started sweating.

"Asriel, I think you're late for school," he said, "You gotta hurry!"

"Oh crap!" I shouted. I quickly grabbed Chara's hand and ran to school.

"See you later," I said to Henry as I was running.

"Bye," Henry responded. Our new life here was nearly perfect, I didn't want anything to change.  

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