Chapter 33

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When I got out of the school's backyard, the weather was cloudy. All those clouds and the black crows, flying in the sky, were giving me depressing vibes. I took my way back to my house. The moment I went to put my key in the door of the house, I sensed human blood behind me. I turned my head and I saw Nancy standing opposite of me.
"Well, guess who is back!" she said ironically
"What do you want?" I asked her
"I want you!" she said and then she gave me a flirty look.
"That's a problem. A lot of girls want this amazing body but I was about to keep focused on my studies and school but.....for you I can make an exception..."I said and retaliated with a flirty look.
"Wow! It would be my pleasure! But Issac, I think that I want you for the wrong reason, am I right? I want to test on you every single bullet I've made for werewolves! How crazy is that? I want you to be my test animal!"Nancy said conceitedly.
"And why do you want that?"I asked
"Isn't that obvious? How else will I deal with Derek who is the alpha?" she said
Then I felt that I was going to explode from anger! I grabbed her by the neck and I wanted to choke her!
She took out an injection and she injected me into my leg. I groaned. The pain was insufferable.
Damn! She is so smart and she thinks fast!
"If you try to fight me, you are lost! Do you hear me?" she said
"Derek will kill you! Especially now that Sylvie knows about you. She hates you and her sister!" I said

"Guess what! I don't care! Sylvie is the dumbest person I've ever met! I almost feel sorry for her. But I won't let her stand in my way!"

All of the anger and hatred I was feeling about her became more intense.
"I won't let you hurt any of my friends! If you want to make it through to Derek, you have to try harder with me!" I said
"I can beat you for good so don't provoke me," Nancy said with a threatening attitude.

Then she came closer to me and whispered in my ear.
"Take this meeting as a warning of what will happen if Sylvie doesn't leave Derek. She should be with us not with him. The same goes for Anthi." She said
I didn't say a word. I was just thinking of Sylvie. Her sister is against her but she is still fighting for her choices. Derek didn't change her and that's the point. He is with her because he loves her for exactly what she is.

I was at Derek's loft, trying to recite to him everything Isabel said. I told him also that Peter and Anthi were attacked by the alpha twins last night.

"They want me to be gone!" Derek said
"That's not going to happen! Now that the problem named Isabel is solved, we can focus on them." I said
"What about those two dicks?" He asked me
"What? Oh you mean Eric and Daniel!" I said
"Yeah, what are we going to do with them?"
"Right now, they want to find Isabel besides that's why she runs away. If they come back to me then we will see what we will do. Until then, we have enough time to deal with the alpha twins. Anthi almost got killed!" I said.
"I sense a big fight! There are a lot of werewolves in this small town so that's why they feel like that."Derek said
"Everything will be okay Derek I promise!" I said and I caressed his cheek.
He was looking at me with kindness and love, I could feel it.
I feel so happy when he looks at me like that. I kissed his lips and he put his hands on my waist.
"Thank you, for staying with me...."Derek said
"Don't say that again! I'm with the person I love!"I said and smiled
We kissed again but Issac's footsteps ruined the moment.
"Sorry for entering like that but......I have some bad news."
Me and Derek looked at him with curiosity.

When he told us that he met Nancy again my eyes went wide open.
"What? Not again! Why can't we have some time for us to chill? Without worries and concerns!" I said
"Sylvie calm down!" Issac said
"No Issac! How am I supposed to calm down after all of this? Do you understand what's happening right now? My past came against my future. Every single person that I've known for a very long time came back to destroy everyone that I care about. This is all my fault because Nancy is from my past. My past is destroying all of us! I think that's a good reason for feeling like that." I said
This monologue made my heart beat fast. My only thought about Derek, being in danger because of me, is driving me crazy.
"Sylvie, this is not your fault! Nancy is a psycho hunter! We would be in that trouble sooner or later, with or without you! So stop blaming yourself!"Derek yelled
"She also said that you and Anthi should be with them!" Issac said
"Oh so now she wants to drag my best friend to all of this?" I asked

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