Chapter 24

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I couldn't believe I was doing this. Was I really about to sneak out after hours just to see Draco? Lucky him, he didn't have to sneak out since he had Astronomy at midnight.

The fat lady grumbled as I left, irritated I woke her. I sure wish I'd held on to the mauraders map the twins had. It would be useful to help avoid teachers or prefects patrolling the castle.

It was a long treck to the owlery. It was a quiet journey consisting of me hesitating around every corner. This made it take twice as long. I let out a breath when I reached the steps to the owlery.

As I started up the steps I thought I heard footsteps behind me. No one was there. I continued quietly and slowly up the steps. It had to be my imagination, a teacher would have called me out.

The silence was suddenly interrupted by my screech when someone grabbed my shoulders. Sure I had been caught I turned around to see Draco. I glared at him and shoved him. "You scared me."

He chuckled as he apologized. "Sorry. You made it too easy."

"Too easy? I've been quietly sneaking around the castle. You probably made me wake half the school." I pointed my finger at him as we both continued to the owlery.

"Sorry." He said, still smiling.

He didn't sound sorry but I had to admit, it was funny. "So why'd you want to spontaneously meet here?" I asked as we settled onto the floor after he used his wand to clean a spot.

He sighed like he was contemplating saying something. "Look, I like you." He began. "But my parents... they'll take a lot of convincing."

"Jays on your side." I gave him a small smile of encouragement.

"Of course she is. Any chance she has to disagree with our - my parents, she will." He chuckled a little.

That reminded me. "Oh yeah. So I may have told Cedric about us." I said it all in a rush. His eyes widened. "Don't worry, he wasn't mad. Not that my brother is known for getting all that angry." I shrugged.

"He's not mad as long as I don't hurt you right?" He said, smiling nervously.

"Exactly." I replied. "So what about your parents?"

"I'll try talking to them this summer. It might take all summer though."

"You'd do that?" I asked, my heart fluttering. He nodded. I hugged him suddenly. "Thank you."

I cursed the school for having classes at midnight. All too soon Draco had to get to astronomy, leaving me on my own to get back to my dorm. I was a little lost in thought as I left the owlery. Draco had actually said he liked me. I thought the smile would never leave my face but it did and sooner than I expected.

"Miss Diggory." I swallowed hard. Professor Snape stood, arms crossed, giving me a glare. I was in deep trouble.


The mail arrived at breakfast and two things happened. A letter dropped in front of me from Idris with just my name on it. A letter dropped in front of Draco.

I picked mine up but watched Draco carefully as he opened and read his. His face creased in confusion and then anger. He stormed out of the hall. I wondered what his father had told him.

As much as I wanted to rush after him, I had my own letter to read. I wasn't sure what it said, but I knew I'd want to read it in private. Excusing myself I snuck off to the common room. Choosing a comfy chair by the fire I tore open the brown envelope.


Your first year is coming to an end so it seems only fitting I tell you everything. My name is William Black. I'm your uncle, your mother's brother. When you were a baby I had wanted to raise you but the Ministry took you away. I'm glad to see you've discovered who you are. Be proud to be a Lestrange, to be from such a powerful pureblood family.

I've set it all up for the summer. You won't be going back to the Klins, you will come stay in Black Manor with me. I've aranged everything already. The Klins know this too. I will pick you up at Knockturn Alley. Use the floo network at the train station to get there. Don't be late.

W. Black.

The words slowly sunk in. 'You will come stay in Black Manor with me'. William Black was my uncle. He was getting me out of the Klins house and letting me stay with him. Excitement buzzed through me. I ran up to my room and began pacing.

Was this real? Could I really be getting everything I wanted? Moving in with my real family. Getting away from the Klins. Having someone who understood how proud I should be of being a Lestrange.

The happiness faded when I realized I no longer had the necklace. Last thing I told him was that I had it. Would he still accept me without it? I'd tried everything to get it back. The year was coming to an end and I was running out of time and ideas. What more could I do to get it back?

Folding the letter I stowed it under my pillow to read again later. I headed back to dinner, my head needed to be clear for finals week.


It was the last week of classes. As promised Draco was going to sneak out while I had astronomy. I was early to the owlery, I'd thought about hiding so I could jump out and scare him as payback but I couldn't risk getting caught.

Last week I'd been caught by Snape and given detention cleaning the owlery floor without magic. I'd tried making the excuse of mailing an emergency letter but he didn't care. He said since I seemed to like the owlery so much, I could clean it myself. It was already dirty again but cleaner than it had ever been. I kept glancing down the stairs expecting to see Draco at any moment. He wouldn't stand me up, not after what he said last week.

The longer I waited the more worried I became that he'd been caught, or chickened out. My class started at midnight, I couldn't wait here all night. When the time did come to head to class I pulled out parchment from my bag to write him a note.


I waited in the owlery but you never came. I hope you didn't wimp out. Were you caught by a teacher? Or worse Percy Weasley? I hope you're not in too much trouble. Maybe we can meet once more before term ends. If not, I'll save you a seat on the Hogwarts Express. Good luck with finals!


I took it over to my owl who would deliver it in the morning. Hopefully nothing too bad happened to him.


I know, a short chapter. But there's only one more to go!

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Love y'all.

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