Chapter 2

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 "Atathum?!" Luminara asked, touching Atathum's shoulder.

Atathum gasped as he opened his eyes to see his room. He felt sweat dripping down his face. He turned to face his master. She was clearly worried; she even had her lightsaber at hand just in case.

"Atathum, what's wrong?" Luminara asked.

Atathum didn't make eye contact.

"Nothing, Master," Atathum replied.

"Nothing worth screaming about, huh?"

Atathum's eyes widened. " heard me?"

Luminara nodded her head, slowly. "I heard everything. I had sensed a disturbance in the force, so I was heading to your room, when you suddenly cried out. I tore your door open to see you tossing around, and I didn't know if you were dreaming, or if you were having a seizure. I said your name, but you didn't respond. I got closer, and suddenly you screamed to be saved. I honestly thought you were going to die, so I touched your shoulder to sense your feelings and I repeated your name so you could hear me, and you woke up. I slightly sighed when I saw that you were only sleeping, but I wondered, what made you scared so much."

"Thanks, Luminara."

"I'm still wondering, what was it that caused you to scream for help?"

Atathum sighed. "I'm serious, Master. It was just nothing."

"Atathum, I know that's not true. The fact that you screamed for someone to help you is not a 'oh, it's just nothing' matter." Luminara turned Atathum's head to face hers. "Tell me the truth Atathum: What caused you to be so scared?" Luminara repeated, a bit more forceful.

"I don't know!" Atathum exclaimed, moving Luminara's hand.

"Are you sick?"

"No, I feel just fine."

"Do you need water?"

"I already told you, Luminara, I'm fine!"

Atathum pushed himself up. This was a mistake. Atathum thought. A wave of nausea washed over him. His hands felt cold and his legs were heavy weights, and his head was spinning.

"Master," Atathum began.

Luminara raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Atathum."

"May I go outside for fresh air?"

"Yes, and if you need anything, I'll be in the living quarters."

Luminara stood up and left the room. Okay, Atathum, just slowly, and carefully, get out of your bed and move to the balcony! Atathum thought as he slowly moved his body to the left and flung one leg over the side of the bed. He stopped for a few seconds, and flung his other leg over the side. Slowly, he pushed himself up. Immediately, he grabbed his bedpost, so he wouldn't fall over. What is wrong with my legs? Atathum questioned.

"Nothing's wrong with your legs," the same, creepy voice called.

Atathum's eyes grew as big as Coruscant. Wait... how is that...?

"Yeah, your hearing me, right?" the voice continued.

He can hear my thoughts? Atathum thought.

"Yeah, I can," the voice replied.

Atathum's heart started to race faster. His breathing sharp. He opened his mouth to call for Luminara.

"I wouldn't do that. She would never understand," the voice said.

"Luminara!" Atathum shouted.

He felt like his heart was going to burst. Who was he? Atathum thought. He seemed to know me, even though I don't, and he can hear my thoughts, and I can't see him, either. He hugged the bedpost, tighter. Luminara ran in.

"What is it?" Luminara asked, seeing Atathum clinging to a post.

"I...I don't know... I keep hearing voices," Atathum explained, "I don't know what's going on!"

"Is this what you should've told me earlier?"

Atathum nodded. Luminara grabbed his hand and helped him walk to the balcony. Atathum felt himself slowly relax every step and he felt confident he could stand without falling over.

"Do you want me to stay with you, Padawan?" Luminara asked when they reached the balcony.

Atathum shook his head. Luminara walked off. He continued to stare out at the busy night sky. He didn't know what was happening, who the voice was, or what it wanted, but he knew that he should never listen to it. If he was as bad as he sounded, he is probably some being helping the Sith.

"That's what you think," the voice was back.

Atathum sighed, frustrated. Very quickly, a black shadow appeared, and he looked exactly like the guy who took the place of Anakin.

"Hi, Atathum," the being greeted.

"What do you want? and you should know, I will never listen to a being of the Sith," Atathum asked.

"Oh, I just needed you to listen to me."

"Well, I'm not doing that, shadow."

"Oh, please, call me Raemoff Gül."

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