Chapter 5: Internal Affair

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As Evan made his way through the empty motor pool, each step he took sent a chilling notion down his back. Ignoring the weird feeling he was having, he was determined to finish his last duty of the day and crash in for the night.

Earlier in the day, Will forgot to submit the tank computer data to the Intelligence Department and now they called him in just as he was about to go to sleep. Evan could have ordered anybody from his platoon to do the job, but he thought those guys deserved a good rest. All of them did an exceptionally good job during Operation Eagle's Perch. Extracting data was not that hard so he decided to do the job himself.

It had been an eventful seventh day here in Lystyn because of the sporadic enemy attacks from time to time. Not to mention, the place was starting to look like a proper base camp after the combat engineers had finished setting up all the necessary infrastructure and defense grid. Tomorrow would be the only day his platoon was going to get some break for the foreseeable future. He had to thank the Army reinforcement arriving yesterday or his unit would suffer through an extra seven days of watching over the FOB perimeter.

His daily routine reminded him of his days back in the Middle East.

Still, what the hell is our next objective? Evan questioned himself since he thought it was strange that his unit was pulled back from the perimeter and put on stand-by.

After arriving in this world, the only thing he knew so far was the name of this world Lystyn, and the Hatson Empire whom they were fighting. Other than the war, Evan was curious about all the interesting novelty this world has to offer. He was expecting all kinds of different things such as the culture, the people, the ecosystem, and many more aspects that would contrast hugely from Earth.

He soon figured out that their presence was not simply an invasion, but also an opportunity to learn about this new world. The idea was a bit far fetched and maybe he was overthinking it, but things would eventually settle down once the U.S. military force defeated the Hatson Empire. No matter what the future has in store for him, he was here just to follow commands, keep his men in order, and to stay alive. Whatever the top brass decided was none of his business in the end.

Evan focused back on finding his tank among the many vehicles parked in the temporary motor pool. He knew his platoon was the first to arrive at this place so his tank should be somewhere in the back. He eventually found the vehicle and climbed on top to descend into the turret basket. Right before he got to work, Evan noticed the GoPro that had been sitting in the same spot since their departure from New York City.

It was Junior's responsibility to look after the camera, but on this specific day, he forgot to bring it back with him. Evan might as well grab the thing and give it back to the kid once he returned back to the barracks. With the camera in his hand, there was a temptation to go through the footage from the past few days. To be fair, Junior fitted it with a large enough SD card, so it was possible for the camera to record over seven days worth of HD quality video. After checking with his watch, Evan thought he had enough time to go through some of the footage. He connected the GoPro to the tablet and searched through all the significant time frames he found interesting.

Moments like traveling through the dark void of the portal, battling the Hatson Empire during their initial phase of the invasion, and some skirmishes later on when the enemy tried all sorts of tricks in order to breach their defensive line, were all thrilling and worthy scenes to be put on the internet. Besides, what they have recorded was something never happened in human history where a modern army wreaks havoc upon a medieval-like army in real life. Unless they get some internet over here on Lystyn, then it would take some time before they return to state sides and publish this video.

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