Chapter 8: Despair

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According to Mason's intel which he got from the girl named Marie, reaching her village should take them less than half an hour if they followed the road. Evan glanced at his watch then at the sky. It was a good thing he synced his watch with Lystyn day cycle, so keeping track of this world time was much easier. With his watch reached 1756 hours, the sun was already settling below the tree canopy.

The excitement from the first encounter with those demon tigers faded away and his mind was replaced with only boredom. This scenario pretty much reminded him back in the old days when he went on some tours in the sandbox. One moment he found himself fighting for his life, and the next split second there was nothing but the wind whistling at his ears.

With nothing better to do, Evan glanced ahead of the convoy, landing his gaze directly at the leading JLTV where Mason and the rest of his crew occupied including the civvies they took along with them. He could imagine all the possible scenarios where the girl and the little boy would freak out how the vehicle works and moves. It would be very funny watching and listening to their reaction. He may consider putting in some effort to explain the mechanics to her. Not like they could understand every ounce of words coming out of his mouth even if he spoke to them in their language.

"What are you smiling at?" A woman's voice came from behind him, then a wild WarPig fell into his vision but her head and entire body was floating upside down. "Perhap you're thinking about the girl we just met?"

"You could put it that way."

"Aw, are you already cheating on me and going for another woman? Such a playboy, are you?"

"First off, can you stop playing around?" Understanding what Evan implied, WarPig floated down next to him and attempted a normal conversation. While doing so, Evan noticed WarPig unwillingness pout appeared on her face like he was ruining her fun time. He continued, "Now, is there anything you want to talk about?"

WarPig was taken aback when he asked the question. Maybe she did not expect him to read out somebody so easily.

"How did you know?"

"I don't know," Evan shrugged. "Your eyes look like they have something to say."

"Oh, my eyes?" WarPig touched her eyes as if she forgot she had a pair of them. "I guess the phrase used by you humans — Eyes are the window to one soul — was correct after all."

"Not exactly, it's just a fancy way of putting, reading eyes movement can give some idea of what they are thinking... Anyway, what do you have on your mind?"

"Can you praise me please?"


"I mean, I helped you guys with those monsters earlier."

As Evan finally grasped her words, he was interrupted by another voice addressing his name through the radio.

"Leftenant, there's something we need to talk about." For the longest time in the journey, Evan could hear Will's voice over the comms. "Just the two of us. We need to discuss this matter as soon as possible."

Evan thought about the proposal, then he quickly turned to look at WarPig and whispered, sounding very distressed, "We'll talk about what you did later."

"Sure thing, but not right now," Evan informed the gunner. "We'll be approaching this village and take a rest soon enough."


However, his conversation with WarPig did not end there as she was very persistent in getting him to look at her. By floating in front of him again, but this time staring straight down his eyes, she fully grabbed his utmost attention.

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