Chapter 11: The Aftermath

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(Perspective: Asriel)

By the time we arrived back in Onett, some of the buildings were cracked, destroyed, or damaged. We parked near my house. I could see the dust of the fallen monsters as we stepped out of the Sky Runner.

"We're too late," Henry said, "Willow already used the Starman and attacked the town." I spotted a nearby dust pile and walked over to it.

"This dust," I said, "It feels like I know who it belongs too." I gasped and quickly ran up to my house. I felt as if my parents were in that pile of dust. I knocked on the door louder and quicker than a woodpecker pecking wood. My mom answered the door. She gasped when she saw me and quickly embraced me.

"Thank goodness you're alive," she said. I could feel her tears soaking up my shoulder.

"Is dad okay?" I asked.

"Your father is just fine," she answered, "He's inside the house."

"Okay," I said. I let go of her and walked over to the dust pile.

"But who's dust is this?" I asked, "I felt as if it was familiar."

"I'm not sure," Mom answered, "But I don't want you to leave us again. It's important that we stick together as a family."

"I wish I could," I said, followed by a soft sigh, "But I'm the only one who can defeat Willow."

"Sweetie, you can't be serious," Mom responded. I turned around and faced her.

"I promise I won't die," I said sweetly. Henry walked over to my goat mom.

"As long as I'm around, your son is good hands," he told her. Then he turned to me.

"For the moment, however," he continued, "It's best that you stay with your family. I'm going to try to find Willow and stop her."

"But," I began.

"No buts," Henry said, "This war involves me more than it involves you. My job is to protect you, and the best way to do that is to keep you here."

"You better hurry then," Kumatora said as she weakly walked over to us, "She's already planning her next move." Henry turned around with surprise.

"Miss Kumatora," he said, "Where did you come from?"

"I came back from Mt. Ebott," Kumatora answered, "I just fought Willow. I nearly won, but she had six SOULs come to her and they revived her. I don't understand. Was it all for nothing?" Henry gasped.

"Those aren't normal SOULs," he said, "She's obtained 6 of the seven deadly SOULs. They were a group of Star Fairies known for having negative SOUL Traits."

"My guess is she's trying to find the last one," Frisk added, "Which is why she keeps trying to kill me." She pulled out her SOUL and showed it to us. It glowed a vibrant pink. Henry took a step back from her cautiously raising his hands.

"Don't hurt me," he said. Everyone raised an eyebrow, including me.

"You don't understand," Henry continued, "Fear was a Star Fairy and tried to kill me several times. I'm afraid of the Pink SOUL."

"But I'm not a monster," Frisk said, "I'm just a normal girl." Henry lowered his hands.

"Perhaps you are," he said, "Anyway, Kumatora. I need you to contact Ionia in Fourside and tell the city to go into lockdown. Asriel, go inside with Papyrus and stay safe. Frisk, Gaster, you guys and I are going to have a little talk. Everybody understand?" I sighed and turned my head down.

"I just wish I played a bigger role in this," I told them, "I hate being useless. I wish I could be more useful. I know I have PSI now, but I can barely use it."

"Asriel," Henry began, "I promise you that you will be important later. But for now, let the adults handle this."

"But, you look 13," I said.

"My appearance, yes, but my age is over 1,000 years old," Henry explained, "I promise we will come back for you."

"Okay," I replied, "I will stay here at home where it's safe. Come on Papyrus." Papyrus and I then went inside my house, where Henry knew we would be safe.

(Perspective: Henry)

After they went inside, Kumatora left to go call Ionia about putting the city in lockdown. Then, it was just me, Frisk, and Gaster.

"What did you want to talk about?" Gaster asked. I crossed my arms and frowned.

"Why did you betray us and work for Willow?" I asked. Gaster turned slightly away from me.

"She said she could bring my son back," Gaster answered, "But in return, I had to work for her."

"And you believed her?!" Frisk snapped as she clenched her fists, "Why would you trust a demon like her?!"

"Calm down Frisk," I said, "I'm sure he has a good reason for it."

"That's where you're wrong," Gaster said, "I had no reason to do it. I was caught in a bad moment. I'm sorry."

"If you weren't friends with Asriel, you'd be dead right where you stand," Frisk said, a bit on edge.

"Regardless," I said, "Gaster, I need you to stay here. You are no longer important to us."

"I understand," Gaster responded, "I promise I won't get in your way."

"Good," I said, "Frisk, let's go to Fourside. We'll go by bus."

"Right," Frisk said. Not long afterwards, we walked over to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. 

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