Chapter 18: Taking Action

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(Perspective: Willow)

It was true that I wanted to change, but I could not live much longer as my SOUL was just an empty shell. When Asriel stabbed me, he destroyed the other two SOULs I had left, along with the last of Darkmoon's HATE. Fusing with Giygas would mean that I would have a full SOUL again.

As we arrived at the Cave of the Past, Lucas dragged me across the floor like a rag doll. The area around me was gray and dull. As we arrived at the Devil's Machine holding Giygas, I stood up.

"With his power, I will be able to be full again," I said to Lucas, "I only have minutes left before I'm gone for good. Giygas! Lend me your power." I threw my scythe at the Devil's Machine and broke Giygas free. Then, I absorbed his power by sucking it in to my SOUL's empty shell. My body began to change as well. The white in my eyes became blood red as the pupils remained Lavender. My skin turned gray and clammy. My outfit changed from lavender and silver to pink and lavender. My lavender hair now had blood red streaks in it. I was no longer the SOUL of Hatred. I was the SOUL of Evil. With our powers combined, I became more powerful than I already was. However, my mind was no longer stable. I purely thought about evil, and only evil. My chances of becoming a good person were gone. My mind had only one thing in mind, to kill everyone. I wanted to start a war against all monsters and humans. Having Lucas under my control and an army of Starman, I could not fail, unless Asriel showed up again. His Love was still stronger than my Hatred.

"Lucas," I said, "We're leaving now. You will find Ralsei and take back your other half and I will try to start another invasion across Eagleland."

"Of course," Lucas said. Then, we teleported away. I headed for Twoson and Lucas headed for Mt. Ebott.


(Perspective: Asriel)

I was crying for about an hour or so before I heard footsteps walk up from behind me.

"I thought I'd find you here," Human Mom said. I turned around and jumped into her arms.

"I couldn't do it," I told her, "I couldn't beat her. I couldn't kill her. It was wrong. I spared her, but then Lucas showed up and took her away. I have a feeling that something terrible is going to happen." I looked beside her leg and saw Gaster and Papyrus. Papyrus waved at me.

"Hello goat!" Papyrus said with excitement.

"Human Mom?" I asked, "What are they doing here?"

"I believe I have a way to stop Willow," Gaster explained, "You see, over the years I have been trying to learn PSI, and I learned this trick called PSI Magnet. It's a move that drains the energy from any being with magic or PSI. Since she uses a lot of magic, we could drain it and leave her vulnerable."

"That might not be a bad idea," Human Mom agreed, "Gaster and I discussed about this while we were walking in Twoson. He's actually a pretty smart guy, and he's really nice once you get to know him."

"That's cool," I said, "I wanna go home now. Can we go home?" Hinawa smiled at me.

"I'm sure that will be fine," she told me. I grabbed her hand and then she walked me out of Peaceful Rest Valley.

As we arrived in Twoson, people were running and screaming from the Starman that showed up out of nowhere. I looked ahead at Burglin Park and saw a pink figure with gray skin destroying the vendors.

"It's Willow!" I told Human Mom quietly, "We need to go back and hide."

"No," Human Mom said confidently, "I'm tired of hiding. It's time I show these Starman what I can do." She ran forward and started casting PK Fire at the Starman. Gaster put his hand on my shoulder.

"Stay here and protect Papyrus," he told me. He ran over to Hinawa and joined her. I just stood there and watched as they took out several of the Starman using various PSI elements. But after a while, both of them became surrounded by Starman. Papyrus hid behind my leg as he shivered.

"Daddy?" he said, "What's going to happen to you?" I looked forward. I couldn't stand and do nothing. I pointed my finger out and cast PK Thunder at all of the Starman, knocking them out.

"Thanks," Gaster said, "We need to hide someplace safe and keep you two safe."

"Let's go to Happy Happy Village," Human Mom suggested, "That place is pretty hidden and isolated from everywhere else. While we're there, we'll need to contact Jeff and a few others."

"Okay," I said. The four of us went back to Peaceful Rest Valley and to Happy Happy Village.


(Perspective: Jeff)

I was working at my desk, well more like reading manga. I really had nothing better to do. After finishing Ionia NEO's final design, I became extremely exhausted. About 15 minutes later, I got a phone call from Lady Hinawa.

"Yes?" I answered as I picked up my cell phone.

"Jeff, we need your help," Hinawa replied, "Willow is attacking Twoson. There is an army of Starman outside and we need your help to make sure the people are safe. Do you think you could evacuate them to safety or something?" I stood up from my desk with confidence.

"No," I told her, "I'm sick of hiding in the shadows. I will fight Willow myself. Contact Ness and the others in Fourside. And if I die, I'll be glad knowing I died a hero instead of living in the guilt of standing there doing nothing. Please keep Asriel safe. I'm heading out." I hung up and then walked out the door, grabbing my utility backpack and heavy bazooka on the way out.

As I arrived at Twoson, I saw The Lavender Demon with my very own eyes, destroying the town with everything she had.

"Stop right there!" I shouted at her, "Your time destroying things is over!" Willow turned to me and smiled evilly.

"What are you going to do about it?" she asked me, "You're only as strong as that bazooka makes you!"

"I may only have my weapons to depend on, but I will use them to defeat you," Jeff explained. I pointed it at her and fired a bullet at her. It created an explosion, but Willow remained unharmed. I gasped with fear.

"What are you?" I asked her, "And how are you so strong?"

"I am the SOUL of Evil," she told me, "And I need your SOUL!" She dashed forward and swung her scythe at me. But before she could hit me, some mysterious power began to pull her back. I looked over and saw Poo using up all of his PSI to hold her back.

"Poo?! What are you doing here?!" I asked him.

"Well, I couldn't just let you die here," Poo answered, "Besides, you know you need my help." Suddenly, a blast of PK Freeze was fired at Willow from the distance, knocking her back into Everdred's House. I looked over to the left and saw Paula running towards us.

"It's time that I help too," she said, "I learned she was the one responsible for the death of Dr. Andonuts."

"I may have been the cause of all of this, but what are you going to do about it?" Willow asked, "You barely have enough power to leave a dent in me."

"You're right," Jeff said, "But he can deal more damage." Suddenly, Ness teleported into the scene and casted a dark elemental attack at her, weakening her significantly. Ralsei and Chara watched closely behind him.

"So, you've been busy, huh?" Ness asked, "I think you're going to have a bad time now." Willow looked and saw Ness, Paula, Poo, and me.

"The chosen four are all here?!" she said with surprise, followed by and evil laughter as she stood up, "So be it then!" Suddenly, a bunch of Starman teleported behind her.

"Once I snap my fingers, you'll be dead!" she said, "I win!" Ness smiled as if he knew something we didn't.

"Oh, but you see, we were just stalling for time," he told her, "Your real threat, is right there." He pointed behind us, and out appeared Asriel flying towards her while tightly holding the Chaos Saber. 

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