sixteen - strain.

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Your POV


If we do this for day one.. no.. that won't work. I should reserve that for the second day of the camp.

I took down notes for the MCVC training camp in my study notebook, completely ignoring all my teacher's instructions.

"Miss Sugawara? It seems that you aren't paying attention. Please stop doodling whatever in you book. That's meant for studying, lest you hadn't noticed." I was finally caught by my teacher.

"Yes, sorry sensei." I pouted as I flipped to a brand new page.

However, I failed to realise that a certain pair of eyes were eyeing me the whole time.


after school

"The camp starts this weekend for two whole days.." I whispered to myself, brainstorming about what I was gonna plan for the camp.

Since we're completely low on staff and Akiteru can't make it for most of the time being, it's up to me to plan the training regimens and bring this two-day one-night camp to a success.

"Y/N-san! You didn't forget about us, did you?" I heard Yamaguchi yell from behind, with Tsukishima following him as always.

"H-hm? Oh, of course!" I sofly smiled at the two.

And with that, we started making our way onto the road back home.


Tsukishima's POV

Our walk back home was much more quiet than the other day. Yamaguchi didn't even bother talking to Y/N.

I'm pretty sure he noticed that something was bothering her. I mean, I noticed too.

And soon, Yamaguchi had to part ways with us, leaving the both of us alone. .


Nothing changed even after we parted with Yamaguchi. It was the same between the both of us. No conversing, no nothing.

And soon, the silence started to eat me up from the inside.

"Oi, Y/N-"

"Y/N ne-chan!" I was interrupted by two, very high-pitched yells calling out to Y/N.

Y/N's eyes widened as she spotted two small and familiar figures running up to her.

"H-Hakumi? Yahiko? What are you both doing here alone?" She frantically questioned.

"Don't look so worried ne-chan, Hakumi and I were just playing at the playground nearby. Our moms are nearby too," One of them grinned. Afterwards, he shot a glance at me and his eyes lit up.

"Sauro-nii! You're here too! Remember me?" The kid beamed.

"Sure I do.. Yahiko, right?" I replied, looking away and rubbing my nape.

He nodded eagerly and smiled brightly.

Thsi kid is honestly making me feel weird...

"Wait, what are you doing here with beanpole-nii, ne-chan?" The other kid, who probably goes by the name Hakumi, dubiously asked.

"Uh.." Y/N sweatdropped, not knowing what to say.

"Don't tell me.. are sauro-nii and you are a thing?!" Yahiko blurted out, slightly blushing.

"It's not like that.." We both replied simultaneuously, then looked at each other with a hint of embarrassment written on our faces.

"Anyway, the training camp is coming this weekend! I don't want to lose. We need to do our best." Hakumi gushed, glancing over at Yahiko.

"That's right. We'll never lose, and you're gonna help us Y/N ne-chan!"The latter giggled.

Training camp...?

I looked over at Y/N who seemed to be completely stiff and bewildered. She slowly clenched her fists before finally speaking up.

"O-Of course! There's no way you guys will lose. I'll make sure of that!" She smiled.

Soon, the kids' mothers called out to them, and we were able to continue our way home.


"..Did you have something to tell me, Tsukishima-kun?" Y/N softly asked.

My eyes shifted down to her, only to find her hanging her head low as she fiddled with her fingers.

"...Are you okay?" I subconsciously inquired, making her stop in her tracks.

She paused as she looked down for a moment, then proceeded to grin at me.

"Yes! I'm good, why do you ask?"

I furrowed my brows, then diverted my attention elsewhere.

I then cleared my throat. "..You're not a bother,"

"Eh?" Y/N snapped her head towards me.

"What you asked yesterday.." I faked a cough, "Sure, sometimes you're annoying, but you're not a bother. Heck, you're even more annoying when you're so sulky."

Your POV

I felt my face heat up as those words oozed out of Tsukishima's mouth.

He wasn't even looking at me, but it was really nice to hear.

Was it really obvious that I was feeling really bothered about myself?

Maybe it's because I've decided to take responsibility over a lot of things, since it causes trouble for many people..

Or maybe what it was because of what Hakumi and Yahiko previously said.

"We'll never lose, and you're gonna help us Y/N ne-chan!"

I heaved a sigh and tightly gripped onto my bag strap.

When was the last time I ever told myself that I'd never lose for the sake of a volleyball team?

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