14; on sea

18 4 0

We've been in this boat for three hours now, and I'm getting a bit uncomfortable. Firstly, we can't see the coast anymore, only sea. Secondly, I'm getting thirsty and a bit hungry, but I know we'll have to save our food and water for later. And thirdly, it's dark. Normally that isn't so much of a problem, but now I have the idea that the boat is going to sink any moment. I'm resting now, and Terry, Michael, Graham and Terry are rowing. They have been for write a long time so, ignoring my painful bones, I decide to take it over from them.

We made a kind of schedule rhyme, it goes like this:

Graham, Terry, Michael and Terry are first to row

Second are Graham and Terry again, and also Eric and John have to show

Then Eric, John, Michael and Terry have to make the boat flow,

Repeat this, then we change to the other rhyme when the sun is low.

We all learned this by heart, to know when it's our turn. It isn't the best rhyme, but come on, we're but simple travellers who are tired and still have a long journey to come. Anyway, we kept the rhythm and after the sun went down me and Eric gave our paddles to Graham and Terry.

Right now, the moon can be seen clearly and its light is shining upon us. It's indeed time to give Michael and Terry some rest.

"Time to change!" I nudge Eric, who has fallen asleep. Michael and Terry sigh at exactly the same moment and get up, making the boat rock dangerously. Graham and Terry get up too. I shake Eric again, and his eyes open slowly. "Is it time to wake up already?" He asks. "Yes." I say, there's not really anything else to say.

We change places with Mike and Terry and pick up the now hated paddles. By the way, we also made a schedule for the night, because we all need to get as much rest as possible. It is mentioned in the previous rhyme, as you may have noticed. It goes like this:

Only two till the sun gets up,

Starting with the J and the E,

Then the T and the G,

in the end the M and the T, as you can see

Again, not perfect, but easy to remember. This means that every one of us gets to row for four hours, and sleep for eight, and during the day the same. It could have been way worse, but still I wonder how long we're going to survive this.

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