Chapter 20: Judgemental

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"They should bunk with (Y/n). They are her siblings, after all." James Rhodes, commonly referred to as 'Rhodey', says.

"No." I refuse, "They can have my room, I'll stay with somebody else- anybody else."

"Perhaps you could stay with Valkyrie." Thor suggests.

"I'd rather have a room to myself." she interrupts.

"Wouldn't you like to go with your boyfriend? questions Freyr, glaring at Loki.

"Will you shut your damn mouth?" I snap.

"Don't forget your place, (Y/n)." Freyr retaliates.

"Can I shoot him?" Loki whispers into my ear, smiling hopefully.

"I wouldn't be opposed to it." I smirk.

"So, what? She stays with Loki?" Jane asks.

"It seems so, yes." Thor nods.

"What?" I question, "Anthony, you are a billionare."

"I'm aware." Tony smiles knowingly.

"So why can you not fucking afford enough bedrooms, honestly." I huff.

"In my defence, we weren't supposed to move here for at least another three months- cut me some slack." he defends.

"Idiot." I mumble.

"No appreciation." Stark huffs, "You're lucky I let you stay here at all."

"Am I really?" I laugh.

"What if (Y/n) takes my room, and I go somewhere else?" Loki suggests, "Another planet perhaps?"

"Wait, sorry to y'know... butt in over here, but, uh, aren't you two... like, together?" Peter asks, somewhat shyly.

"No." I reply, Loki coincidentally saying the same thing.

"You're not?" Freyr asks.

"That is what I just said, is it not?" I answer.

"No surprise, dear (Y/n) never caught the eye of any warriors back on Vanaheim." Freya laughs.

"Shut up." snaps Loki, glaring at the twins.


"Does everyone understand the plan?" asks Steve after explaining it to everyone.

"If I may add something..." Freyr begins.

"Actually, no, you may not-" Loki cuts in, earning an elbow in the stomach from Thor.

Maybe I laughed, maybe I didn't- either way...

"Thor and Loki are of Asgard, and Thor is Odin's son- would it not be wise to involve the Asgardians? They have strong and heroically powerful forces, certainly fit for a battle of a scale as large as this one." he recommends, "This threatens everybody, including the Asgardians. The Allfather would be a fool to say no."

"Have care how you speak." Thor cuts in, "But I believe it wise to enrol Asgard within our forces. Perhaps, in the end, we will end up with the truce we originally ventured here for."

"Well, actually, me and Odin don't exactly see eye-to-eye, no pun intended." Loki says, earning a quiet snicker from me.

"And yet you are on first-name-basis." Freya retorts, brow raised.

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