Chapter 13

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Auric opened his eyes to see the floor he was laying on. He moved his arm out to lift him up. It was shaky, but this would have to do. He looked at himself. Still wearing the waistcoat. He thought. He walked and stood in front of the mirror. His facial scar was gone, along with his ponytail and braid. He grinned.
His eyes looked like he thought they would: black, then orange, then white. Just like Gül's.
Except, I am Gül. Auric thought, smiling at his new look. He grabbed Jedi robes out of the closet. Black will work. He threw them on, and he grabbed his lightsabers and activated them.
They were both red.
"Screw Kenli's lightsaber," Auric said to himself.
"Okay, who's first on your list, Atathum, or, should I say, Auric?" Gül asked--in Auric's mind of course--.
"I believe the padawans. They're usually defenseless."
"Well, what are you waiting for?"
"No one."
Auric kicked the door down and walked out of the main room out into the hallway. Sebellrae was gone. That naive little jerk.
"Atathum?" a padawan asked, terrified.
Auric looked at him, ignited the lightsaber, and swung. The padawan fell to the ground, dead.
"Haha! That's what I was trying to say earlier! How did that feel?" Gül laughed.
"It was amazing," Auric replied, starting to walk ahead once more.
He would look for masters, making sure they weren't watching, and anytime he saw a padawan, he would swing the lightsaber, and the padawan would be dead. Then, he would continue his joyous stroll. He walked and sliced and walked again. After a while, though, he got bored, and changed his technique. He altered his direction.
"What are you doing?!" Gül hissed.
"Oh, Gül, sometimes you just don't understand the concept of 'Free thinking.''' Auric replied.
"Ha...I see what you did there."
Auric walked until he reached the dorms.
"You fool! You are going to be caught!!" Gül scolded.
"Patience, Gül, you'll see what I'm doing," Auric replied reassuringly.
Auric walked into one of the dorms. He saw a master and his padawan turn their heads to look at him. The master stood up abruptly.
"Um, mister Duskrider, I didn't expect you to be here at this time," the master said, reaching for his lightsaber.
Auric moved closer, and ignited his lightsaber. The master grabbed his instantly as well.
"What are you doing? What happened to you?" The master asked.
"My eyes have been opened," Auric replied.
"And changed."
"Trust me, if you just tell me where Skywalker is, I won't have to get so frustrated with you, or your padawan."
"I'll never tell."
"Oh, well, wouldn't that make things easier for us all."
Auric lunged at the master, he deflected, only to get stabbed by Auric's other lightsaber.
"MASTER!!" the padawan screeched.
Auric turned towards the padawan. The padawan slowly backed up.
"Ephron! It's so nice to see you again!" Auric said, slowly creeping up towards the padawan.
Ephron backed up until he hit a wall. He grabbed his master's lightsaber. He turned it on and held it close. Auric laughed. He held up his lightsabers.
"Please! Don't hurt me Atathum!" Ephron begged, crying.
Auric's eyes darkened. "Oh, Ephron," Auric said, "My name's not Atathum," he swung down on the child, "My name's Auric."
He strood out of the room, leaving the dead master and padawan behind. He screeched the door to a close. He walked towards another dorm, and did the same thing. And the next one.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
He came out of the twentieth one by the time the sun came out.
"That was about forty people in one run!" Gül applauded.
"Wait until I increase it this next hour," Auric replied.
He went on another spree, doing the same thing. Enter, slice, slice, leave, repeat. Auric would always leave feeling like he did the universe a favor, resulting in him feeling more powerful more often than not. Sometimes, he had a feeling of regret, but that would instantly be washed over with power, wisdom, strength, anger...
His hate fueled everything he did. It strengthened him, empowered him, allowed him to think clearly. I should've listened to you, Gül.
"Yes, you should've," Gül replied.
Auric strode down the hallways once more, and he passed a three-way opening. He sensed
"You're not alone," Gül said.
"Yeah, that's kinda obvious," Auric replied.
He looked and examined the entrance to each opening. He looked under tables, behind smallish crevices, even in-between two young saplings. Nothing, and no one. He glared at the void, quickly glanced, and made his way down the middle opening.

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