Chapter 14: Saving Ralsei

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(Perspective: Asriel)

Staying at home doing nothing wasn't my idea of having fun. I wanted to help Henry, but he wanted me to stay at home with Chara and Ness. The three of us were just sitting on the floor in the living room.

"I don't want to be here," I said, "What if Henry needs my help?"

"If Henry needs your help, he'll come and get you," Chara told me.

"You mean the world to Henry, kiddo," Ness added, "He wants you to be safe." Gaster and Papyrus walked into the room.

"Is the goat child sad?" Papyrus asked.

"I'm fine," I said, "I'm just a little annoyed." Gaster sat down on a chair and face palmed himself sadly.

"This is all my fault," he said, "If I wasn't so ignorant, we might not have had-"

"It would've happened eventually," Ness interrupted, "When I was fighting her, I noticed something peculiar about her. Although it looked as if she didn't take damage from me, she did actually. Something isn't right about her. It's as if she's weak to my SOUL type."

"Willow may have the strongest SOUL, but she also has many weaknesses," Gaster explained, "I did research on the different SOUL Traits and found that each trait has a corresponding countering trait. Determination has Hesitation, Kindness has Envy, and Hatred's opposite is Love, or monster SOULs. Asriel, your Love is very high. I believe it is you that will destroy Willow for once and for all." Suddenly, I heard screams coming from outside. It sounded like they were under attack.

"What was that?" I said as I swiftly got up and looked out the window. I saw lavender explosions and a little goat kid wearing a green and yellow striped shirt. It was Ralsei.

"Um, guys?" I said nervously, "I think the town's under attack." Chara and Ness ran over to me and saw the commotion.

"Let's go," Ness said, "Gaster, Papyrus, you two stay here. Asriel, you're coming with us." I smiled warmly.

"Okay then," I said, "Let's hurry." We ran out the door and headed down to the town as fast as possible.

I heard many explosions as we went into town. Each explosion created a lavender blast of smoke. I peered over the corner of a building and saw Ralsei nearby. He was carrying two red knives and casting them to make explosions. His eyes changed from the color red to more of a lavender. He was under the control of Hatred.

"That's him," I said to Chara and Ness, "That's the one who acted as the voice inside my head."

"We must be careful," Ness said, "If we can find a way to spare him, that would be excellent. If not, then I will do what I must."

"Okay," I said. I stepped out into the open area and summoned the Chaos Saber. Ralsei turned to me.

"Well, well," he said, "If it isn't my old partner. Remember our little Genocide run we had a few months back? All because you weren't done with the underground you've left!"

"I wouldn't call that a Genocide run," I said, "All you did was make me squish a few bugs and kill like one frog. Not enough to really grant me any EXP."

"But I did make you nearly kill Henry," Ralsei reminded, "Oh that was so fun! Join me, and we can even more fun, partner." I growled at him and lowered my eyebrows.

"Like I'd ever join you!" I said, "I can never forgive you for what you did to me, taking over my body and trying to make me kill. I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have to." Ralsei pointed his knife at me.

"Then it looks you have to," he told me as he smiled evilly. He then pointed his knife at me and cast a lavender crescent-shaped energy beam at me. Chara quickly jumped in way and deflected the attack with a psychic power shield. I dropped the Chaos Saber and quickly caught her right before she hit the ground.

"Thanks," I said.

"Anytime," Chara responded. I watched as the deflected beam headed towards Ralsei. He quickly dodged the attack.

"As long as I have Hatred, you are unable to stop me," he told us, "This power is amazing!" An idea popped into my head. I realized we were near where Human Mom lived. I thought that if we could get Human Mom into the scene, we could get rid of his Hatred.

"Ness, go get Human Mom!" I shouted, "We need her. We'll try to hold him off." Ness nod his head and quickly ran to her house.

"It's our turn," Chara said to Ralsei, "Let's see if you can dodge this." She put her hands in a finger gun formation and pointed them at Ralsei. Using both her body and mind, she cast PK Thunder at Ralsei. He quickly dodged it and dashed forward at me holding his knife tightly. I picked up the Chaos Saber and blocked his knife swing.

"You're crazy!" I said as I was blocking, "Don't you understand that this is wrong?"

"I'm crazy?!" Ralsei said back, "How could you say that when we could've done Genocide together?!"

"At least I didn't kill my brother!" I responded. Ralsei's face blanked out, shocked at what he heard. He jumped back away from me.

"I only wanted to free them," he said, "I wanted to free them all! I wanted to do what you did. All I needed was more monster SOULs, and what did you do? Pull out some pathetic needle sealing the barrier! I hate you so much, Asriel! You took my happy ending away! And now, you're going to suffer what I had to go through!" His knife started to glow a more lavender hue as he pointed it at me. He started charging up a powerful beam and fired it at Chara and me. Chara protected both of us with another psychic shield. My eyebrows rose up, changing my tone from angry to worried.

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said, "But it's not like there's anything we can do about it now. That's in the past. Why can't you just let go and keep moving forward?" Ralsei stood there and laughed evilly.

"As long as I exist, you can never move forward," he said, "Now, let me take back what is rightfully mine."

"Ralsei stop!" Human Mom shouted. Chara and I turned around and saw her standing next to Ness. Her arms were open and her face was filled with sadness.

"Ralsei," she continued, "This isn't like you. Even though you weren't the best child, I still see in you someone who once wanted to do the right thing. Please stop this and come home. We could be a family again. So please, if you remember me, come back." Ralsei looked at Human Mom, trying to hold back the tears.

"I don't want to do this," he said, "But you leave me no choice." He dashed forward as if he was about to stab her. But as soon as he arrived, he dropped the knife on the ground.

"I can't do it," he said, "This power prevents me from hurting the ones I love." Tears flowed from his eyes as he jumped into Human Mom's arms and embraced her. His eyes changed from lavender back to red.

"Strangely, I feel Lucas here as well," Human Mom said, "Is it possible that you are alive because he isn't?"

"I'm sorry mom," Ralsei said, "I have his SOUL. But I still feel him here. I want to find a way to bring him back."

"It's alright," Human Mom said, "I know it wasn't your fault." Ralsei let go of her.

"But there's something I need to do now," he said, "We need to stop Willow. Ness, Chara, and Asriel. Can you guys take me there?"

"Of course," Ness said, "We must defeat her together. Having you on our side might give us the upper hand. I can teleport us there using Teleport Ω. Everyone get close to me. Hinawa, stay at home." Chara, Ralsei, and I went closer to Ness and then we were teleported to Fourside. 

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