Chapter 23: Death and Haribos

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-Tony's POV-

What is there to say, really?

Three days ago was the greatest battle in history- well, in my opinion.

We lost people. But, I guess that was a given, right? Just how the world works.

Part of the journey is the end.

Anyway, enough iconic talking from me.

The battle is everywhere on the news- it's all they really talk about. Not that I'm complaining, of course. Let's just say I'm praised highly for my contributions in the battle.

I mean, you could say it's fair that people died- a mere handful of lives to the 50% Thanos would take, had he succeeded.

Perhaps they died heroes. Honestly, we were lucky we didn't lose any more than we did. But no matter how many times people congratulate us on our win, we'll never be able to accept it.

Because we never won. Not really.

I sit casually on the sofa, flicking through the channels on the TV- yes, even the great Tony Stark struggles to find things to watch on television.

Nat, Clint, Bruce and Thor all sit on the sofa with me, talking casually as they do, until the news channel came on.

"Today," the presenter begins, "We remember the fallen. Today marks three days since the battle of Titan..."

Did I mention they were calling it that? Because Thanos is from Titan? Honestly, for such an epic battle, they chose an ear-numbingly boring name.

"...A day where we remember the fallen. Those who gave their lives for the fate of our universe." the presenter continues.

A somewhat lengthy list of names roll down the screen, many of which being Wakandan warriors. As a brief summary, we lost the green girl- the one who came with the tree and the build-a-bear-  we lost Nebula (her sister, apparently- of whom I did not know was here), Vision and Freya- (Y/n)'s sister.

Oh. And Loki.

I've got to say, I wasn't exactly pleased that the guy died. Well, he did throw me out of a window.

But, as insufferable and arrogant the former-terrorist was, he turned out to be a half decent guy. Kind of.

Worst part is, he's not even dead.

But that's alien shit, and we can deal with that at a time where I can be bothered.

Freya is kind of a shame, she was the most unproblematic of the three siblings.

If (Y/n) even is their sibling- that's all complicated and 'tragic' or whatever.

Y'know sometimes I'm glad I'm an only child orphan- siblings must suck.

I don't know how (Y/n) will react. Probably by yelling, shouting- hitting Loki. Something along those lines.

The bug girl, Mantis- she's been keeping (Y/n) asleep- at least until the life cheating wonder, Loki, wakes up.

Peter is okay. That's good. I saw him get hit pretty hard out there, but it turns out he's alright.

Cap, Thor, Nat- everyone is great. Well, as great as you can be after something like this.

Me? Well. I'm fine- as usual.

But, I'm always fine.

-(Y/n)'s POV-

I awake suddenly, my entire body aching and tired, unsure of exactly what has happened. I feel painfully sore and wretchedly tired, as if all the energy has been sucked from me mercilessly.

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