Chapter Twenty-One

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"It has been a paradise, an absolute paradise," I grin as Sooyoung kicks her feet up onto my hospital bed as she lounges in a chair. "It has been video games, anime, and books all day long. To think that it has been a week of just relaxing. I haven't done any schoolwork or mafia work, and I have just been enjoying my time with Tae."

"Well, his life is about ten times easier now that he can be by your side instead of watching you on a screen in some dark room," Sooyoung chuckles. "Where is he anyways?"

"He's off telling all the other hackers what to do since some plan has been set into motion," I shrug. "Normally they can just come to him and ask whatever questions whenever the want, but now that Yoongi has told him to rarely leave my side, he has to plan meetings for every once and a while."

"He is the lead hacker for Bangtan, so they all have to go to him. Ah, Mr. Hacker, I haven't seen him in a while."

"Still, I hope that he'll let me come with him next time, since I don't think that I will be in here for too much longer."

"You want him to show you off?" She teases, tapping my leg with her foot. "The whole mansion already knows that the two of you are together. The next step will be to let the world outside these walls know."

"I'm working on it, but Yoongi doesn't want me to just post a picture on social media and be done with it. I don't think it is that big of a deal, but he does since Taehyung works for Bangtan."

"He doesn't want people to get the wrong idea. Either way, the two of you are together, in love, and living your best life. Have Taehyung and you done anything special since you've been in here?"

"Other than help me take a couple baths because the bruise on my side is painful and has been limiting my movement, we haven't done anything that exciting."

"That is cute that he would help you bathe," she giggles. "Its that or let one of the doctors give you a sponge bath, right?"

I chuckle, "Minho actually came in with everything needed to give me a sponge bath the second day, and Taehyung burst out of his seat and refused to let it happen. The Doc insisted that he thinks nothing sexual about it, but Tae was not having any of it. Eventually I was able to butt in, and I asked if Tae could just give me a bath. Minho said that would be fine, and every other day I get to have a bath where my loving boyfriend cleans me up."

"What I would give to have Doc give me a sponge bath," Sooyoung happily sighs.

"I thought you were finally dating Jungkook?" I raise my eyebrows at her.

She waves me off, "And when he finally takes a shower with me, I will let you know."

"What have you two done?"

"Well, when your boyfriend is an assassin, it can be hard to go out on dates because he wants to keep his identity completely out of the world's eye. We have gone on a few dates, though, but most of the time we hang out here. We haven't gone nearly as far as you and Taehyung," she smirks.

"Shut up," I giggle, shoving my legs over to hit her feet. "Sometimes I regret telling you about that night, but I knew that you would keep asking if I didn't."

"Have you gone all the way since then?"

I roll my eyes, throwing a waded up napkin at her. "You think that I have had time to even think about that? With my brain wanting to explode, and the Red Wolves coming after me, and then schoolwork. My dreams don't even go in that direction. In fact, I haven't been having dreams, which makes me happy beyond words."

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