Chapter 10

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As it turned to December, I was getting more and more anxious about finding the room of requirement. More days were spent in the library searching for clues rather than doing homework. Draco had begun to hang out more, and I explained the letters and the chance I had to find my parents. According to Draco, he had a falling out with is sister and Reese Diggory. They were no longer on talking terms and I was okay with that.

"Where do you think it is?" Draco mused. We were sat in a corner table of the library pouring over books about the castle.

"It could be anywhere. There are so many doors and hidden passages in this castle."

"Guys!" Tracey came running up to our table. "My sister's friend in Ravenclaw says they heard it was on the seventh floor." She said in gasps of breath.

We all stood. "Lets go!" I said eagerly.

"She said it's impossible to get up there unnoticed. Teachers dont like students wondering the corridors up there. We'll have to go when they're busy. Besides we have transfiguration soon." She said.

I nodded and we sat back down. Then it dawned on me. Tomorrow. It was a Saturday and the Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff game. No one really cared about that game, but most of the teachers and students still attended it. The castle would be mostly deserted. "What about tomorrow, during the Quidditch match?" I suggested.

"You're right. It's not an important game anyway." Draco agreed.

It was settled. We would find the room of requirement tomorrow while everyone else watched the game. We put up the books and headed for Transfiguration discussing this new find the whole time. Sitting through Transfiguration would not be easy, and tomorrow wouldn't come fast enough.

*The Next Day*

Draco and I headed to breakfast the following morning. We both kept smiling. I finally had a chance to learn about my parents and he was happy for me. He knew how much this meant to me.

Suddenly someone ran into me. "Hey! Watch it." I saw the blonde hair and glared. Diggory. "Seriously? Can't you watch were you are going, Diggory?" I sneered.

She looked up at me, then turned to Draco. "Draco."

I chuckled. "You think you have any right to talk to him after what you pulled? You lack any sort of loyalty, its no surprise you weren't placed in Hufflepuff."

"What did I ever do to you?"

"For starters, I always knew Draco could do better than a low-life like you. He deserves better than that. You're nothing more than pretty boy Cedric's younger sister. You'll never be more than that."

"Excuse me?"

"Are we even sure your brother isn't gay? Such a pretty boy like that, maybe he's more into wizards." I turned to Draco. "Think he has a type?" Diggory whipped out her wand and pointed it at my face. I turned to face her a smirk creeping across my face. "Did I touch a nerve?" I asked, chuckling.

"Don't. Insult. My brother."

"Oops. Guess I did touch a nerve. What are you going to do now? Got a hex on the tip of your tongue or are you going to just run away?" She glared at me, trying hard not to break. "You dont have the guts." I whispered taking a step closer my wand out and at my side.

Green and Scarlet Ice {Book 1 of the Klins series}Where stories live. Discover now