Chapter 9: Visitor

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With each passing day, the F.O.B. located within Lystyn could only get busier. Every logistic personnel and combat engineer were in full throttle. They worked and consumed every ounce of their energy, delivering and setting up every available asset between the two worlds. Solid stacks of Hesco barriers were completed and surrounded the entire base, finally marking their perimeter and a safe haven for all those returned from the outer world. The first ever territory established by the United States in this new frontier.

Patrolling the perimeter and guard duty was the last thing combatants personnel wanted to do, but orders were orders. Not like they were completely left out in the dust. Occasionally, few of the locals approached the checkpoint, curious about the fiasco happening at the base, but with some nice words, Anthony's team was able to persuade them to turn around. Even so, those events rarely happened and the only thing they did was laze around while looking at the unknown wilderness beyond the checkpoint.

"Hey, , do you ever think we could go out there?" Dickonson, sitting at the gunner seat, asked his squad leader who stood in front of the Humvee.


"I think all of the fighting forces are here just to babysit those eggheads and engineers back at base."

"We all got our job and those guys are doing their best to make our life comfortable," replied with his heavy German accent but all of the guys around him already got used to it, "Consider yourself lucky since your ass is over in this world and not back at our camp."

"True, but can't they at least stationed us somewhere else and not the exact same checkpoint every day?"

"Not my call, Dick. You have to take it up with our Colonel."

Upon hearing Anthony's proposal, Dickonson acted somewhat surprised and retracted what he was about to say. For sure, Anthony thought there was a reason why the top brass decided to put most of the team in their old position. One obvious answer would be that these units had familiarized with their location.

"Hey, guys, cut the chit chat, I think we got contact!" One of the marksmen laying on top of the other Humvee sounded off. He checked with the scope again to make sure, "Yeah, one single individual. Doesn't appear to be armed. Wait, hold on, nevermind, she's carrying a sword by the waist."

After the marksman thoroughly checked everything about the woman and confirmed she did not carry any extra hidden weapon, he moved onto inspecting her face. Yet, he wished he did not aim directly at her eyes. With the ten-times scope equipped on his M110, most people would not know if they were the targets in his range, but as he caught a glimpse of her gaze, he felt the woman's attention was totally fixated right back at him.

The woman was definitely not looking at his general direction. She glared directly at him through the scope like a staring contest, confidently flashed an alluring smile that could woo any men who dared to approach her.

What came after her gaze could only be described as out of this world.

He felt like his heart had taken a direct hit from a bullet, simulating his sudden and quick death, but when he looked down his chest, there was no wound nor blood. He did not know what happened to him, but there was one thing for sure, his team should be very careful around this woman.

"Lucas! Lucas! You alright there, bud?" The yelling from his squad leader got through his ear, grabbing him out from his deep thought. "You blank out for a sec there and not answering my question!"

"I'm alright, Sarge... but we should be extra careful dealing with this person."

Seeing the fearful and out-of-soul looks in Lucas' eyes, his subordinates' warning and reaction definitely got Anothony aroused. He would like to ask more about it, but the woman was already close enough within earshot distance so he should save the questioning for later.

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