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I don't remember my early childhood. It's all a blur to me all I remember is the color blue. I don't know why I only remember the color blue. "Why....why only that..." I thought as I laid my head down on my desk in world class. World class is were we learn about the different realms. There are several realms such as Earthrealm where I live and where the special forces are based. My best friends Cassie and Jaqui are apart of it due to their parents. Jaqui is the daughter of the famous earth realm warrior Jax and Cassie is the daughter of the famous couple Johnny and Sonya Cage. Her parents fought against the other realms in a tournament called Mortal Kombat. It's apparently really dangerous and deadly. No place for an orphen like me with no skills other then Martial arts and basic bladesmenship. I only developed those skills thanks to Cassie and her mom Sonya. Sonya says I have a hidden ability deep inside me and wants to help me bring it out. "I appreciate her thoughtfulness. She's been like a mom to me since Cassie and I became friends. Jax has tried to be a father to me but I'm a different race then he is and he doesn't know what to teach me or how to care for me. Still he tries. He's taken me fishing and helped me train but that's about it. Sonya has taught me how to cook, how to live on my own, and even how to fight with my blades" I thought. Then the teacher smacked my desk hard making me jolt up. "Enjoy your snooze Mr. Abel?" He said while looking at me with disgust. "Leave me alone Mr. Niro I wasn't snoozing I was thinking" I said and apparently he took it as a insult. "You getting smart with me boy?" He said angry. "I said leave me alone" I said again. "What was that!" He shouted then threw a punch at me. I ducked and punched his gut making him reel. "What part of leave me alone do you not get!" I said as my class turned to watch. I head ooos and looked down at my feet to see I was flouting in the air with what looked like blue energy.

"What?" I said confused. Even Mr. Niro looked in shock. I thought about the ground and next thing I knew I was on the ground again. Then Mr. Niro got pissed off and came after me again. In fear and anger I screamed except it wasn't a normal scream. Blue circles seemed to form from my mouth and it was loud enough to break one of my classmates glasses shattering them into nothing. I opened my eyes and the sounds of my classmates screams and looked at Mr. Niro...except he wasn't there. I looked around then down and that's where I saw him. Except.....I saw his insides not his skin or eyes.....just his bloody skeleton. "What...." I said in shock just then Sonya kicked in the classroom door and rolled inside before standing up with her guns out pointed at me. "Hold it right there Sindel! What are you doing here!" She said before lowering her guns at the scene before her. I looked at her and back at Mr. Niro before I collapsed to my knees. "Abel?" Sonya said approaching me. I started crying and she hugged me. "Shhhhh it's OK I'm here" Sonya said comforting me. My classmates all ran out in fear as Jaqui and Cassie entered with their guns. "Sindel!" Cassie said. Then her and Jaqui saw only me crying while being held by Sonya. "Abel?" Jaqui said and approached me with Cassie. "Mom? Where's Sindel! Did she hurt Abel? I'll kill her!" Cassie said. "Chill Cass. Sindel isn't here. That scream was Abel's doing. Although it did sound like Sindel" Sonya said. "We heard it and immediately ran here thinking she was here" Jaqui said.

Sonya sat me in my chair as Cassie sat on my desk and looked at me with worry. With their help I calmed down enough to tell them what happened. As I explained Cassie and Jaqui looked perplexed but Sonya..."then I looked down at my feet and I was atleast two feet off the ground floating with some Blue looking energy or smoke then he came running at me and I screamed in fear and anger then I looked and he was like...that" I said pointing at Mr. Niro's dead body. Sonya smiled and touched my shoulder. "I think you just discovered your hidden ability" She said. "My...hidden ability?" I said confused. "Cass call the helicopter we are heading to the base" Sonya said. "Roger ma'am" Cassie said and pulled out her phone. In the next two minutes a copper arrived with the special force's logo on it and the four of us borded it. Sonya then picked her phone up and called someone. "Liu Kang it's Sonya grab Kung Lou and meet us on the temple's landing pad I need your help with something" she said. After a breif conversation she hung up her phone and we flew to China to the Sholin Temple. "Liu Kang? As in Liu Kang the Earthrealm champion?" I said in awe. "That's the one. He's like an uncle to Jaqui and I" Cassie said. "Wow!!!" I said as a blush crossed my cheeks. "Oooo you have a crush on him!" Cassie said. "Shut up Cass!" I said and blushed more as Sonya and Jaqui laughed. Then in a few more minutes we landed at the temple. Sonya stood up and held her hand out to me. "Come on Abel" she said. I held her hand and we disembarked with Cassie and Jaqui. We stood on the landing pad for only a few minutes when I saw them, Liu Kang Earthrealms champion, Kung Lao his best friend, and...."Lord Raiden!" I said and bowed.

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