Chapter 10: Contact

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The mass of outsiders gathering at the main plaza caused great concern among the local inhabitants. From deserted soldiers to helpless villagers, they were all here to seek refuge from the ongoing wraith happening outside in the wild. With the constant battles raging from one place to another, the central and most secured location in the Hatson Empire southern region, Arsinia City, might be in jeopardy. Not only they had to worry about intruders or hostile troops of other kingdoms, the shortage of temporary accommodation and food already posed a major problem in their bustling city.

Even from the fourth floor of her large manor, Firis was able to see the countless people's activities in the plaza. Many of them were without shelter and proper means to warm themselves. The upcoming winter season did not help either as the temperature could only go down from this day forward. Most of the refugees resorted to beg for any sort of food and money at this desperate time.

Firis could not stand looking at such a miserable situation, but it was her duty to grasp the reality and act upon it.

"Lady Firis, the Guard Captain would like to meet with you. I already told him you're busy, but..."

"It's alright, Astine," Firis answered and turned around to look at her family head maid. Trying her best to force out a smile despite all of the constant works put on her shoulder, she continued, "Tell him to meet me in the meeting hall."

"Actually, he's standing outside right now. Apparently, it's urgent."

"Very well, he can come in," Firis sighed and turned toward the balcony to look at the plaza again. There was an obvious miserable mood hanging above her head and she felt sorry for all the people who were suffering down there.

She wished she could do more for them.

Did she make the right decision?

"My Lady, are you alright?" Astine asked, worrying for Firis's health and mental stress. As the head maid of Arsinia family, it was her utmost duty to watch over their family members, especially Firis which was the only child of the family. Over the past seven days, she knew Lady Firis had been working nonstop and barely got any sleep.

"I'm alright, Astine. Thank you for asking." Even though Firis flashed her usual smile, it was so easy to tell the girl was tired.

Many days ago Astine was very worried and told her to get some long rest, but the girl was determined to uphold her duty as the acting ruler of the Arsinia family. Seeing the determination in her words, Astine could only accept her as who she was and helped the girl in any possible way. How much Firis had changed. At one moment, she was just a little baby girl taking her first step and now she tried to handle everything in her father stead.

"Oh, could you brew us some tea while I talk to Danis? I think he needs some time to... uh, talk?"

"Yes, My Lady, I will do as you said," Astine bowed and opened the door behind her, "Danis, you can meet her now."

As she held the door open, Guard Captain Danis came walking through and looked around the room. The cold gaze swept every nook and cranny until he familiarized with his surroundings.

Firis knew Danis was here to talk some senses into her. It was the same topic he always brought up when the first sign of food shortage started showing a couple of days ago. She knew the man was being reasonable and thinking the best for Arsinia. Despite his young age, maybe even younger than her father, he was a hardened warrior and good tactician. Although not as experienced as some of the veteran, there must be a good reason for Firis's father to personally pick him to take the Guard Captain position.

"Lady Firis, good day to you."

"Likewise, Danis." Knowing Danis was on a rather tight schedule, he would prefer standing than taking a seat, so Firis refrained from asking him. Same goes for Firis. She could not find herself getting comfortable until the biggest ordeal got solved. Not until everything goes back to normal. She continued with a more relaxed tone, "So how can I help you today?"

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