Chapter 3

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"Okay, let me get this straight: you want to use me as a vessel?" Atathum clarified.

Gül stared off at Coruscant. He didn't move an inch, he just stared with what his white pupils could see. Atathum groaned.

"Why don't you just give me a stupid response out of the pale devilsh mouth of yours!" Atathum barked.

Gül laughed. Atathum's mouth slightly dropped as he raised an eyebrow.

"What do you think is so funny, huh?" Atathum asked.

"The fact that you used anger against pure emotion," Gül replied, turning around to face Atathum, "and I am your emotions."

Atathum slowly moved back, shocked. How can this be my emotions? I, I never asked for him to be created! Atathum thought.

"You didn't have to ask for me to be created; I was created by all of the emotions stored up inside you that you don't release," Gül explained.

"Stop reading my thoughts!" Atathum retorted.

Suddenly, Gül's eyes appeared to get brighter.

"See, your anger is making me powerful!" Gül exclaimed, clearly looking scarier than before.

"Just, leave me alone to meditate, please," Atathum begged as he walked over to the railing. He moved his elbows and used his hands to keep his head up.

"I can't leave you alone. I am your negative thoughts," Gül replied.

"Then remain in the back of my head."


Atathum sighed, struggling not to burst out in anger at that very moment.

"Just please, let me rest!" Atathum exclaimed walking into his room, feeling nauseous again.

"I am your thoughts, so..." Gül replied, shrugging.

Atathum flopped down on the bed. Ugh! I absolutely hate my thoughts! Atathum thought. Gül began to open his mouth.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Atathum rebuked, pointing his finger at Gül.

Obviously, Gül felt more powerful because he closed his mouth in a grin. He strode over to Atathum, who was covering his eyes.

"Just, please communicate with someone else!" Atathum begged, again.

"As I said before, I am--" Gül began.

"You're my thoughts. I know!" Atathum sat up, defeated. He sighed.

Gül quickly soared and sat down next to Atathum, which, in return, made Atathum scoot further away.

"Leave me be," Atathum mumbled.

Gül moved closer.

"Gül, I'm serious."

"I know you are, that's why I'm getting closer."

"Gül. Get. Away." Atathum stood up.

"I want to show you your true potential." Gül stood up as well.


"I want to show how pow--"

"MOVE!!" Atathum suddenly felt the force flow through him strongly; every object in his room was lifted up and moving towards him. Gül chuckled. Atathum tried hard to fight the urge to burst, but he couldn't, it just wouldn't stop. He tried to use every fiber of his inner being to stop himself from doing the force whirlwind, but after a few seconds, he let it go.

He shouted and moved his arms outwards as the force left his body. A blue wave moved from out of him, pushing everything that was in midair into the walls. He heard the objects smashing the wall and hitting the ground with a thud. He felt weak, but when he saw that Gül was still standing there, his anger kept himself standing. That's when he notice Gül was slightly different. His eyes were blacker than before; his iris was even more like a Sith's; the pupil was whiter, too; and his whole form appeared to have darkened, adding longer nails to his hands.

"What? How?" Atathum asked falling backwards, and using his arms to keep himself up.

"Atathum?!" Luminara's shout was faint.

"I'd tell you, but your master's coming, and she'd never get why a black being with Sith eyes is talking to a fifteen-year-old padawan," Gül explained. He moved closer to Atathum and lifted his chin so Atathum could meet his eyes, "but you should know, I'll be back."

Atathum's chin lowered quickly as Gül seemed to completely vanish. Luminara burst into the room. Her mouth dropped down as she saw Atathum's room.

"Atathum...what happened...?" Luminara asked as she looked for Atathum.

"I'm over here," Atathum said, talking to Luminara using the force. "Where the bed used to be."

Luminara turned towards Atathum and ran up to him. Atathum bit his lip as she kneeled next to him.

"Atathum, you've got a lot of explaining to do!" Luminara exclaimed.

"I'm so sorry!" Atathum apologized, forcing back the tears that pushing against his eyes.

Luminara's face fell. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings and made you feel terrible just now. I just didn't know what to think!"

"It's fine."

Atathum leaned his head back and and squeezed his eyes shut. Luminara sighed.

"I can't do this," Atathum whispered.

"Can't do what?" Luminara asked.

"I can't control the whirlwind. I've tried; I've really tried, but it just...I just can't."

"Atathum, I'm not saying you have to be perfect!"

"But don't you expect that from me? Don't you expect me to be a great Jedi?"

"I do, but--"

"Exactly. My Force Whirlwind makes me not be the Jedi I want and need to be."

"Atathum, don't think things like that!" Luminara took Atathum's chin and tilted it towards her, "you're perfect just the way you are. You midichlorians don't define if you are a good Jedi, certainly not because of your Force Whirlwind!"

Atathum looked down, afraid he would cry if he looked at Luminara. He felt arms wrap around him. Soon, he felt Luminara's shoulder move underneath his head. His hands were trapped from returning the hug. His tears could no longer be held back as they started flowing down his face.

"It's been a long night, hasn't it." Luminara whispered.

Atathum nodded. Right then and right there, he completely forgot about Gül, his dark emotions, and anything from the past hour; it was all washed away. He didn't want to move from this hug; it made him feel loved, like the love he never had, and his master was giving that to him. He felt drowsy suddenly, and his eyelids started drooping. He felt safe, and he fell asleep knowing that.

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