Ryo's service

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I was only an infant when Edinia was overtaken by Shao Khan but I still somehow remember it. My mother Sulia was holding me with a huge smile on her face as she looked down at me. "Your such a handsome boy! Yes you are! Your life will be filled with love and happiness!" She said. Suddenly momma Ruya rushed in looking panicked. "Sulia we need to go hold onto Ryo!" She said. "Ruya what's wrong?" Momma Sulia asked. "Edinia is under siege! Let's go!" Momma Ruya said grabbing her hand. She led us through the castle we were running towards the Queen's room and Momma Ruya stopped. "We must warn the Queen!" She said and burst into the Queen's room. "Queen Sindel! You must flee! Shao Khan has invaded!" She said. "Kitana to me!" Queen Sindel shouted. We saw her open a portal and Momma Ruya grabbed Momma Sulia's hand again and ran away. I began to cry and Momma Sulia hushed me. "Shhhh it's OK Ryo it's going to be alright!" She said. We saw men rushing towards us and Momma Ruya ran to the left making us follow her. She hid in a secret passage as we heard men run passed. "Oh god....oh god!" Momma Sulia said. "Hush Sulia....we are going to make it! We have to!" momma Ruya said as she hugged her.

"No! No! No!" We heard the Queen shout followed by Princess Kitana crying out for someone but I couldn't hear their name. "He got the Queen!" Momma Sulia said starting towards the door. "Sulia no! We may want to save the Queen but we need to do what's right for Ryo!" Momma Ruya said. "But!" Momma Sulia said before she turned around to see tears in Momma Ruya's eyes. "Ruya....your right! It's what she'd want us to do!" Momma Sulia said grabbing her hand. I was handed to Momma Ruya and we continued to run. The secret passageway leads out into the garden that's a short walk from the dock. We ran out the passageway and were met by Sheeva one of Queen Sindel's loyal bodyguards. "Sheeva!" Momma Ruya shouted. "Ruya! Sulia! Where is the Queen?" She asked. "They took her!" Momma Sulia said. "Dammit!" Sheeva said. "The Princess?" Sheeva asked. "They got her too...." Momma Ruya said. "Then all is lost...." Sheeva said then she noticed me. "The child....the two of you need to leave now!" Sheeva said. "If we can make it to the docks we can leave" Momma Ruya said. "Allow me to guard you till you reach it" Sheeva said. "Sheeva....." Momma Sulia said. "I have failed to protect the Queen but if I can prevent a child's death I'll feel better" Sheeva said. "Thank you..." Momma Ruya said. Then with Sheeva's help we made it to the docks and used the boat to escape. "We rode for days till we reached Strotana. Years went by a mallinia then I told my mothers I was attracted towards men and they accepted me only to be killed by an Assassin in pink" I told.


As I listened to Ryo's story I started to tear up. "His moms cared for him unconditionally even fought back their urge to save mom and Kitana in order to protect their son. I wonder if I wasn't placed in Earthrealm if I'd be like Kitana...brainwashed by Shao Khan and used as an assassin....wait!" I thought. "You said your over a mallina old but you look only 18" I said. "Yes I am. Edinian's age differently then Earthrealmers you Abel should also be about my age" Ryo said. "You are Abel. I call you 18 but infact your about 18,000 years old" mom said. "What!" I said shocked. "It's true your highness. The invasion of Edinia was about 18,000 years ago. Thus making you about 18,000 years old" Sheeva said as we sat at her dinning table being served by shokan servants. "I remember that day too. When I aided your parents in their escape. I'm glad to see I managed to save them atleast...."she continued. "Only for them to be struck down by Mileena...."Nitara said. "That monster...." Mom said. "Yes....I've been hunting her since then....I followed her to Earthrealm saw her abduct you...if I had known you were The lost Prince of Edinia I'd have rescued you my apologize Abel" Ryo said. "It's OK. I didn't realize I was a Prince till I faught Skarlet" I said. "Skarlet?" Ryo asked.

"An Assassin made by Shao Khan. She was an orphan on the streets of Outworld when he took her in. He taught her blood magic and she now uses it to copy my blood and my DNA to be me and take his side as his Empress. What she sees in him I will never know" Mom said. "Typical fairytale bit. Young woman saved by a man who she falls in love with. Story book type" I said. "Makes since. Woman fall easily for men like that" Ryo said. "Indeed they do....I'm glad I don't like woman or I'd be married by now cause I've saved like 3 girls while in school" I said. "That's your father in you Abel. He always was a savior our subjects loved him....if only he could see the son he gave me....he'd be so proud of you Abel" Mom said. "I wish I could remember him" I said. "It just hit me! I didn't even have to go to school!!! ughhhhhhh!" I moaned in annoyance as I laid my head down on the table. "Your lucky going to school in Edinia you'd hate it more" Mom said. "I'd still go to school being a Prince?" I asked. "That's how Kitana met Jade" mom said. "Mannnnnn!!!!" I said. "Being a Prince or Princess of Edinia doesn't change education" Mom said. "I always thought Princes and Princesses were homeschooled" I said. "Homeschool doesn't exist in Edinia Abel. Even I went to normal school. That's how I met Jerrod" Mom said. "Wow....." I said. "I heard you are going after Mileena and Shao Khan is this correct?" Ryo asked. "Yes it is he has my two best friends imprisoned" I said. "That being Cassie and Jaqui?" Ryo asked. "Yes" I said. "Then allow me to be your personal bodyguard Abel" Ryo said. "My personal what?" I asked. "Bodyguard as Sheeva is to me he shall be to you" mom said. I blushed thinking about a book I read a few months back in School. It was about a bodyguard falling in love with his charge and they both going on to live a happy and loving life. "OK Ryo you can act as my bodyguard but listen to me! Shao Khan and Skarlet are mine!" I said. "Of course Abel! From here on out I shall serve as your bodyguard. Your morals are my morals. Your wish is my command. I'll stay by your side forever! This I sware!" Ryo said bowing infront of me.

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