Tell Us About Yourself

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I rarely ever have people over and suddenly I got seven global of the biggest artist in my living room!!!!!!

"What we're going to do is conduct is small introduction of yourself. The boys will be asking you questions, and if some you don't feel like answering it's fine we'll edit it out. This interview will air in a week or so. Don't be nervous," said a producer. 

The producer gave a signal, and the interview starts. "Hello armies, I'm RM and this is BTS,". RM turns to look at me. "Hello my name is Jimin it's nice to meet you,". "Hi, I'm Suga,". " Hi, I'm V" he said while holding up his signature V pose. " I'm your hope you're my hope I'm J-hope,". "My name is Jin Worldwide Handsome you know," he then blows a kiss. Everyone laughs at his signature introduction. "Hello, I'm Jungkook,". 

They all turn to look at me, "You are our contest winner. Why don't you tell us about yourself," said RM. I bow to them to show respect and they bow back to me, "Hello, my name is (y/n) and I am 23 years old. Born and raise here in California. I am currently focus on work so my education is on hold for the time being,". 

"Oh what are you studying?," asked Jin. "To become a counselor. I love to help kids, and I know there's some trouble youth that just needs a little help to get on the right path. I am unsure at which direction should I take. Should I be a school counselor, family counselor, or a career counselor,". 

"What made you decided to enter our contest," said RM. I look down nervously, "Well I do love your music and when I saw the video I just signed up thinking I was never going to win. I am still in shock at the moment. I was hoping to win, but I'm not the type of person who gets this lucky. I think I just used up all the luck I had left in my life,". 

" I am in shock too. We were not expecting our meeting to go the way they did. The way we planned it was show up here knock on your front door and congratulate you. Never did we thought would we see the winner in her own world and confidently singing to RM song," said Suga. 

I hutch over and cover my face with my hands, "That was so embarrassing. I thought I was dreaming. I thought to myself there's no way BTS is right in front of me,".

"Let's get back on track guys," said the producer. We all nodded. "Okay, so how to do you feel about featuring six of our music videos. Do you have any question about it," asked RM. 

" I am so nervous just thinking about that, but I am really excited about it. I can't wait to experience all the new things with you guys," I said. After the interview was over I was signing a contract.

"So how does this work? I have a job, and in the guidelines it mention about having a passport so I'm guessing I will be traveling out of the Country,". "Do not worry about that I have thought of every scenario possible. We will take most of your time and pull you away from your job, but we will help provide additional aid to keep end meets," said BTS's manager. He came into your home to bring in the contract for you to sign. 

  "This will take at least three months. We don't want to overwhelm the boys  or yourself while shooting day after day. Today I would like for you and the boys to take the time today and get to know each other better. Boys we will come back for you at 11 to take you to the hotel. Enjoy the rest of your day,". The staff pack up their stuff and left. 

" I am alone with 7 men in my home," I whisper to myself. "So... whose hungry?". All the boys raised their hand. "Lovely I'll make breakfast. Is pancakes okay?,". They all nodded. You walk to your kitchen and start to get the stuff ready. "We can help," said Jin.

"Oh no it's fine you guys are my guest today. Just sit down and relax,"

~BTS in their native language~

"She kinda cute don't you think," said Jimin. "We're not here to have that fun. Just wait until our vacation starts and do it in your own time," said Jin. "I only said she was cute nothing more," said Jimin back at Jin.

"I think she's pretty," said Jungkook with a smile. "Think we can get along with her," ask J-hope. "I hope so regardless this is still work for us and for her it's just fun. If things don't go well we shouldn't take it out on her. She is one of million armies that made us who we are," said Suga. 

RM nod in agreement, "Sometimes you say the smartest things," said RM. "Don't be a gentlemen towards her, you'll break her things," said Jimin. They all laugh at Jimin's remark. 

In English, "Hey Y/N can you dance as well as you sing," asked V. We see her peek out of the kitchen while whisking the pancake batter, "A simple dance takes me about a week to learn other than that I'm not the best dancer in the world. I ain't no J-hope,". She then walks back into the kitchen.

Back to Korean, "It's so refreshing having an army treat us so normally," said V. "Right?! Not once has she scream her lungs out. Normally they would from the get go. American girls are so different. They're very passionate and blunt and I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I'm just not used to it," said RM.

~Back to Y/N~

Each pancake are not in perfect shape but hey at least they're not burnt. "I should probably cut up some fruits. Maybe have eggs too. Do I have enough orange juice for all 8 of us? They're into their conversation they don't hear me talking to myself,". 

I walk over to the refrigerator and took a peek inside. "Oh good there's enough. After today I  definitely need to take a trip to the market," I said while holding the fridge door. I cut up strawberries, wash the grapes, and also wash blueberries. I've gather all the necessary utensils; cups, plates, bowls, forks, and napkins. I turn around and realize that my table is not big enough. 

I walk back to the living room and they seem not to notice me yet. I clear my throat, and that got their attention. "Sorry just wanted to let you know that I don't have space for 8 people in the kitchen, so would eating here be fine?,". "That's fine," said J-Hope with his big smile. 

I each gave them their plate and they were sweet to wait until I join them. "I hope you enjoy your breakfast,". 

The breakfast was a good way to start breaking the ice with the boys. I was sitting down next to Suga and all of the suddenly he dosed off on me. "It's best not to wake him up," said J-hope whispering. 

"Don't worry I've seen the videos. I don't mind it,". Suga has his head on my shoulder and sleeping soundly. I wanted him to be comfortable, so I move a bit and the back on his head is resting on my chest. I also move the plate from his hands so they won't slip off to the floor and I put the plate on the coffee table. 

"He's so cute," I whispered as I am moving his hair out of his eyes. 

BTS Contest [BTS x Y/N] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now