Chapter 6: SOUL of Hatred

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(Perspective: Asriel)

When I got home that night, I ran up to my room, threw myself on my bed, and started crying. I couldn't believe Chara pushed me. Why on Earth would she do something like that? I thought we were friends. My mom came upstairs and knocked on the door.

"Is everything alright?" she asked me, "You didn't even touch your butterscotch pie." She gently opened the door and walked in.

"Did something happen to you today?" she continued, "You're crying a lot more than usual." She sat down on my bed. I crawled over to her and gave her a hug.

"Why did Chara push me?" I asked her, "Doesn't she love me?" My tears formed a wet spot on her dress.

"I'm sure she does," Mom said, "She wanted to tell you that she was sorry."


"Anyway, I think Henry has something important he wants to tell you," she told me, "I'm gonna leave you two alone for the moment." She let go of me and walked out of the room. Henry walked in with a concerned look on his face.

"Asriel," he began, "I have something very important to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"We're in danger," Henry answered, "A new enemy has appeared. And from the looks of it, they've been here a long time. It's time I told you about the Seven Deadly SOULs." He sat down on my bed, and I scooted next to him.

"If you weren't aware, I'm not a human," he continued, "I'm a Star Fairy from outer space. This enemy we're dealing with is the same species as me. Now, my memory is a bit blurry right now, but one thing I remember about them was their Lavender SOUL. There used to be a group called the Seven deadly SOULs, but they're long gone now. The Lavender SOUL was the eighth SOUL to join the group. They ended up wiping out the rest of them, except for one."

"Who is this person?" I asked, "Who is the enemy we're dealing with?"

"It's Willow," he told me, "She's our enemy, and she will kill all of us if we don't do something about it." I gasped when I heard that.

"But why didn't you kill her when you had the chance?" I asked, "She was right there. You could have just taken her out. And what about Ralsei?"

"That's the thing," Henry said, "She's very powerful, and her weakness is with the power of 4 different SOULs. Three human, and one monster. Except... but she isn't here anymore... Nevermind that last part."

"Oh," I said, "Well, I'm a monster, but I don't have any magic or skills."

"Which is why I'm going to grant you some PSI," Henry told me, "With PSI, you will be able to fight and be stronger. Now, close your eyes." I closed my eyes and felt Henry placing his hand on my forehead. It got warmer as he impowered me with PSI abilities. Then, I slowly opened my eyes.

"There," Henry said, "I granted you some PSI. You should be able to PK Fire, PK Freeze, and Healing Beta. One thing you must remember is that not only does PSI come from the body, it also comes from the mind."

"Got it," I said, "I'll be sure to remember that when I go out to fight."

"There is one last thing I want to give you as well," Henry continued. He summoned a glowing white sword and handed it to me.

"This is a Chaos Saber," he explained, "This weapon is known for slaying darkness. I gave you the ability so summon it at any time."

"Whoa," I said as my got big with excitement, "I wanna try this out."

"Meet me out back and I will teach you how to use PSI and the Chaos Saber," Henry instructed. He walked out the door and I followed him closely.

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