Chapter 27

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I was crossing the dark alleys of the street all alone. The view didn't help the situation though. All I was watching was isolated houses, dilapidated shops, flickering lights, dampness on the sidewalk, and clouds hiding the bright moon. I wanted to cry but I had no tears to shed. The cool breeze was relieving me and making me feel cold at the same time. My eyes were swollen. I needed sleep. When I got to the asphalt, I took out my cell phone and I checked the time. It was 11:30 pm. Then I saw Anthi's car, stopping next to me. Peter lowered the car's window and I saw Anthi sitting in the co-driver's seat.

"Why were you driving Anthi's car?" I asked Peter.
"You think that I am in the perfect mood for driving right now? I can be very dabbling when I am upset. Get in and let's go home."Anthi answered.

I got into her car and Peter started driving. There was an awkward silence and I wanted to be alone. Derek's uncle wasn't one of the people who I wanted to see after all this nightmare.

When we arrived home Peter held Anthi's arm.
"I hope you and Sylvie get over that painful feeling of the past. Time is the healing." Peter said and he turned off the car engine.

I left Anthi alone and went to my bedroom. She followed me and tried to stop me.

"Sylvie, I know that you are a mess but, you didn't lie to Derek. You told him the truth about your past and I'm sure he will respect you!" she said
"And why are you so sure about that? You hate him. What changed your mind?"I asked her.

"I had a conversation about you and Derek with Peter. He has his past too."Anthi said.
"And what makes you think that he will respect me?"

"So you think that your past is affecting yourself?" she asked me
"No......I just want Derek to look at me and think of me as his sweet girl who loves him, not as a murderer." I told her.

"You are not a murderer Sylvie! You tried to defend yourself. It was an accident. I know that we can't prove that to the police but it's the truth!"Anthi said.

"Listen, I feel so tired. I need sleep. We will talk about this tomorrow okay?"
"Okay, Goodnight."

I wear my nightdress and lay on my bed. When I closed my eyes, all I thought was Derek. It's the first time that I don't want to face him because I don't know what he thinks about me. His facial expressions didn't help me to figure out how he felt about my past. I have to go to school. I haven't been there for a week.
Then I fell asleep.

The next day was boring. I went to school and I told the head teacher that I was sick all that time. The funny thing is that I want to be a scientist and my absence from school doesn't help me.

Normal dreams stopped when I met Derek. He is my dream and my nightmare at the same time.

When I got home I saw Anthi looking at her phone.
"Who called you?" I asked her
"Okay, what's wrong with you two? Was that dress a gift from him?"
"He bought me a present for my birthday. Some other people didn't even say happy birthday to me......." she said.

"Who didn't tell you happy birthday?"

"Well, there is a girl who is beautiful and happens also to be in love with an older man, and oh I forgot the best part! He is a werewolf!" she said ironically
Ouch! I'm such a bad friend.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry. Happy birthday, bestie!!!! Sweet nineteen! You know that I love you so much and thank you for being in my life right now!" I told her and hugged her.

"Don't be sorry. I know that you are having a difficult and miserable life right now but you are not alone. You have me and......."
"And Derek."
"How do you know that Anthi?"My voice became deeper and my gaze was melancholic.

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