Chapter 1: Through the Wormhole

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It was cold on Vanaheim that day, snow layering the ground like a white blanket- all of the lakes frozen over, the sky a pale blue.

As usual, my two siblings, Freyr and Freya, and their many friends decided to all go skating over the large lake in the palace gardens after our private lessons.

Normally, I wouldn't be invited to such a gathering, but my parents insisted that my older brother and sister bring me with them.

I recall there being about 8 of us there altogether, each of us with a talent for skating- something that came naturally to us on Vanaheim.

The group of them all walked ahead of me, skates in hand, whilst I trailed behind, trodding carefully in the snow. Many of our native creatures enjoy the snow, so I always took care with each step I made to prevent any trouble.

Of course, it didn't snow so much, the winter only lasting a mere three weeks before the usual spring-like aesthetic stretches across the realm once again. But, we most certainly made the most out of the time we got.

Upon reaching the frozen lake, the group ahead of me stopped to put on their ice-skates, me following suit. It took only a few minutes before we were all gliding ever so gracefully upon the lake's glossy surface, smiles and laughs echoing in the bitter winter air.

"(Y/n)!" called Freyr, him and some of his friends looking over in my direction, "I bet you couldn't manage a front flip on the ice." he retorted, glancing at his friends with an amused look etched upon his face.

Me being painfully oblivious, I was unaware of his childish plot- therefore I decided not to back down from the challenge.

With a deep exhale, I built up speed and glided over the ice, awaiting the opportunity to dive forward into a flip. As I kicked off the ground, my body hurled forwards as planned, before being shoved sideways.

I crashed through the ice and into the freezing lake, quiet mumbles of laughter bouncing around the surface.

"Someone help her now." ordered Freya, peering through the hole in the ice.

Though, under the water of the lake, something felt very wrong.

My eyes opened to the keen sting of the water, catching blurry glimpse of a hand plunging into the water to help me.

I reached for it slowly, only for it to quickly withdraw immediately from my touch.

I opened my eyes to the keen sting of the water, noticing a blurry hand diving into the water to help me out. I slowly reach for it, but the hand withdraws as soon as I make contact.

After realising it would not return, I thrusted myself upwards with my arms, breaking the surface of the water and climbing onto the cracked ice of the lake.

Though, as I lifted my head up to scold the others, they all gawp at me with bewilderment- I mean, of course they did.

Their eyes were wide and their mouths hung agape, fear, disgust and confusion dictating their facial expressions.

I looked back down at the water for any answers, only to catch my reflection. Though, it wasn't me- but it was.

To simplify things, I looked... blue.

My face, my arms- everywhere. My entire body was a deep shade of blue, distinct patterns and markings imprinted upon my skin.

To say I was confused was an understatement.

My brows furrowed as I studied my misshapen reflection, unable to understand what had occurred.

"What kind of magic is this?" Freyr asked, looking up at me expectantly.

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