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How long has it been? Weeks? Months? Eons? I lost count since Skarlet locked me up in this hell. "Skarlet...always the jealous type never liked me and Shao Khan...what an asshole! Manipulated me...made me kill my own loving and caring husband....Oh Jerrod....." I thought. "What's wrong Sindel?" Nitara asked me. Nitara a Moroi, a vampire who became my only friend here. "Just thinking of my dead husband and sweet children lost in this world" I said. "You are a mother as well? I have two kids of my own. My son....I haven't seen him since he was 2 and my daughter....died when my home was overtaken by Shao Khan" she said. "I have 2 as well. My daughter is the Princess of outworld Kitana but my son....I placed him in Earthrealm so he could be protected from Shao Khan....I was so foolish to trust that man....." I said. "Love blinds all Sindel no need to beat yourself up over it we all make mistakes" Nitara said. "Even if we are bred to be perfect" I said. "Someone is coming act dead!" Nitara said and like that we slumped over in our pods looking lifeless. "Poor poor little brother. All alone here without his friends but he'll soon be with Family once he wakes up. " I heard Mileena say as she entered with a body slung over her shoulders accompanied by Skarlet wearing my body! "Patients dear sweet Mileena. He will be overjoyed to see me. After all he is my son" Skarlet said. "My son?" I thought. "Can it be? She found my son? She found Rayn!" I thought. Then a burst of anger overcame me and Nitara felt it. "I know mother dear in do time we shall all be a family again" Mileena said with a cackle as she left the room leaving Skarlet alone and she walked over to me. "After a few more hours you will cese to exist and your body, soul and mind will become mine!" She said. Then I heard a boy speak. "Ah....where...where am I! Sonya! Cass, Jaqui! Jax!" He said.


I awoke in a strange lab and as my eyes adjusted to my surroundings panic set in. "Where am I! Sonya! Cass, Jaqui! Jax!" I screamed. "You awake Rayn. I've been waiting for your return. I've missed you so much!" A woman said. I looked up and saw a woman approaching me. As she neared me I recognized her. "Sin....Sindel!" I screamed and backed up. "Don't be scared Rayn your home now. Your father and I have been so worried!" Sindel said. "Stay back witch! Your no mother of mine!" I said. "That hurts me Rayn I did give birth to you 18 years ago in Edinia before your traitor of a sister stole you from your father and I and dumped you in Earthrealm. Don't worry my son your home now" Sindel said. "I'm not your son!" I screamed and just like that my scream came out again. It seemed to cause a ripple effect as all the beakers, test tubes, and all glass objects shattered at the pure pitch of my scream. Even Sindel was in distress as she clutched her ears. Then suddenly I heard footsteps hit the ground and saw in the distance two Silhouettes running towards me. I turned to run but only come face to face with the wall. "Shit!" I thought. "Skarlet!" I heard a woman shout as Sindel turned around before getting hit with another scream except the rings were purple. It resonated inside Sindel then Sindel become a woman with long red hair and Red eyes wearing an all red kunochi outfit. "Skarlet?" I said confused then I was lifted off the ground with the sound of wing beats and was soon 7 feet into the air. "Your safe we got you" another woman said. I turned my head to see a woman with red eyes and black hair pinned up into a kabuki style.

"Who..." I said. "I am Nitara and that woman down there wasn't Sindel but a vampire ninja made by Shao Khan called Skarlet" the woman said. I looked down and saw the other silhouette come into light. "That's...." I began. "The true Sindel, Queen of Edinia, wife of Edinian King Jerrod, mother of the princess of Outworld Kitana and of you Rayn" Nitara said. "My nightmare!" I thought. Then it flooded back to me. I was a baby being held by a little girl wearing a blue headband being watched lovingly by a woman in a purple dress with long black hair. As my sister smiles at me a servant rushes in. "Queen Sindel! Princess Kitana! Shokan warriors have invaded lead by that Tyrant Shao Khan!" He said. "Hurry Kitana to me!" Sindel said. My sister Kitana ran over to my mother who opened a portal and we ran through it. It opened up to a familiar looking orphanage and Sindel picked me up. I looked at het beautiful ice blue eyes that filled with tears as she placed me down. She kissed my forehead one last time before they were taken away by a four armed tiger looking man. "Mother...." I said as I came back to the present. "You remember now?" Nitara asked. "Yes I do....I have to help her!" I said. "Let's do it!" Nitara said and like that she put me back onto the ground just as Skarlet kicked Sindel into the wall behind us. "Mother!" I said. "I'll tend to her you think you can handle Skarlet?" Nitara asked. "If you jump in sometimes I think I can!" I said. "I'll do my best but I'm quite weak from not feeding for days" Nitara said. "Feeding?" I asked. "I'm a Moroi a vampire" Nitara said. "If I allow you to feed on me can you regain some strength?" I asked. "Yes" Nitara said. "Then do it!" I said and Nitara nodded before sinking her fangs into my neck.

I thought the pain would be more extreme but I didn't feel a thing. A second later Nitara released my neck and ran to check on Sindel. "Your mine bitch!" I said surprising myself. Skarlet ran up on me but I doudged her easily and kicked her in her stomach making her fall backwards a few inches. "You will serve Shao Khan!" Skarlet said. "I'll serve no one whore! You messed up now!" I said as all my lessons with Sonya came flooding back to my mind. I closed my eyes and breathed channelling my hidden abilities. I then opened my hands as two kitana's appeared in my hands each had a dark blue grip with a purple sharp blade. I felt my hair move and heard Skarlet gasp. I opened my eyes and saw she was bound at her wrists by what looked like my hair. I moved my head up and Skarlet went up into the air. I then dropped my head down and Skarlet slammed onto the ground. "Woah!" I said surprised. I then saw a window above me. "Time to fly hoe!" I said and threw her out of it. Once she was gone I turned around and saw Sindel look at me with tears in her ice blue eyes. My kitana's vanished and I looked at her with tears forming in my eyes. " it really you?" She asked. "I kinda go by Abel" I said as I got down on one knee infront of her. The tears fell from her eyes as she hugged me. "My son!" She cried. I cried to as I hugged her back while Nitara looked on with a smile. Then we heard more footsteps approaching the lab. "We can't stay here! We must go!" Nitara said as I helped mom stand up. "Your right Nitara. Take us to Earthrealm" Sindel said. "Of course!" Nitara said and opened a portal. Together we ran through with Sindel holding my hand.

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