Chapter 13: Battle for Arsinia City

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The sounds of multiple 120mm cannons and machine gun fire continued to sing around their makeshift perimeter. With the continuous onslaught and malicious attack from the so-called Hurken Kingdom, Evan wondered how long these psycho men would keep up the relentless pushes toward their death. What was fueling these guys' bloodlust that they were so willing to throw away their lives? They saw their comrades, one after another, walking into the slaughterhouse and refused to give up.

The scene was crazy. He imagined if the attacks continued like this, those piles of bodies would eventually block their field of fire. The enemy cavalry unit was smart enough to attempt an encirclement and performed a pincer attack maneuver, but the quick decision to spread out the JLTV and some tanks was enough to keep the enemy from gaining their flanks. After firing a fair amount of ammunition down the range, he saw the number of enemy forces had dwindled drastically. Those aggressors were retreating.

"Holy fuck! These wave tactics are exactly how my grandfather described during his service in Korea!" Master Sergeant Cooks complained over the radio, "They just kept on coming."

"Keep your head cool and watch the perimeter," Evan ordered, "They might come back for a second wave."

"Eh, LT, I think we got them all," Sergeant Rodrigeuz, a tank commander directing one of the wingman tanks in their platoon, spoke his opinion, "So, what's next?"

As his subordinate asked the same question, the same order he received from Mason earlier popped into his head yet again. Mason planned to put their recon unit's life on the line and helped Arsinia City repel those maniacs they just slaughtered.

Putting their lives on the line for some local city was a bit of a stretch, but that was how he interpreted Mason's intention through that short radio call. He had no desire of helping out a city defending against the Hurken, but since those guys attacked them then all he did was retaliate. There was no choice of getting out of this battle since they already caught in a crossfire between the two forces.

"Jackson, are you free at the moment?" WarPig poked her head through the turret's ceiling and looked at him like she was expecting something. She has been doing this recently whenever Evan sat inside the tank but her action did not really bother him one bit. On the contrary, her sudden appearance always spook him momentarily.

"What do you need?" Evan asked tiredly, knowing she would demand something ridiculous.

"Can you please praise me? I did help and warn you about a hostile presence after all."

WarPig was not wrong. If it wasn't for her timely warning and Evan's order to get everyone into a hasty defensive position while others manned their combat vehicles, then they could have been jumped by those crazy bastards with their pants down. Apparently, the city could not even keep their border clear or warned them about a massive group of enemies approaching them!

"You did a good job, WarPig," Mason thanked her.

"Wow, this is the first time you're grateful toward me," the woman teased and revealed a sassy smile, "I'll hope you rely on me more often in the future, Mr. Jackson."

"Whatever, that's all the praise you're getting from me... Anyway, enough chit chat, can you sense anyone near our position?"

"Negative, there's no mana nor hostile presence within five hundreds meters of our perimeter," WarPig informed him with a very revealing voice, "Although I sense a huge, I mean, very very huge concentration of people beyond Arsinia City north and west main entrance. Isn't that the place where Mason told you to deploy?"

The woman was overjoyed when they were about to get into a fight, especially a bloody one. Regardless, Evan saw this was a good chance to see how his crew worked with an unknown supernatural force controlling the tank.

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