Chapter Thirteen

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It's crazy how fast time flies by when you are going to university, trying to plan a Halloween gala, keeping up with your boyfriend, and doing your best to find the person who murdered your parents. Two weeks have already gone by, and varying degrees of progress has been made in the four main categories in my life.

"Can you believe it, Yoongi?" I kick my feet into the air as I lie on the couch in our late father's office. "Tomorrow is Halloween, which means our first gala as the new leaders of Bangtan. I can't help but wonder what dad would think of how far we've come in such a little time."

"He would be proud of us," Yoongi grins at me as he sits in a chair with a stack of letters on his lap. "He'd be so happy with how far we've come with little guidance. We're the best people that could have taken over this business, and I think that's becoming more and more clear with each passing day."

"I'm still working on categorizing those words for you, but I think we are getting closer to figuring out what really happened to our parents," I let my legs fall back onto the couch. "Sometimes I have a second pair of eyes look at all we've found to see if they can figure out what the connection is. I also have been trying to make sentences and such with the words we've found. It's a fun puzzle, in a strange kind of way."

"What's gotten you so happy and giddy these past couple of weeks?" Yoongi tilts his head to curiously look at me. "It felt like for a while there you were never going to get out of your funk. Is it because you go to those book club meetings?"

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep in a laugh.

The times that I tell Yoongi that I am staying back on campus because of the book club are the times that Taehyung and I have been going out on dates to different coffee shops or old bookstores. I have been helping out with the book club as on outsider, though. If Yoongi were to ever call and ask if I was there, the people there would know to lie on my behalf.

"Well," I speak up after the want to laugh has passed. "I don't have to deal with the Fakes anymore, so that has really taken a weight off of my shoulders. I don't have to deal with their daily bullshit. I've been able to get back to training with Jimin thanks to my wound healing," I raise my right arm up to check out the light scar on my forearm. "I'm hanging out with people that I actually care about, and who care about me. I may be without parents early in my life, but life is actually turning in a good direction."

"You're so positive," Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head as he looks down at the letters on his lap. "I thought you might mention a new boy who's taken your interest, but I guess you don't need a significant other to be happy."

My arm drops onto my face to try to cover the blush that is invading. "How could I possibly have a boyfriend when you make it so clear that you'll scare them away? If a boy even tried to flirt with me you'd have a heart attack, and then kill him once you make it out of the hospital. Besides, I have too much going on in my life to even think about starting a relationship now."

"I have never said that a boy can't flirt with you," he scoffs. "I'd just like to meet him, and get a background check from the hackers, and he can't be from the mansion. Simple requirements."

"You're doing it again," I move my arm up to rest on my forehead. "There are plenty of boys in this house that would be just like meeting them at university. I'm a mafia boss, Yoongi. A godmother, in a sense. This is my life just like it is yours. I'm gonna need someone who has been in on the operation just as I have."

"I'm not going to fight with you, Bambi," Yoongi sighs, shuffling around the letters he's holding. "Dad and I always wanted you to get out of this profession, but it's clear that you belong here just like everyone else. You want to be here more than any person I know."

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