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Hannah's POV

At about twelve we decided to shower, change and get food. I walked into the changing rooms and saw lots of girls around my age who I didnt know but they recognised me instantly. I tried to get around then but there was so many of them.

"Look its Tom's girlfriend." One of the girls muttered under her breath.

One girl stepped forward and spoke.

"Hi we go to school with tom."

"Cool" I muttered, still trying to get around them.

"Wait are they in there?" She said mentioning to the gym.

"Umm, no we are just leaving." I replied.

"Aww, did you go to the gym with tom?" Another piped up.

"Yeah and noah, Jake and jacob." I replied.

They all fell silent.

"Wait jake.. you are with jake?" One stuttered.

"Umm...well yeah and the others." I answered.

Suddenly they all ran for the gym in hope of seeing him. I quickly showered and changed back into the clothes I had been wearing earlier, a floral play suit and sandals. As I walked out I grabbed the boys and pulled them out of the gym lobby.

"Sorry but some girls came into the changing rooms and recognised me. I said I was with you guys and one girl started shouting, asking if jake was in there. I said yes and they all ran to go and find you." I explained in a rush.

"Oh ok" Jake spoke sounding relieved.

We walked into a shopping centre and got a table in Wagamamas in the corner. After we all ate we went into a park and the boys went off to play football. I layed on my front and scrolled through instagram. My latest post had gained over 5000 likes. That was crazy.

About an hour later they had obviously got bored as they came to sit with me on their phones. Well jacob and tom did. Noah and jake were play fighting and at the moment jake was shouting something as noah jumped on his back, flooring him in the process. I sat up and maneuvered myself in front of tom and lay back on him. Many girls were taking photos of us and I knew they would end up all over social media but I didnt care. At 5 o'clock I got a text from jodie saying to bring them back. I pulled tom up off the floor and then the others, we got in an uber back to Tom's house.

We all got out and tom opened the front door. Jodie was standing in the doorway and tom launched himself into her arms.

He pulled away and spoke.

"How come you are back early?" He asked.

"Well..." she trailed off and opened the doors to the living room. It was full of people who all shouted surprise. They all looked so shocked. Tom hugged jodie and went through followed by the others. Jodie hung back.

"Thanks " she said smiling.

"That's ok, I mean it was kinda fun." I laughed.

"So where did you go all day with them?" She asked.

"I was dragged to the gym, wagamamas and then a park." I smiled.

Tom walked over to us.

"Jodie this is Hannah, my girlfriend and Hannah this is Jodie my sister." Tom spoke, we just smiled at each other.

"We have already met" jodie laughed.

"When?" He asked astonished.

"Hannah helped me plan this entire thing, that's why she dragged you all out this morning so I could set up." She explained.

"Wait you knew about all of this?" Tom laughed, turning to me.

"Yep" I smiled.

He pulled me into a tight hug and we walked through into the kitchen, Tom's parents came over.

"Hey we are Tom's parents nice to finally meet you." His mum smiled

I extended my hand to shake but she swatted at it and pulled me into a hug.

"We consider you family now, you have made our little biy happy again" she smiled.

Jake came over and pulled us away, he took us over to a beautiful girl around my age and introduced us.

"Tom, Hannah this is jess and she is my girlfriend." Jake spoke with a straight face.

Tom's mouth fell open and he looked stunned.

"Ummm and when did this happen?" Tom shouted.

"Keep your voice down, a couple of months ago if you must know." Jake whispered.

Jake led jess away into the garden. Tom and I went into the living room, he sat down on the sofa and pulled me onto his lap. He traced circles over my thighs and turned to kiss me, when noah yelled

"Get a room" very loudly

Tom's cheeks flushed red as he grabbed my hand and ran upstairs.

Sorry this is quite a long chapter. If you dodnt know I have decided to start a new fan fiction which is quite different to my two popular ones. It is taking a long time to figure out the entire plot so I am willing to release the first chapter soon but the rest of the book wont be released for a while after. I would appreciate it if you checked out my other books, I have three other chapter 13
fan fictions

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