Chapter 56: VR headset

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"(Y/n)." whispered Nat from the doorway.

I look up from the tv and glance at her, raising an eyebrow.

She gestures for me to follow her and I sigh, looking at Loki. He sits beside me with his arm draped around my shoulders, cuddling me close as we watch some random American drama show.

"I'll be right back." I say, kissing his cheek. I see Nat smirking at the loving gesture and I roll my eyes at her.

"Where are you going?" he asks, trying to pull me back towards him.

"I need to check something." I lie.

"Check it later." he smiles, pulling me down and onto his lap. He places gentle kisses down my neck and I cover his mouth with my hand.

"I have to go, Loki." I chuckle.

He says something, but it is muffled against my hand.

"Shh. I'll be just a minute." I whisper, finally removing my hand from his lips and standing up.

He lets out a huff and kicks my legs playfully, "Meany." he pouts.

I chuckle and walk out of the room to Nat.

"Okay, what the hell do you want?" I ask.

"Awww does Loki Woki want his cuddle time with (Y/n)?" teases Tony, approaching us both. I send him a glare and look back to Nat.

"So...?" I urge.

"It's Peter's birthday tomorrow and we think he wants a pool party. But that's not the only thing. You guys need to get him a gift, because he loves you guys and I think it would mean a lot to him. Plus, you need swimming costumes." she explains.

"Oh. Okay." I nod.

"What're you gonna get him?" asks Tony.

"Um, I don't know. I'll talk to Loki about it." I say.

"No! You can't. You two can't get him a gift as a couple! You guys should get him a present individually." says Nat.

"Right, okay. Well, you tell Loki about the present and pool party and stuff while I go think." I nod, walking away.

"Do you have any money?" calls Tony.

"You're a billionaire, right?" I smirk.

"Yeah, but I like my money."

"But you love me more, don't you?" I ask, sticking out my bottom lip dramatically.

"Shut up. Take my card." he sighs, walking into the lounge to speak to Loki.

I walk off and wonder what I could get Peter.

He likes board games- like when we played scrabble.

He is stuck at home like us, so he'll want something fun.

He likes video games.

And Lego.

And Star Wars.

And Movies.

Ooh, I have the exact thing.

'Star wars: Millennium Falcon Lego Set' for £649.99

Well... Tony DID give me his whole credit card.

Hehe. Idiot.

I order it with the click of a few buttons and let out a sigh of relief.

It will arrive in about... 4 hours?

That's quick.

I guess being Tony Stark has its perks, huh.

I head back into the lounge and sit back down next to Loki.

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