Chapter 14

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Lilak held her breath as Atathum left the vicinity. Sebellrae squeezed her eyes shut. Lilak waited for a minute or so.
    "All clear," Sebellrae whispered.
    Lilak crawled out from between a crevice. Sebellrae did the same. Lilak shook out her arms and legs. Sebellrae hugged her legs and rocked herself.
    "Atathum's turned!" Sebellrae whispered to herself, repeating it over and over again.
    "I get the message," Lilak replied.
    Lilak looked down the hallway Atathum went down. She felt chills crawl down her spine, which was odd; she was never frightened in the slightest. She breathed in deeply. Her face suddenly lit up.
    "Sebellrae! I have an idea!" Lilak exclaimed, forcing Sebellrae on her feet.
    "Is it to bring him back!" Sebellrae asked, nervously.
    "You read my mind!"
    "How? How are we going to do that?"
    "Come here."
    Sebellrae leaned in. Lilak whispered her idea in her ear. Sebellrae's eyes widened and she leaned back.
    "What?!" She exclaimed.
    "What's wrong with it?" Lilak asked.
    "Um, oh I don't know, everything!"
    "If it brings him back, then we should do it."
    "I...I'm not even gonna bother."
    Lilak grinned as she ran down the middle opening. Sebellrae trotted behind. Lilak pursued further, hoping that Atathum wasn't to far off. She couldn't wait to put her plan in motion, knowing that she was going to more than likely succeed. She started to sprint faster, and faster, and faster.
    "Lilak! Wait up!" Sebellrae called.
    Suddenly, Lilak abrupted to a halt, almost getting knocked down by Sebellrae. She turned and put her pointer finger to her mouth.
    "What?" Sebellrae asked.
    Lilak pointed, and there he was, walking towards a dorm.
    "He looks--" Sebellrae began.
    "Stay here," Lilak enforced as she started to walk towards Atathum.
    Sebellrae stopped and hid behind a corner. Lilak walked until she was a bit behind Atathum.
    "Atathum!" Lilak called.
    Atathum froze, he turned around. Lilak was taken a bit back by his appearance. Atathum had lost his braid and ponytail, along with his scar, which made him look quite odd. He also had inverted eyes, going black, to orange, to white. She honestly thought the hairstyle wasn't that bad, it made him look--
    Stay on task, Lilak. Lilak reinforced herself. She walked a bit closer. Atathum drew up his lightsaber and ignited it. Lilak took a breath.
    "Why don't we settle this out like civilized padawans. NO WEAPONS!" Lilak announced.
    Atathum seemed to darken at the sound of that.
    "Why should I listen to you?" he asked.
    "If you want to deal with me, you have to promise that you won't use weapons, and I won't use any against you. I mean, you'll probably destroy me without the sabers," Lilak replied.
    "I'll only agree on one condition."
    "Okay, what is it?"
    "Call me Auric."
    Lilak paused. So, he has turned. He even has a sith name. She stared Auric directly in the eyes.
    "Okay," she agreed.
    Auric lowered his weapons, grinning. Lilak took a few steps forward, trying hard to not smile. Auric clenched his fists.
    "Your mo--" Auric began.
    Lilak ran up quickly, and kissed Auric right on the lips.
    Auric stood there shocked. He didn't know what to feel. Lilak just ran up to him and kissed him. He felt his mind flicker. He sensed that Atathum seemed to wake up.
    "No, don't let this girl change your mind! You have one goal, remember!" Gül hissed.
    Auric flashed back to himself. Lilak was gone. He growled softly as he turned around. He continued his spree, but something seemed off every time he was done. He even completely stopped after a run.
    "Auric! KEEP GOING!" Gül reminded, angrily.
    Auric left the room and continued. He finally killed the 300th person by the time his chest started to hurt.
    But it wasn't because he was tired.
    "Gül, what if your theory is--" Auric began.
    "ARE YOU QUESTIONING ME!!?" Gül retorted, disorientated.
    Auric's mind flickered again. His head began to hurt.
    "Gül, I think he's fighting back," Auric exclaimed.
   "Then DESTROY HIM!"
    Auric managed to bring his mind back, but he kept his guard up, knowing Atathum could fight back at any moment. He walked out of the dorms into the main area. He saw a young two-year-old padawan standing in front of him. He reached for his saber, but paused. The boy was looking him straight in the eyes, pleading for help from a monster. He felt his mind flicker again.
"Do it! Don't hesitate!" Gül said.
"I, I don't think I--" Auric began.
"Fine! I'll do it myself!"
Suddenly, he couldn't control himself. He ignited his lightsaber.
"Pwease! Doent dewhis!" the two-year-old cried, begging for mercy.
Auric swung down, and the child died, still believing he could be saved from the monster.
He was a monster.
Auric felt his mind flicker again. He stumbled to catch himself onto a wall.
"Gül, he's winning," Auric exclaimed.
"Let me help with that."
Suddenly, the flickering was gone, and he felt much better. Now, all I need is to kill my master, Obi-wan, Lilak and her master, Sebellrae and her master, the entire Jedi council  including Yoda, and...Anakin. He glared at the thought of Anakin. Let's finish him first. Auric stormed towards Anakin's dorm.
"Stop, Auric!" A girl shouted.
He spun on his toes. Lilak was standing there, holding her lightsabers, along with Sebellrae. He held up his lightsabers.
"You can't stop me from destroying Skywalker, and since you are in my way, I'll have to kill you," Auric exclaimed walking towards the girls.
"At least we'll give him a chance to run," Lilak replied.
"Unless he doesn't know."
"Ture, but that won't happen, will it."
Lilak swung at Auric. He deflected and swung back. He used both of his lightsabers on her, and Lilak used her lightsabers on him. He dueled with her until a purple lightsaber floated in.
It was Sebellrae.
Auric was dueling both a Lilak and a floating lightsaber. He suddenly stopped. He glared at the girls. Sebellrae knew exactly what was going on.
"Lilak! Get out of there!" Sebellrae shouted as Auric unleashed a much stronger Force Whirlwind.
Lilak was flung across the hallway and hit the wall. Sebellrae hit her head, but was unsteady standing back up.
"Now's your chance: Go!" Gül reminded.
Auric turned around and stood in front of Obi-wan and Anakin's dorms.

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