Chapter Nine

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"Thank god," I mumble as I close my computer, gathering up my notebooks and folders to put them back in my backpack. "This day is finally ending."

It has been a long day hanging out alone in the library. At times I felt like I could fall asleep as my work was just getting to be too much. I am ahead in all my classes to the point where I can't go any farther. Nothing is open for me to look at, so I can't write the papers, or do the exercises, or whatever else. Now I can relax and focus on the things that truly matter.

I stand up, twisting around to stretch out my back. Although comfortable, lounging in a beanbag for long hours has not been nice on my lower back.

As carefully as possible, I lift my backpack onto my shoulders, and begin the trek out of the library. Not as impressive as the one at the mansion, but perfect for hiding away from the Fakes.

"I wonder what Yoongi will want me to do when I get home," I hum as I pull my phone out of my jacket pocket. Not a single text from anyone on the lock screen.

I slip my phone back into my pocket as I begin the walk to the front of this main building. A lot of classes have been let out at this time, and I have to weave in and out of people as I make my way out.

It's not a surprise that a lot of eyes are on me as I walk past. Some people must have heard about my outburst, and others shocked that I am not dressed up in some colorful dress. Others may just be surprised to see me after all that has gone on in the past month.

I do my best to show that I can't even feel the stares on me, but it does bother me a bit. Being the center of attention has never been a big issue for me, but it feels a bit weird that all these people are looking at me because their perception of me has been altered. That I am not acting the way I have been forced to act in front of them. That I am not longer Princess Min, and instead Warrior Min. A nice change for myself mentally, but people aren't always that accepting.

My lungs fill up with crisp cold air as I step out of the building into the fall afternoon. The leaves have begun to turn into bright reds, yellows, and oranges on the trees that are all over the campus. In just a few more days, Halloween decorations will begin to crop up all over the place.

"This is odd," I scrunch my eyebrows together as I notice a lack of black BMW's waiting by the curb.

There's a lack of any type of car waiting by the curb. The only vehicle waiting by the curb is a sleek black two-seater motorcycle, with a familiar boy leaned up against the side.

Taehyung grins as he enthusiastically waves at me. Sunglasses are sitting atop his shaggy, light purple hair. He's wearing black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and black boots. Two helmets are resting on the seats of his motorcycle.

"Tae," I gasp as I rush over to him, managing to slow down as I jump into his arms. My arms wrapping around his neck as I nuzzle my face into his neck. "God, have I missed you."

"It's good to see you too, babe," Taehyung chuckles as he wraps his arms around my lower back. "You looked tired before you spotted me."

"You're like a battery for me," I sigh, tilting my head to look up at the hacker.

Taehyung is already looking down at me; a sparkle in his eye. "Rough day?"

"You have no idea," I rest my cheek on his shoulder. "Had to deal with the Fakes, and then schoolwork all day is something I will never do again."

"That's how I feel when I hack for days on end. My eyes feel like they don't want to see another sting of code ever again, and I just want to sleep for months. It is a good thing I am here to take you out. Refresh both of us."

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