Part 21; Unexpected...luck?

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The first thing that suprises me is that I wake up. Wake up? When did I fall asleep? What happened? Why does my head feel so heavy? Why am I so cold?

That last question makes me aware of my situation. I realise I do no longer feel the constant waves of the sea, up and down, up and down. Instead, it feels like I am sticked to a surface that I have forgotten the name of.

I try to move, but everything is so... heavy... and... my... eyes... roll... away... every time....I... do.... something...

I let out a sigh and then let myself fall into unconsciousness again.

Michael's POV:

I am waken up by a punching pain in my right arm. I open my eyes and blink. The sun's shining very bright. I look at my arm. It is crushed between me and a rock. Hang on a second... a rock?

I gasp and immediately sit up. I try to ignore the pain as I look around, my mouth wide open in disbelief.

I make an attempt to swallow. Not very succesfull.

I am on an island. It's very small, the other side is only about seventy metres away from where I am. But the last thing I can remember is floating in the water of the ocean, how did this happen? Or am I dreaming?

Eric's POV:

 I yawn loudly and stretch my arms. Wait... have I fallen out of bed? I must have, I'm certainly not lying in bed anymore. Then I open my eyes.

"Oh." I let out. For a moment I forget to breathe. Then I think about the others. If I've stranded here, which was already very unlikely, how much chance is there that they have survived too?

I jump up, physically and mentally, and narrow my eyes.

I immediately see a black figure not so far away. I stumble towards it. Coming closer, I see it's Terry J. I bend down and check if he's still alive. Thankfully, he is, and when I have removed the bunch of sand from his eyes he also appears to be conscious.

 "Hello." He says. "Where am I?" 

"Dunno." I answer truthfully. "Come on, we have to find the others." 

Graham's POV:

As I peacefully drift backwards on the piece of wood I stumbled upon I open my eyes. Still the same. A thick dark blue line with another thick light blue line above it and a white-yellow circle on the top. 

I look behind me in the direction I'm going to, fiercely hoping for a slight variation in the landscape.

My eyes don't immediately notice, but when I hold a hand above them I suddenly see something. 

A sort of brown-yellowish figure interrupts the constant dark blue and light blue lines. In my head a word forms. 'Island'. And that word connects to another word: 'Safe'. I've got to get there! 

I start to paddle through the water with my arms, and I quickly approach the -hopefully- safe island. 

My thoughts, however, drift into a very different direction. The fact that I am alone is the reason for that. Where are Eric, Michael, John, Terry and Terry? Are they okay? Have they, like me, found a piece of our ex-boat?  

Terry G's POV:

So this is my destination. The final one. The one that lasts forever. Well, strictly speaking, it isn't, because I can still move and therefore change my location. 

Anyway, I am sitting in a cave, not far from the sea. It's quite nice view actually. Had the sea not been only half a metre away and coming closer. 

I have to make a decision. Shall I back off further into the cave with the risk of indeed having found my final destination, or go swimming with the same risk?

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